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Messages - Destinys-Failure

General Discussion / My stories
April 03, 2009, 04:30:02 PM
I want complete honesty here. I'm wondering if I can post my novel so far up on here so you can get background on my characters. It doesn't feature anything in the way of scat or anything (Although I may have one of the females get walked in on in the toilet), and it's mainly Sci-Fi or action stuff.
Is that fine with all of you?
Just so you know, Yarr, mine's a buddy-dump/girl melts toilet story with two of my original characters. It's almost complete. Sorry it wasn't done sooner, I've been somewhat busy on that novel I'm writing.
I'm a bit rusty when it comes to this kind of story, but hopefully you won't find it too bad.
I'm thinking of joining in with some of my original characters, and I've STILL got that one with 2 girls in the works, I might make that my entry.
If it's finished by then, I'll enter. Otherwise, I'll comission him myself...I already have a few ideas of what to do exactly.
And not many women shit like on Toiletstool...I should know, I've seen my fiance on the crapper, it's quite a different experience actually being there yourself.
Unfortunately no, seeing as I've constantly been struggling with writer's block. Hopefully my slump will be over with soon.
General Discussion / Re: Possible idea for a new story...
December 11, 2008, 08:55:12 PM
Alright...I'll make a start on it in a couple of days, and I'll probably finish it and upload it that night. My...Skills have improved quite a bit since the last story I posted, so I'm going to re-write and update that as well. I'll keep the original up, though.
Also, as I mentioned in a reply to a review, I'm currently in the process of writing a book, so you might end up with a legit author on the site. Some of you have the skill, talent and potential to do just that as well (Yarr particularly).

Edit: Made a start on the story, might take me longer than expected, having a touch of trouble setting the scene. I'm going to make it a double-dump, though, seeing as there's another character of mine I've wanted to do this with for awhile.
General Discussion / Possible idea for a new story...
December 11, 2008, 06:28:38 PM
Well...I've had an idea for a new story involving one of my original characters (Julia Blake), but I want to know if any of you like the idea of a woman's shit melting a toilet (Everything inside Blake has a PH of zero, and she's somehow able to handle it). So, does it sound good to you guys?
General Discussion / Re: Attention Patrons
November 15, 2008, 08:46:52 AM
I have a 300GB external hard drive, if that's any help...It's not empty, but I've got about 270 GB's left, which is probably more than enough, so you won't have to pay anything until you can get a new site or whatever.
General Discussion / Re: Code Geass
November 14, 2008, 10:35:42 PM
If only I could draw...I could commission somebody to do that. I might re-write that one soon, seeing as I've changed her appearance in other fiction.
Might do my other female characters at one point as well.
General Discussion / Re: Code Geass
November 14, 2008, 04:36:00 PM
Yarr, those pics are really damn good...I can't see the full things, would you mind putting them up for download if they're finished?