Smith Starr
Original Character by AnimeLover
Summary: Season 3 of Anime Lover and FallenStar's RP series, Suki, Kim and the gang are now living peacefully aftter the defeat of Faultz, but dealing with an evil force bent on domination was the easy part!
Categories: Original, RP2Fic Characters: Akina, Alex McCoy Cook, Alice Ni Nan/Starr, Altaiar, Anya Nihon, Aya, Becki Lun, Becky Anna Starr, Kimberly Ann Starr, Kohaku, Lynn Kiddo, Mizu Hasazashi, Naki Kanomi, Nanyo Chiamaki, Nia, Nikki Ni, Nisha, Noa Stones, Rena, Sara Starr, Sashi Nihon, Sesha, Smith Starr, Subaru, Suki Ai Nihon, Suu, Tia, Tisha Hidalgo
Warnings: Bondage, Desperation, Diaper, Erotic Humiliation, Farting, Futanari, Loli, Loli (High School), Masturbation, Straight sex, Tentacles, Urination, Vomit, Voyeur, Wetting, WS, Yuri
Series: RP 2 Fic
Chapters: 102 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 406413 Read Count: 6983
Published: Sep 09, 2007 Updated: Sep 08, 2008 [Report This]

Season two of me and fallenstar's RP series.

A few months after the defeat of Hon'tyl, the gang now live on Pioneer 2, enjoying a peaceful life, until a spy is found in the group and there's mention of the being known as Dark Faultz...

Can the group get to the bottom of this and defeat the all powerful Dark Faultz?

Categories: RP2Fic, Original Characters: Alice Ni Nan/Starr, Becky Anna Starr, Kimberly Ann Starr, Mizu Hasazashi, Nanyo Chiamaki, Nikki Ni, Sara Starr, Sashi Nihon, Smith Starr, Suki Ai Nihon
Warnings: Bondage, Defecation, Desperation, Loli, Loli (High School), Masturbation, Pantypoop, Scat, Tentacles, Urination, Vore, Voyeur, Wetting, WS, Yuri
Series: RP 2 Fic
Chapters: 48 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 241427 Read Count: 4573
Published: Oct 28, 2007 Updated: Oct 29, 2007 [Report This]

Final Fantasy and Phantasy Star Online, can two fans of these totally different series succesfully blend the two worlds togeather?

Follow the lives of Kim and Suki, two girls who love each other as they venture the world and space meeting new people and experance new things

Categories: RP2Fic, Original Characters: Alice Ni Nan/Starr, Becky Anna Starr, Hon'tyl, Kimberly Ann Starr, Mizu Hasazashi, Nikki Ni, Sara Starr, Sashi Nihon, Smith Starr, Suki Ai Nihon, Suu
Warnings: Bondage, Desperation, Diaper, Futanari, Loli, Loli (High School), Masturbation, Straight sex, Urination, Voyeur, Wetting, WS, Yuri
Series: RP 2 Fic
Chapters: 67 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 256377 Read Count: 4031
Published: Oct 26, 2007 Updated: Oct 28, 2007 [Report This]
Summary: Now that the RP2Fic series have reached it's end, there are various side/other fics related to the series, some quite important, some just an amusing and informative read.


if your the type that wants to know what 'X' character was doing 'off-screen' then you'll love these.
Categories: RP2Fic Characters: Alice Ni Nan/Starr, Becky Anna Starr, Kimberly Ann Starr, Sara Starr, Sashi Nihon, Smith Starr, Suu
Warnings: Bondage, Desperation, Loli (High School), Masturbation, Tentacles, Urination, Wetting, WS, Yuri
Series: RP 2 Fic
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 35808 Read Count: 322
Published: Sep 11, 2008 Updated: Sep 11, 2008 [Report This]