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Messages - nkay7

General Discussion / Re: Image Boards???
June 15, 2011, 09:40:00 PM
Not sure if this would be a right thread to ask this, but is there a file size/dimension limit to the pictures we can put in the media folder? I assume this is the equivalent of what this site has to an image board nowadays, so I'm all for it. I'm thinking of making another picture, but I'd like to know if it's okay for me to just throw it into one of the folders.
General Discussion / Re: Photographs
June 07, 2011, 09:45:01 PM
It's amazing to still find new ones, year after year.
Thanks for these, guys.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I find your art vaguely reminiscent of cubism.
General Discussion / Re: poo comics
April 30, 2011, 12:49:23 AM
Quote from: Double King on April 28, 2011, 05:32:02 PM
Oh wow, awesome stuff here! Just rejoined today ( forgot original name/password/email ) and was perusing around.
I'll tell ya, when life isn't going your way, it warms your heart something fierce to know you're remembered. I unfortunately have nothing to share in this thread ( I wish I did, not too good at finding the stuff either for that matter, unless it's okay-decent DLsite stuff ).
Anyway, if I had any unfulfilled obligations or any requests that weren't finished from Nyou3, let me know I'll gladly get them worked on.
Ah, sorry, I know that this is the wrong thread to put this in. But it really made my day to see I had been remembered by someone.
I'll gladly work on some stuff if anyone wants me to again.

Welcome back, DK.
'Was starting to wonder if you went down with that image board, so it's good to know you're still around.
General Discussion / Re: poo comics
April 15, 2011, 10:09:53 PM
Double King was one of the few original oekaki artists from the Nyou3 image board. That's all I know, as our only interactions were on there. I don't know if he goes by anything else.

I remember he said he was almost completely color blind, and worked with tagged pencils. I recolored a Videl short comic from him, and shopped the original Melina pic that's lying around here somewhere.
General Discussion / Re: poo comics
April 13, 2011, 08:53:50 PM
Hey, that's my color template!
ROFLMAO, that is all.
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XVII Themes
January 09, 2011, 05:08:39 PM
Ugh, so I realize my opinion basically amounts to nothing on these forums, but let me throw it out there before someone blasts me to bits.

Most of these past contests were characterized by conditions and situations, but have you guys ever considered stylistic challenges instead? Like not contests about "such character in such situation" but rather stories written in specific styles and drawing from specific literatures. I've always found that some of the most entertaining stories on this site were those authors that tried to capture the feel of old fairy tales, or just created fictional shows (that don't really exist but could just as well due to the tongue in cheek humor). In other words, think "Space Opera" or "Film Noir" as themes instead of the usual approach of "Girl named A does B things and ends up in C situation."

My point is that this might be more challenging but could also be potentially be more interesting for people who enjoy writing. Making a conscious effort to write in different styles could also be very eye-opening about everyone's personal attitudes and understanding towards those literatures in question (and their awful clichés...). I'm not saying to raise nyou fiction to something more high culture, but that an experience like this might be fun every once in a while. Hell, you could just approach it as a demonstration of how NOT to write something and go wild bastardizing well-known genres.

Any thoughts?
General Discussion / Re: Nyou3 Down Again
December 19, 2010, 10:34:53 PM
Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on December 19, 2010, 04:02:15 AM
Having the eyes partly or totally closed, and making her mouth wider and less circular, would help convey that she's sighing with relief.

I'll be honest with you about that: even I wasn't sure what expression Double King was going for. I added a number of my own details so as to match the same level as the shading, but left the original linework as is. I wasn't aware that some would find the lack of facial cues that jarring, though.

Keep in mind that I'm just a guy who likes tinkering with applications, so I might not have the same critical eye a real artist would have about these things. I only started coloring because I enjoy seeing original art, which is fairly rare and far in-between in this little community.
General Discussion / Re: Nyou3 Down Again
December 18, 2010, 10:03:38 PM
Thanks for uploading the pic, Yarr.
And thanks for the feedback Jimmy, Bones: I'm glad at least someone likes it. I hope the recolor makes it back to the OA somehow.

That's a nice compilation doujin, btw. For all my moonspeak illiteracy, I seem to recognize a couple of the artists that also post on Pixiv...
General Discussion / Re: Nyou3 Down Again
December 03, 2010, 10:17:15 PM
Okay, I sent it.
General Discussion / Re: Nyou3 Down Again
December 03, 2010, 04:10:47 AM
This reminds me, I was working on a Melina coloring for one of the few original artists we had at the imageboard (Double King, I'm not sure if he goes by anything else). I had actually posted it the very night before the site went down, so it might have been up there for half a day at most. I figured then I'd just let it sit until the site recovers, but considering that might not happen, I'm wondering if anyone wants it? I mean, the fiction site is where this story originated anyway, so I figured the original artist would also be a member from over here.

I'm not too thrilled about uploading nyou material on photoshack though, so I might work only on a direct e-mail basis if there's no other image-posting alternatives.

On another note, hi y'all. I've been a lurker since the yahoo groups days, so it's nice to finally be able to contribute something.