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Topics - nkay7

General Discussion / Nkay7's project thread
August 12, 2011, 10:57:06 PM
For the general purpose of keeping track of whatever it is I do, so that I don't have to hijack other threads each time I make something.
Granted, I also tend towards the wordy side of the spectrum, so this is really for people who are interested in how I work. That said, if you just want to shoot the shit (pun intended), that's game too. I'd welcome the discussion.

A bit about myself:
I guess I'd be one of the older (read: ancient) members of the internet "nyou" community. I've been around since the old Yahoo groups days with Micro and Jupiter, and have migrated around the Web with the rest of the flock wherever it went. I was never really an active member though, so treat me like any newcomer.

Though I've never pursued either hobby seriously, I'm a capable writer and artist. I find a certain enjoyment in those activities, as the whole creative process is really far removed from what I usually do for a living. I also toy with new software depending on my fluctuating interests, and as of late have begun employing Photoshop as a coloring tool.

Ideology-wise, I'll say it right now: I'd rather do something for the "awesome" rather than for the "porn," so expect faux pas and stuff out of left field that disregard inherent fappability. Sure, that misses the point of this site: but that's what keeps us motivated and the learning of our respective crafts interesting.

And...that's it, really.

In my line of work, I have to adhere to a very strict development schedule, so I can only do nyou stuff whenever things calm down on the "legit" business end.
For anything else though, I'll be around.