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Messages - BlueSniper

Suggestions / A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones
October 05, 2015, 09:27:22 AM
Given that we've got two fics for it now, it seems appropriate to have a GoT category. Characters I plan to write about:

- Cersei Lannister
- Tyene Sand
- Obara Sand
- Nymeria Sand
- Melisandre
- Ellaria Sand

Other suggestions I've seen include:

- Daenerys Targaryen
- Arya Stark
- Sansa Stark
Hey, who likes Cersei Lannister? *crickets*

Okay, who dislikes her enough that reading about her in lots of pain and desperation for a privy would be entertaining? Spoiler alert: she makes it, though thinking about it now I might have to write a version of this where she doesn't. Or maybe a second chapter. I'll consider it when we get a ASOIAF/GoT category.

Words are Wind
General Discussion / Re: Nyou Dreams
September 22, 2015, 01:26:52 PM
That sounds like a story in the making.

I had a dream where I was running down the hall of my college dorm from way back when. It was night, and I was trying to get away from some monster or something. The power was out and I had to take the stairs. I was trying to get to the stairwell but then I was distracted. Two girls (no one I know) were in their room with the door open, both mostly clothed. One was on the top bunk facing the wall, so away from the door. I watched as she pulled down her pants, but for some reason not her panties, and started to take a huge, loud dump in her underwear. I saw the other girl, who was standing on the ground a bit to the side, reach up and start to pull Girl #1's underwear down, but then the monster came within view again and I had to get to the stairwell.

I'm a little amazed that I would pass on running away from certain death to watch a girl go in her pants, especialy since it's not my particular thing.
Hey man, your health comes first, no matter what. I'm glad to hear you made a positive choice. Keep doing what you need to in order to get through. I know how that can be sometimes.
Agh, I keep forgetting. I have the program, but I don't have it set up. We're doing that by text, right?

Also, Chapter 4 of Iron Stomach is up.
General Discussion / Re: Nyou Dreams
August 16, 2015, 09:16:54 AM
Just had another dream, regarding the US version of Being Human. For some reason, I think it was Sally but it could have been Nora (and would probably have made more sense that way) got caught short outside the house because of some plot reasons, and had to poop outside. The reviews the next day were all talking about the "defecation sounds" that were clearly audible, but when I went to look up a clip, the only ones I could find cut away from the visual to show a reaction shot by Stewie from Family Guy; it just had the sounds of grunting, groaning and gas overlaid.
General Discussion / Re: Hyper-scat stories.
August 13, 2015, 02:55:54 PM
Ludicrous it is, hope you guys brought some popcorn. That is, if I make it to that part anytime soon...
Quote from: blooper on August 06, 2015, 06:16:29 PM
Hmm, I need to tag onto this thread. The Queen of the Iron Stomach was good, particularly with the fear accident thing thrown in. And definitely looking forward to the yugioh stuff. There are some good Yuighioh human females(namely Akiza), and I dunno if humans are going to be involved in your stuff or if its the duel monsters world.
I probably won't write much about the human characters in Yu-Gi-Oh; the situations and characters tend to be somewhat limited. Also, I don't do too well with the HS characters, as most of my female characters are older. I could do a post-timeskip Akiza though. Thanks a lot for the feedback and suggestions!
General Discussion / Re: Nyou Dreams
August 06, 2015, 02:48:55 PM
Had a dream about being chased around the Everglades by an evil serpent goddess. Later on she turned into a beautiful woman and pooped. I think I didn't watch all of it because I thought it was a trap.
Color me teased/intrigued. I certainly like what I see and can't wait to read more.
So after getting some great advice on how to solve my problem by yarr, I figure this is my list:

1) The Queen of Iron Stomach Tournament - currently in progress
2) Duel Monster World - that title is a placeholder, but it's the Yu-Gi-Oh stuff I was talking about. I'm thinking a collection of one-shots involving my favorite monsters; I've got some stuff in mind for Rose, Warrior of Revenge, Mystical/Dark/Gemini Elf and the Amazonness group.
3) My Roommate is a Shapeshifting Dragon - in the interest of consolidation, this will be kinda-sorta mostly original, but will also incorporate elements that might Kamen Rider, Psycho-Pass, and Cross Ange. It's basically a Kamen Rider concept using dragon eggs as transformation devices in a world that's dystopian in ways similar to Psycho-Pass.

Because of the nature of (2), I think I can get away with finishing QoIST, then doing some of (2) while I'm plotting and fleshing out (3), and posting random chapters of (2) while (3) is ongoing but blocking me. Incidentally, I do have Chapter 4 of QoIST and most of Chapter 5 done, but I usually wait to post a chapter until the following one is finished, just so that I can solidify and tweak things on the fly if need be. And let me just say, if Chapter 3 seemed a little light/clean...Chapter 4 gets a teensy bit messy.
General Discussion / Re: Hyper-scat stories.
July 15, 2015, 02:53:01 PM
If this is your thing, I'm going to probably go in that direction with a few characters in my Queen of Iron Stomach fic. I imagine Christie, Nina and particularly one other character will have something to entertain.

Also, what does "hyper" mean to everyone? Unlikely, impossible or ludicrous? Filling a bowl? two bowls? more than her perceived body mass?
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXX Rules
July 15, 2015, 12:57:36 PM
And ironically, I have updated QotIS from an internet cafe. Chapter 3 is up. Since technically this fulfills the stated goal of the contest in involving the actual fighting tournament, I think that'll end my submission, even though the story itself hasn't ended. I'll finish the story, but for the purposes of the contest, I'll allow my story to be judged on the basis of the first 3 chapters. There is more adventure to come though, so stay tuned.
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXX Rules
July 11, 2015, 02:47:40 PM
Quote from: Toasty on July 10, 2015, 07:27:04 PM
BlueSniper, please. You can't just throw down a ridiculously hype first chapter like that and then not post the rest of it.

You're killing me, here ;_;
Can I just say I really appreciate how supportive you've been over the years? One of these days I'm going to have to write in a Toasty character as a little Easter Egg.

Chapter 2's up. I hope to have Chapter 3 up tonight, but this week has been weird for me computer-wise, and home-wise, and I can't exactly work on this at an Internet cafe.  :P
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXX Rules
July 05, 2015, 11:55:58 PM
And then after all that I ended up posting the first chapter anyway. I'll have the second up either tonight or tomorrow, and the third (that actually qualifies the entry for the contest) up tomorrow or the next day.