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General Category => Commissions => Topic started by: livinginfinite on August 14, 2009, 07:35:14 PM

Title: a humble request
Post by: livinginfinite on August 14, 2009, 07:35:14 PM
I'm a little shy about making requests here, but...

Would anyone be interested in writing a fear wetting/messing story for Metroid? It would...it would mean a lot to me. :kawaii:

In return, I'll draw you absolutely anything you like to the best of my ability...two things even.
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: OrpheumZero on August 14, 2009, 09:19:18 PM
Sure, I'll bite. But I'll need some more details on what you got in mind. By the way, don't forget you can use credits to make commissions more official.

Anyway, I'm guessing you want something along the lines of Samus litterally getting scared shitless? *Duce, I think there's a new emoticon you should make.... :P* Kinda like the nightmare world thing she was in your older pictures?

Hit me back and we can discuss more details....
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: livinginfinite on August 14, 2009, 10:36:27 PM
Woo sweet! You're the best Orpheum. :)

So yeah, I did literally mean being scared shitless (and pissless?) ;D But lately I've actually been thinking it'd be hotter if the thing that scares her turns out to not actually be anything too serious...whatever that thing happens to be is up to you. Things I also like are:

- references to past accidents
- clean up scenes
- someone (or several people :o) witnessing her accident
- only Samus has an accident...for maximum embarassment.

I hope that's not too restrictive...let me know if that's doable. I suppose we can settle on some amount of credits as well...

Also let me know what kind of pictures you want!

...ALSO if anyone else wants to get in on this I'll draw you stuff too. ;D
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: Jimmy Olsen on August 16, 2009, 04:01:11 PM
I have a suggestion.  Not long ago I played "Zero Mission," and, in the stealth part, it scared the hell out of me when a Zebesian burst into the save room!  The save rooms are safe havens in the rest of the game and in "Super Metroid."  So maybe you could write a story about that.  Samus escapes after alerting the Space Pirates of her presence and takes refuge in a save room (whatever they're called in-universe).  While chilling there, catching her breath and collecting her thoughts, Zebesians burst in.  The normally tough chick is so startled and frightened that she gets a lump in her blue skintight suit.  How does that sound?
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: livinginfinite on August 16, 2009, 07:29:17 PM
Oh my God, that's an AWESOME idea. I think it'd make a better picture than a story though...and I think I'll paint that.

For a story I'd be really interested in how other characters would react to Samus having an accident...that's not really too possible for me to illustrate other than through facial expressions, and I think it'd be much more fulfilling to read about the whole situation.

On a kind of unrelated note I painted her portrait...she's not easily distinguishable without any kind of outfit, but I've been trying to see if I can make her read as Samus just by her features.

Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: OrpheumZero on August 16, 2009, 08:21:08 PM
I don't understand how people keep saying Winry looks like her *as if Winry ripped off her look*

For one, Fullmetal Alchemist was made back in 01, Samus didn't really have a set look til Prime, normally shown as a blonde with a pony tail. It just irks me that people would insist that FMA, probably the most original series right now *at least when compared to stale things like Naruto, Bleach, to name a few*.

Anyway, that idea certainly helps me better figure out the angle of how she would poop herself. If you're still wanting some humiliation, Infinite, I could have it that the stations act like recorders so it would have recorded the 'incidenet', leaving an embarrassed Samus to contemplate; "Should I blast the receiver so no one finds out... but then what I need to use this again..."
Definately gonna have fun this, I'm sure...
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: Jimmy Olsen on August 16, 2009, 08:38:17 PM
Glad you guys like my idea!  ;D

I wonder how long she'll have until she gets a chance to clean up.  ;)
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: livinginfinite on August 16, 2009, 08:56:24 PM
Haha. I wonder if the smell would have any effect on her sneaking ability.
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: OrpheumZero on August 16, 2009, 08:57:50 PM
I think I got two possible good scenarios:

1: Samus is in the middle of a mission *I might reference the first or second Prime, since I remember those the best, didn't have much experience with the other titles yet.  :012:* and doing what you said, using a save station *like a last documentation of her progress or possible a report, basically something that realistically fits in the world *since it'd be kinda lame if she was really 'saving her game'.  :P

2: Something like the "Event log" story by Toasty and gets attacked while on her ship, and has an accident from the fright.... then maybe neglects to remember that her ship just 'logged' her 'logging' herself.  :P
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: livinginfinite on August 16, 2009, 09:26:03 PM
Well, the second one makes it easier to include a clean up scene since she's already on her ship....unless you'd want to write about her waddling around in soiled armor until she can clean up in the first scenario. Which...would be pretty sweet I think ;)

Also, I think save stations are recharge stations 'in game'...right?
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: OrpheumZero on August 16, 2009, 09:37:07 PM
I can't really remember, I do recall them recharging you, but I couldn't recall if their purpose went beyond that.
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: Jimmy Olsen on August 16, 2009, 10:09:30 PM
There's a Metroid Wiki for you to look this stuff up in.
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: OrpheumZero on August 16, 2009, 10:23:27 PM
Yea, I know. But it's fun to fish for creative twists here.  ;D
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: OrpheumZero on August 17, 2009, 10:06:03 PM
Should have the story done in a few hours or so. Kinda got to a rough start since I had a hard time choosing between doing it during the Zero Mission and just making up a random adventure from scratch. But I think it'll be pretty satisfactory.
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: Micro on August 17, 2009, 10:39:41 PM
I wish I could remember more details from Fusion. For some reason, that struck me as the scariest Metroid game, so it would be perfect for this request. Like an idiot, though, I sold off my copy right after I finished it.
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: livinginfinite on August 17, 2009, 11:24:42 PM
Orpheum: Woo can't wait  ;D

Micro: That's a shame...
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: OrpheumZero on August 17, 2009, 11:52:07 PM
I won't deny it hasn't too easy. I kept switching between a story that takes place during Zero Mission, then to one after, and can't really decided which to make the full story of... I think may go with the latter simply because I'm not very familiar with ZM and even though I watched a vid on some parts, it hasn't totally helped.
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: livinginfinite on August 18, 2009, 12:09:21 AM
Interesting dilemma. I must say I'm not very familiar with the perils of fic writing, but...

If you go with the story after Zero Mission then maybe you could make an off-hand reference to the one during...in whatever amount of detail you can.
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: OrpheumZero on August 18, 2009, 03:47:44 AM
The story, is finished. So go read it and enjoy!
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: OrpheumZero on August 19, 2009, 02:58:43 PM
Ok, it took a bit of thinking, but I've decided on the pictures I wanted for my reward. I have settled for two of my favorite Resident Evil girls, Ashley and Claire.

The Ashley picture, would be slightly inspired by Anime Lover's RE4 story, where Ashley peed herself while imprisoned on the island. It would be from the angle of the floor looking up, where we see the helpless blonde leaning against the closed door, begging to be let out as her panties bulge out immensely while pee cascades down her legs.

As for Claire, I figured would show her looking over her shoulder in a sort of sexy way, looking at her pink cut-offs which are just completely filled with an enormous load. Claire, obviously would have something to say, maybe an unintendedly sexy/corny response *as is the norm for Resident Evil's penchent for hokey dialogue*  :P

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the story. And I'll certainly look forward to any more request if it means receiving some cool artwork for 'em.
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: livinginfinite on August 19, 2009, 03:47:42 PM
Alright, I'm on it. Don't know if I can come up with any kind of dialogue for you though...maybe someone else would want to contribute for that.

Also, I have to be honest, given the chance I'd just request more Metroid stories. If you're down with that then I'll draw you whatever you like. :D
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: OrpheumZero on August 19, 2009, 05:14:33 PM
Sure, that sounds cool. I might be able to think of more ways to humiliate ol' Samus again!  ;D But probably not until after I get the older chapters revised.

As for the dialogue, I figured the Ashley pic would have a fairly normal plea like "Please let me go!.... Oh no it's coming!" Something like that.

While Claire would probably be something that would sound tough. But if you can't think of anything then it's not a big deal.

I can't wait to see the pictures!  8) ;D 8)
Title: Re: a humble request
Post by: Micro on August 20, 2009, 12:22:33 AM
*Tries desperately to think of an appropriate 'master of unlocking' joke*

(Yes, I know that was Jill and not Claire.)