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Messages - Duce

Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XVII Themes
December 08, 2010, 03:30:03 AM
polls up
Past Contest Topics / Story Contest XVI Poll
November 14, 2010, 06:24:51 PM
ok poll for Story Contest XVI Stories is up
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XVII Themes
November 02, 2010, 04:30:32 PM
Quote from: Anime Lover on November 02, 2010, 04:52:20 AM
man, I'm surprised how much you guys are interested in my suggestion O_o
I actually wasn't expecting much

yeah I know what ya mean,  I didn't expect the others to be into it this much either.
Commissions / Re: Underappreciated Shows and Games
November 01, 2010, 11:22:15 PM
I looked it up, but it seems theres only the manga of it. I think I may read it, when I get the chance.
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XVII Themes
November 01, 2010, 03:40:44 AM
that actually sounds really cool. it's been a while since I've read a egg fic, but your really the only author I know that does them.

actually kinda reminds me of my character I made, I had the alot of the egglaying details thought up too.
Past Contest Topics / Story Contest XVII Themes
November 01, 2010, 01:23:23 AM
To suggest a theme, do it in this format.

Theme: <theme title>

Description: <theme description>

You can suggest 2 main themes that will be put in the poll,  you can also suggest as many other themes you want that might be put in the poll, though only the first 2 will be considered the 2 main suggestions. feel free to talk and discuss about the themes like always though.
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XVI Rules
October 27, 2010, 02:43:56 PM
Quote from: JManime on October 26, 2010, 12:19:32 AM
I GOT IT... for some strange-ass reason my computer uses the Ctrl key, not the shift key to highlight separate stuff  ???

But thanks for tryin your best to help me out ;D

actually thats not strange, your supposed to use the Ctrl key.
General Discussion / Re: Asperger's?
October 17, 2010, 03:48:21 PM
well there really isn't a list about that, and technically theres not anything not allowed, just mostly everyone don't do that stuff. 
Past Contest Topics / Story Contest XVI Rules
October 06, 2010, 11:17:51 PM
THEME: Anything goes

Deadline: Nov. 1 Nov. 10

Quote from: OrpheumZero on August 30, 2010, 07:21:16 PM
Description: Duh, anything is fair game  :P. Basically we write whatever the frikafrak we feel like, of course within the realms of the site's usual stanards.

How to enter: Just submit you story under the "Story Contest XVI" AND in any other categories it belongs in.
General Discussion / Re: Story Contest XVI Themes
October 01, 2010, 04:17:31 PM
tie breaker poll.
General Discussion / Re: Thinking of making my debut.
September 29, 2010, 06:10:31 PM
for some reason I think he might go for pooping lol or at least thinking about it lol
General Discussion / Re: Story Contest XVI Themes
September 28, 2010, 07:05:50 PM
well the polls do have the option of of leting people change their votes but it's not enabled on this poll, and I yeah only poll owner and staff can edit a poll but I know I didn't only other person beside's orpheum I think could would be fallenstar but I'm pretty sure they didn't either.  and I never saw it those two in a tie I just though yall misread it like jimmy
General Discussion / Re: Unable to upload fics
September 21, 2010, 09:47:22 PM
hmm thats weird don't seem to do that to me.
General Discussion / Story Contest XVI Themes
August 30, 2010, 06:52:19 PM
To suggest a theme, do it in this format.

Theme: <theme title>

Description: <theme description>

You can suggest 2 main themes that will be put in the poll,  you can also suggest as many other themes you want that might be put in the poll, though only the first 2 will be considered the 2 main suggestions. feel free to talk and discuss about the themes like always though.