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Topics - yarr

General Discussion / Nami...?
November 12, 2012, 06:41:03 PM
Best cosplay ever  8)

General Discussion / Imminent disaster
May 14, 2012, 09:30:34 AM
Just a leftover from a comic/story project a year or so back that never took off, enjoy and make up your own stories ^-^

General Discussion / Mooned toilet
April 19, 2012, 08:56:49 AM
I wonder who will have to clean up the results of Usagi's bad eating habits 8)

General Discussion / Skyrim fun
January 31, 2012, 12:33:17 PM
Hi. Just providing a look into what user made mods can do with a amazing game like Skyrim.

Yes, it looks even better in motion  8)

Now just need a mod to make them squat and.. yeah.

General Discussion / Caption contest
October 02, 2011, 02:23:04 PM
I'm bored. Caption contest!  =D

General Discussion / My swansong
February 19, 2011, 10:19:40 AM
As ive left the Sakura series in orpheum and sharkbaits c(r)apable hands, there will be a small comic instead of story as my swansong.

Short story is Sakura is bunged up after some serious eating and is trying to shake things loose. Eventually she succeeds, but will the poor toilet survive?

So far only the images is coming along, feel free to suggest dialogue/story elements.


General Discussion / Democratic poo poll!
January 07, 2010, 04:29:55 AM
I'm a supporter of democracy!  8)

So, the girl of these 10 candidates with the most votes, will be the winner of one (1) pooping session on the toilet or elsewhere, displayed through s2x's art sometime after the poll.

this will be a simple picture, no comic. Feel free to support your candidate with scenarios though.
General Discussion / Merry Christmas..
December 24, 2009, 05:26:18 PM
..and happy new year!

Someplace, somewhere a female is probably gorging enough that her toilet will need assistance to deal with her ass' business post festivities, like poor(?) Shinji here..  8)

This is part of a new 2 page comic appropriately named "poop assistant" that should be ready late January or so, depending on my ability to come up with some fitting dialogue to go with the imagery.
Commissions / I scratch your back if you scratch mine.
August 18, 2009, 08:39:35 AM
I put up a challenge of what has been a brainchild of mine for quite some time, but that I'd had to postpone and scrap over and over.

I would love for someone to take a good stab at it, in return I'll do the same and write you any story of your wish.

That story would get top priority after the current story I'm doing for the winner of the first picture contest, so yeah, delivery this year  ;D
General Discussion / Something about the Japanese..
August 14, 2009, 12:16:58 PM
After seeing this, none of you are allowed to imply that my stories got unrealistically large dumps  ;D

Think I know where bluesniper got his inspiration for Tira from  8)

Seriously.. 9kg? And so tiny..

Some more
General Discussion / Poopy pic story contest 2!
July 31, 2009, 07:38:44 AM
Round two, far.. eh, fight!  8)

Prizes this time around:

1 - A full color pic of one character with background, animated. Not animated as in flailing and break dancing, but in a stationary (Like, on the throne  ;D ) position, with things like face arm/hands animated.

Here is a good example:

There can be sounds, speech/thoughts etc. But as its an animation its better to use fairly short sentences. The "story/event" can be quite long though, as a lot can be achieved with some looping and photoshop alterations.

In addition, a story written by yours truly. I'll write anything except about that I listed as nono in the contest entry.

2 - black & white pic of 1 character with detailed background. Sounds/speech too of course.

3 - small black & white pic of 1 character with simple background. Sounds/speech too of course.


- Submission before 00:00 your time zone October 7th 2009.

- The story must contain at least one scene of a female character taking a sizable gassy dump clogging/overfilling whatever toilet/object that is the unfortunate recipient of her ass's payload.

- In addition her large dump results in some sort of commotion/incident, like a large scale evacuation of the house/school/office/ship/whatever due to the gas/smell, bathroom being flooded from the unflushables, Others make an uproar over the mess made etc etc.
I added this to try to be at least one inch above just "girl poops alot" plotwise ;p

- The overall judgment is however passed by the storytelling's overall quality, not if the girl poops in a toilet, chamberpot or flowerpot, farts 14 or 40 times or drops two or twenty logs or causes the president to order defcon 4.

- I'll leave this pretty open in case someone wants to write "out of the usual norm" stuff, or in a more mature style.
That means stuff like sex, stuffing/overeating, masturbation, voyeur, domination and more is fine if it rocks your boat.
Heavy scat like eating/smearing and so forth makes me cringe tho.

- No pedophilia, underage, gore, excessive cruelty/violence, homosexuality (nothing against it, I just don't find it attractive) or rape/abuse please. If you're unsure if you're crossing a line just ask.

- Max 2 stories per participant.

- Submissions can be done either by preferably posting on the nyou2 fiction site, just state its for this contest somewhere easy to see, and add a link to this thread.

- If however you do not want to post your story publicly, it can be emailed to

- Anonymous submissions are fine, but there must be a available email to send possible prizes too.

The stories:

Micro - Relief for an idol

Orpheumzero - Aisha's big day out

DrBones - Recipe for Disaster

Toasty - Method acting

General Discussion / Animations
July 23, 2009, 03:21:44 AM
I posted this on nyou3.

I'd like to get more animations like this done and im interested in what/who people would like to see.
Feel free to give script suggestions, but no multi angle shots or 360degrees turnaround view of a girl pooping, keep it preferably like Asuka here, same picture but with alterations to create the animation effect.

Including sounds thoughts/speech is possible, once you got 2-3 frames you can easily make a lot out of it with just looping and photoshop. I think I can do a lot out of this with some good scripts, and the hivemind here is better then just my single deranged one in producing those, right?  8)

I can already unveil that one of the prizes for my next story contest will be a animation like this  ;D
General Discussion / Sellout!
July 08, 2009, 08:30:34 AM
So, I've received quite some requests since I published it to make an addition to my "Melina" story. I would like to say I'm thankful and appreciate the attention this brainchild of mine has received with what her giant ass can do.

However, I'm both on a hiatus from writing, and I honestly would not know what to write as a second installment.

Therefore if someone of the other writers want to do stories with her, feel free to do so.

I will not demand any royalties  8) just give me a shout of what you would like to write about her an I'll give my blessings or a swat with the plate armor glove.

Last and not least, there is a comic in production based on the story I did with Melina. It's not by s2x and it might not even be ready this year, it is quite extensive after what I've heard. But it will no doubt be awesome. :005:
General Discussion / A hearty break
June 12, 2009, 07:19:51 AM
I'm going to take a long break from writing mainly from lack of time due to increasingly more to do away from the computer, but also something a little annoying; ranting requesters.

I've had a couple of those by now, none from this site fortunately and although they're just small drops in the bucket, it gets full eventually.

If its a trade or a commission, yes you can pester me for the time and quality of my work, but when I agree to do something for free, without giving a time estimate because I'm to busy to hold any, poking at me for taking too long (HOW CAN I TAKE TOO LONG WHEN THERE'S NO TIME SET TO BEGIN WITH?  ???) and moaning is not a wise thing to do. Don't bite the hand that feeds you etc etc.

So, I'm sorry for those waiting for a closure to my current loose threads like the Azumanga and Naruto tales, but they will not be finished any time soon. The fire has died out. I guess I could put them in the interactive section and others could finish them if they wanted.

And keep in mind I have none, zero whatsoever obligations to finish anything for anyone unless its a pending part of a trade or comission. Moaning over free meals disgust me.

I don't intend the break to be permanent as of now, but it will be a long one. I do however intend to stay around and read new stuff on this excellent site though.

I will also finish up and post the prizes for the story contest we had recently, including the prize story (if the participants actually posted their requests  :o).

General Discussion / Completely random poop poll
May 19, 2009, 05:14:11 AM
Just to steal one minute of your life I created this poll  8)

Personally I prefer seeing a female on a normal toilet. Theres just something about that sitting down posture that seems to accentuate the feminine curves, and also a western toilet is great for sound effects  ;D
So, me and Orpheum have managed so far 4 chapters of toilet molesting, and I've been thinking the series deserves a pic to go along.

I's like to hear what people would like to see in that pic, be it a scene from one of the chapters or something else entirely, like perhaps a pic that could do as the front page of a book containing Sakura's tales of huge dumps  8)

Orpheum, you got anything in mind for this brainchild of yours?

So, let the creativity flow!

Toasty - A Viera and her Bowels

Orpheum - Lady needs a break

Jimmy - May 30, 2004

BlueSniper - Shizophrenia

Destinys-Failure - The Toilet melter


Contest time!

Since there was some interest in this on the anonib page here goes. Will post this there as well.

Basically its a story contest. (ba dum tish) You all write, and ill provide the prizes. You should all know the artist by now  :)

Most important things first; Prizes.

Winner(s) can let me know their wishes once the contest is concluded. The content of the prize pieces can be anything desired. Be specific.

1 - A full color pic of up to 2 characters with simple background or 1 character with detailed background, OR a one page (2-6 panels) colored comic with simple bakground. In addition a story by me written to your wishes. Dont expect this to arrive as fast as the pictures though  :-[

2 - black & white pic of 1 character with detailed background.

3 - small black & white pic of 1 character with simple background.


- Submission before 00:00 your time zone April 12th 2009.

- The story must contain at least one scene of a female character taking a sizeable gassy dump. Where and how it happens does not matter, but from my stories its obvious you can score cheap bonus points with the almighty judge (ME!) with girls letting lots of noisy smelly gas and big loads out their bare butts.  ;D
Pantypooping etc is fine, but let it be known the jury prefers the waste to flow unhindered.  8)

The overall judgment is however passed by the storytellings overall quality, not if the girl poops in a toilet, chamberpot or flowerpot, farts 14 or 40 times or drops two or twenty logs.

- I'll leave this pretty open in case someone wants to write "out of the usual norm" stuff, or in a more mature style. That means stuff like sex, stuffing/overeating, masturbation, voyeur, domination and more is fine. Heavy scat like eating/smearing makes me cringe tho.  :'(

- No pedophilia, underage, gore, excessive cruelty/violence, homosexuality (nothing against it, just don't find it attractive) or rape/abuse please. If you're unsure if you're crossing a line just ask.

- Max 2 stories per participant.

- Submissions can be done either by preferably posting on the nyou2 fiction site, just state its for this contest somewhere easy to see, and add a link to this thread. If however you do not want to post your story publicly, it can be emailed to

- Anonymous submissions are fine, but there must be a available email to send possible prizes too.

Feel free to post suggestions for characters/scenarios to be used here. Maybe someone decides to submit your dream scenario! The challenges section can also be helpful. I'll add some suggestions later.

Let the games begin..  *Is grabbed and carried away by a bird of prey*
General Discussion / My seething pit of things in process
December 23, 2008, 09:26:51 AM
I follow the trends!

Stories to come (in somewhat chronological order of appearance)

- Selphie story for picture contest 1 (done, awaiting other prize)
- Naruto story trade (2/3 done)
- Completing the never finished Kagura story, guest "performance" by Sakaki - on hold

Sometime in the distant future:

- 2nd Melina story
General Discussion / Crash boom bang
November 24, 2008, 08:07:12 AM
I had a hard drive die on me two weeks ago, lost a lot of stuff.  :kawaii:

That includes most of my pictures, story archives and my in progress stories, like the next Sakura chapter and a few others that I was doing on request.

I'll finish everything I started, just that it will take more time (then usual  :-[)

Also, I think there might be something up with the pm function? I've sent some people here and myself to test messages that never appeared. But I've failed at handling this forum before.  ^-^