Summary: My longest series that tells the story about one teen half-succubus, her girlfriend and some of the struggles they face as an unusual pair
Special appearances by the characters of Azumanga Diaho and Morrgan and Lilith from Darkstalkers
Categories: Azumanga Daioh, Darkstalkers, Original Characters: Alex McCoy Cook, Allie Cook, Amy, Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga, Chihiro, Chiyo Mihama, Kaorin, Koyomi "Yomi" Mizuhara, Lilith, Lucy Cook, Lynn Kiddo, Minamo Kurosawa, Morrigan Aensland, Naki Kanomi, Sakaki, Sarah, Tomo Takino, Yukari Tanizaki, Yuu Takada
Warnings: Bondage, Defecation, Desperation, Diaper, Eggs, Futanari, Loli, Loli (High School), Masturbation, Pantypoop, Scat, Straight sex, Tentacles, Urination, Voyeur, Wetting, WS, Yuri
Series: None
Chapters: 58 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 194935 Read Count: 11450
Chiyo Mihama
usually called Chiyo-chan, is a child prodigy, having skipped five grades to 10th grade (first year in Japanese high school) at the start of the series yet is still top of the class.
Other Results: 1 Series