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Messages - Quagmire

General Discussion / Re: More rare finds!
February 14, 2013, 08:17:42 PM

This Armando Huerta guy has some nice art in general, and seems to have something of a "thing" for our kind of thing.  Has some more pics on deviantArt that I didn't notice on the rule 34 search.

ETA: "Fire in the hole!"

Incidentally, if one were to add something like this to the Media section, where would it go?  We don't have a "fart" section.
General Discussion / Re: Micro's Art
February 03, 2013, 05:36:07 PM
Such a set DID exist...quite a while ago.  While a few of Jupiter's works are still around, that set seems to have been lost to time.  Near as I can tell, Jupiter has all but fallen off of the Earth somewhere...

I only recall a few of the pics:
-A woman in a prison cell having explosive diarrhea, her cellmate complaining that she reeks, and the woman on the toilet saying she thinks the guards put laxatives in their food.

-Another of  a woman having explosive diarrhea while two of her annoyed cellmates are trying to make out

-"Shakedown" being announced while a prisoner is on the toilet with a large turd hanging out of her

-A prisoner having to squat and poop while on a chain gang
General Discussion / Re: More rare finds!
January 26, 2013, 04:47:24 PM

Best gallery I've found on there in a while, very few pics I've seen before, and also has some drawings in there too.
General Discussion / Re: Your Dream Picture
December 31, 2012, 07:59:39 PM
How hard would said artist punch someone in the balls for naming a collage of assorted images?  ;)

Quote from: OrpheumZero on December 10, 2012, 02:25:37 PM
More like pictures. I wish we had the technology to just scan our brains, and be able to print whatever subconscious images we have. Hell, it'd help greatly with the many characters I wish I could draw, but have no skill at rendering...

This, so hard.  I can't draw worth a damn.
Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on December 08, 2012, 10:21:11 PM
Does anybody else want to talk about their favorite obscure girls who they'd like to see in nyou fics or fanart?  I think this could be an interesting topic, and could yield some great results if people realize they have the same favorites.

I felt like I should be all over this, but I'm drawing a blank it seems.... :'(

I don't really follow much anime or manga, so not much to draw from there.

American comics, on the other hand, used to quite a bit.  Mostly smaller/indie stuff now, that you don't have to buy 50 issues a month to get the complete story.

Ahh...but that reminds me, Smallville has a spinoff comic now, and Tess Mercer was frigging HOT on that show.  I was thinking there could be a funny story to be had if she and Lois had to wind up sharing a bathroom...I was gonna say shortly after their first meeting, but really they stayed at each other's throats for a LONG time afterwards.

Something else bouncing around in my head Superman-related.  Maybe a small "backstory" to Superman Returns that would explain why Lois and that blonde NASA woman on the plane were being so bitchy to each other - I'm thinking a "not a square to spare" situation between them before the flight?

Eh, Lois Lane =/= obscure though.  I'm sure I can knock some decent suggestions outta my head eventually...
General Discussion / Re: More rare finds!
November 30, 2012, 09:00:13 PM
AniDisFan - maybe oversight by the poster?  Still nice find!
General Discussion / Re: Photographs
October 28, 2012, 05:35:25 PM
I managed to lose the password for that little album I had going.... :-[

But I find  lots of stuff by following this guy's favorites:

Anyone else notice how apparently sometimes there are "sets" of pics made, but only 1 or 2 are found at a time in one place?  One example, unless I'm mistaken about her being the same:

I've seen a few more shots of her, unclothed, in different bathrooms.  Would love to be able to find more if they exist...

Another site of note if it's not come up before is .  The pics generally aren't THAT great, but you can generally find other sources of them once you know what to look for (IE, Tina Fey on the toilet from 30 Rock).
General Discussion / Re:'s your French?
July 06, 2012, 04:38:44 PM
Awesome, thanks!
General Discussion / Re: Man, I love Fallout 3
June 23, 2012, 08:32:03 PM
Looks like someone ran with the "Quantum side effects" thing!
General Discussion / Re: Mooned toilet
April 25, 2012, 08:56:38 PM
I'd like some of that action, please!
General Discussion / Nifty clip from "Merlin"
April 17, 2012, 08:25:16 PM
Season 3, "The Goblin's Gold"

Guinevere (Angel Coulby) is particularly distraught because she and Arthur have a thing for each other, though aren't yet a couple.  Merlin tries to reassure her that all girls do it, but she retorts "not in public, and not in front of the man you...have feelings for!" 

Female farting on TV isn't something you see every day, especially given what else Goblin-Gaius had in his bag of tricks (Arthur winds up with donkey ears and a matching voice when he gets wise to him).  Guess the Brits are a big less uptight about the subject than us in the States maybe?
General Discussion / Man, I love Fallout 3
January 21, 2012, 05:45:26 PM
And not just for site-related stuff either, I just find it super fun and addictive.  :)

But AS it relates to our shared interests?  This is about as far away from Mario 64 as you can get - IE, no "there's 100 rooms in the castle and NO friggin' bathroom?"   ??? Nope, bathrooms abound in the Wasteland, in various states of repair, cleanliness, and privacy.

From what I've played so far, looks like the folks in Rivet City have it the worst off, a whole ship-city full of people with only one small "head" with no privacy at all.  And best watch out above you if traveling under the Arefu area, as they have twin door-less outhouses that apparently empty out under the overpass the settlement is built on.

While player interaction with the actual toilets is limited to pulling a Duke Nukem and drinking out of them for health, you can actually sit in the outhouses.  The only place I've noticed NPCs sitting in them is in The Republic of Dave, the kids sometimes will.

And oh yeah, the girl's embarrassed and the guy's angry telling of the side effect of Nuka Cola Quantum - "MY PISS GLOWED FOR A WEEK!" in the latter!

Mmm...lots of potential for fic and pics in the FO3 universe, if I was worth a damn at either.
General Discussion / Re: Battleshits World Tournament
December 07, 2011, 09:20:21 PM
I just wanna know - did "battleshits" exist before Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, or did the film invent the concept?  ???  Cuz like Poowrite, I've never been able to find any sort of rules, or for that matter figure out how the girl "won" in the movie.