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The grounding part one

Started by cdude12345, August 17, 2014, 10:32:01 PM

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  Tabatha,M was a 17 year old tall brunette with large breasts, light skin, and a very nice ass. Tabatha is on the cheer-leading squad at her high school. she is in 11th grade. One night she was out driving with her friends in her new car (drunk of coarse as she always is when she's with her friends) when she gets pulled over and gets a ticket. This story start the following day. Tabatha lives in a two story house with one younger brother and one younger sister named Alexandria (Lexi for short.) "A drunk driving ticket, you are grounded young lady!!" Tabatha's mother was screaming at her as she always does then Tabatha gets into trouble like this. "Go to your room now!!" Tabatha's room is on the second floor in an attic like room with no ac and it is often quite warm up there. "Fine I hope you go to hell!!" Tabatha screamed as she stormed upstairs in a furious rage.

    When Tabatha got upstairs she saw a brand new pack of adult pull up's sitting in the middle of her room on the floor. Suddenly from the other side of the door Tabatha could faintly hear a locking sound, "What the hell is all this!?!?" "From now until the end of your grounding you will be forced to stay in your room and have nothing to go to the bathroom in, except those diapers." "What the hell am I supposed to do for food?!" Screamed Tabatha clearly not happy about the whole diaper idea. "three times a day I will have Lexi bring you up a meal but that is all for you." responded her mother in a calm-like manner

       After about a half hour Tabatha started to calm down and decided to lay down on her bed and watch netflix on her laptop. Come 8:30 p.m after Tabatha had her last meal for the day she began to feel a slight rumble in her stomach. Tabatha despised the thought of using a diaper and decided to just hold it in. A half hour later at 9:00 Tabatha was talking to her friend on skype when she felt another sharp pain in her stomach. "I'm going to get going ill call you later" "kay bye." After that Tabatha decided to put on her cheer-leading outfit and start practicing her cheers. At 9:15 Tabatha was still practicing when she felt the worst pain in her stomach she ever felt. Still in her cheer-leading outfit she decided to open up the package of diapers and up one on just in case of an emergency. After ten more minutes of working on her cheers she couldn't take it any more. Tabatha waddled slowly to her dresser as to not have an accident in an uncomfortable position. When Tabatha got to the dresser she put her hands on top, stuck her ass out, and started pushing. It was difficult at first but the stomach pain was too much for her to handle, she pushed as hard as she could and slowly but surly a long-hard piece of poop made it's way out of her butthole and into her diaper. After about another minute and a half of pushing Tabatha got the first major piece of poop out of her anus and into the seat of the diaper. "Ahhh that feels sooo much better" said Tabatha aloud as her stomach pain started to go away. After about 8 more minutes of pushing Tabatha emptied her bowels into her diaper and a sigh of relief flushed across her face.

      Tabatha felt the back of her diaper and realized that the bulge she made was the size of a grapefruit of extra hard poop. "Wow I really had to go." thought Tabatha as she was feeling the bulge with her hand. Tabatha spent all the time thinking about the poop and never realized how bad she had to pee. "Well I already pooped in my diaper what difference will it make if i go pee?" Tabatha let loose and started peeing in her diaper feeling as the pee made it's way down the diaper getting the poop all soaked with her hot pee, "ahh this feels really nice!" She thought. After completely using the bathroom in her diaper a weird and sick thought came across her mind. "Well I don't want to take off the diaper and let it stink up the room... plus it feels kinda nice, I wonder what it would feel like if I sat town in it?" Tabatha slowly made her way to her bed savoring the feeling of all the mess she made in her diaper and when she finally made it to the bed she was very anxious to sit down. Tabatha turned around and slowly sat down feeling her poop start to spread across her ass and all around her diaper even reaching her vagina. "Ahh this feels really nice!" thought Tabatha. Tabatha decided to change into her pajamas while keeping her diaper on and sat back down on the bed rocking back and fourth spreading the mess around in her diaper and staining her pajamas at the same time. After a while Tabatha decided to lay down and watch some more netflix while in her messy diaper and ended up falling asleep in it with a big grin on her face.

Jimmy Olsen

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