Nyou Fiction Forums

General Category => General Discussion => Past Contest Topics => Topic started by: Duce on May 28, 2009, 05:29:01 PM

Question: Theme
Option 1: Olympic swimmer wetting votes: 1
Option 2: Magic-induced wetting votes: 2
Option 3: General Medieval Fantasy votes: 4
Option 4: What happened during...? votes: 6
Option 5: Age regression(AR) votes: 0
Title: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: Duce on May 28, 2009, 05:29:01 PM
To suggest a theme, do it in this format.

Theme: <theme title>

Description: <theme description>

You can suggest 2 main themes that will be put in the poll,  you can also suggest as many other themes you want that might be put in the poll, though only the first 2 will be considered the 2 main suggestions. feel free to talk and discuss about the themes like always though.
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: FallenStar on May 28, 2009, 06:12:57 PM
THEME 1. Olympic swimmer wetting (could include pooping, I suppose, though I would do only pee, as usual)

Description:  A girl *or* a group of girls have to pee (or poop) badly whilst at a swim meet.

THEME 2.  Magic-induced wetting

Description: A girl is made to wet (or crap) by a magic user using her/his magic

Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: N on May 28, 2009, 09:21:57 PM
- Medieval Madness

-- Style: General Medieval Fantasy (IE Castles, Sorcery, Lords and Ladies, etc.)
-- Challenge: Character must use something other than a modern toilet during the story, for pee or for poop.

-- Some Interesting Ideas: Chamber pots must be emptied somewhere, and those who have castles containing toilet-like apparatuses generally have a stream/river that it filters into. However, who is on the other end of that stream, and does the person using it pay that fact any mind? Also, it is known that females were not supposed to reveal their privates to men, especially while "making waste," however... what is a woman to do when she is a part of a nomadic band, or if she is pretending to be a man?

Sorry about being somewhat vague and disjointed, but I think it could be fun ;D
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: Jimmy Olsen on May 29, 2009, 03:59:10 PM
I'm not going to submit any themes this time.  The last 2 themes were mine, and neither were very popular in practice.  I also feel like Orpheum's "What Happened During...?" theme should win this time, since it came so close last time.
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: OrpheumZero on May 31, 2009, 12:52:43 AM
THEME: What happened during...?

Description: Basically a sort of "deleted scene", "meanwhile, etc. that takes place in a story when a female character was absent.

Example: Two episodes of Bleach (114 and 116 if I remember right) feature Yuroichi and Rangiku eating massive amounts of food, so a story could be made where they both take large dumps. Another example could be a peeing desperation for Rukia while she's trapped in the tower before her execution day.

Another example as I made in the last thread: Meryl could be using the potty while she listens in on Snake and the DARPA chief's converstion, or a scene where she goes just as Snake finds the girl's bathroom to meet up with her.
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: Nia on June 16, 2009, 02:52:07 PM
THEME: Age regression(AR)

Description: Story where girl(s) somehow are made younger (either by magic or a AR virus, or some other way.) and have to deal with things in their young state,(like nyou things and other simple things, (even any range of sexual things if you want)) they should for the most part retain their mental capacity, (if wanted kid like quirks is ok) it don't mater if they go back to normal or not.

basically one or more girls get turned young and has to deal with it.
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: Jimmy Olsen on June 16, 2009, 04:01:54 PM
Quote from: Nia on June 16, 2009, 02:52:07 PM
basically one or more girls get turned young and has to deal with it.

Goodbye reliable bladder control!  ^-^
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: Duce on June 20, 2009, 08:16:41 PM
polls up, vote!
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: FallenStar on June 22, 2009, 04:09:25 PM
Damn...  guess I shoulda know I'd be the only one to vote for Olympic swimmer wetting, lol
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: Jimmy Olsen on June 22, 2009, 06:12:34 PM
It's a good theme, but there are a lot of good themes this time around.
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: OrpheumZero on June 30, 2009, 09:30:09 PM
So the "What Happened" was the winning theme. Are we gonna use the Medival to fill in the second spot? At least it won't be a problem for anyone to join as the "What Happened" can involve anything, so even Fallen can try his hand in this contest.
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: Jimmy Olsen on June 30, 2009, 09:48:18 PM
I support that idea.  ;D

I even have a mediaeval story I haven't posted yet, although it may not qualify.  The way N wrote the theme description implies that the woman is supposed to use a mediaeval form of waste disposal, and the woman in my story doesn't get to one in time.  :-[
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: OrpheumZero on June 30, 2009, 09:53:13 PM
Well, check with N and see if the rule can be bent a little. I mean, if it's Medival, it should still be able to adress the theme's main setting at least.
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: N on June 30, 2009, 10:13:23 PM
Sure, that could definitely work. While it's not exactly my thing, it's close enough to the theme to be allowed! I don't want to discourage people from submitting stories just because of them not fitting exactly into the theme. ;)
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: Jimmy Olsen on June 30, 2009, 10:22:48 PM
Great to hear!  ;D
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: FallenStar on July 01, 2009, 02:44:51 AM
Poowrite is my only consistent RPer at the present time, but he's on vacation for the fourth, so I've got about a week or so in which I can do a fic;  I'm tempted, greatly, do to a Yu Yu Hakusho fic, but there's really no good hentai of Keiko for me to use, so I'd probably go back either to Love Hina, Sailor Moon or something like that....

As for the medieval one, I'm guessing chamber pots are part of the norm and I do have a pic of what appears to be a princess who has been captured, so I suppose I could do something with her...  Gah, I don't know which one to do just yet because I'm not aware if one or the other is poop only or if they are both pee.   :P
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: Jimmy Olsen on July 01, 2009, 02:53:45 PM
Just don't write a lost scene from Sailor Moon episode 108.  That's my territory!
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: OrpheumZero on July 01, 2009, 09:42:11 PM
*Kicks an 80 page 'script' entitled "Sailor Moon story" under a conveniently placed couch*  :-[ *Starts whistling nonchalantly*
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: FallenStar on July 02, 2009, 03:41:18 AM
That is dub episode 108 or original episode 108? :P

Either way, I think that's in the S saga, which would have been my favorite saga, so maaaaaaaaybe I'll try to do something with Love Hina or even Final Fantasy...  I had a bit of an idea regarding Yuffie and Tifa during Cloud's date with Aeris (I'm not sure that counts, though, since Cloud can date any of the three and/or Barret during that sequence  O_o;  )  xD

Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: Jimmy Olsen on July 02, 2009, 09:47:14 PM
It's the one with the unforgettable scene where Usagi gets drunk and tries to speak English.
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: FallenStar on July 02, 2009, 10:20:07 PM
Ah... definitely original Japanese numbering then.  DiC was really stringent on censorship back in the day and even the new company didn't fall too far away from the tree when they dubbed S and SuperS...

*grumble grumble Amara and Michelle being cousins grumble grumble* 
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: OrpheumZero on July 02, 2009, 10:34:47 PM
Does anyone in America still own the Dub rights? 'Cause I know that FUNimation would do a bang up job if they could get their hands on the series. Maybe finally show it the way it was and not the laughing stock it became known to most American audiences.
Title: Re: Story Contest XV Themes
Post by: FallenStar on July 03, 2009, 05:29:59 AM
I don't know offhand, but the series' popularity has waned in the years since DiC and that other company screwed the hell out of it - and worse, Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars was never dubbed in the first place   :'(  )  so I think the chances of Funi or anyone better getting their hands on it is slim to none.

Then again, maybe 4Kids will get a hold of the license and screw it up even worse than DiC did.  @_@