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Messages - BlueSniper

Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXX Rules
July 04, 2015, 02:54:23 PM
The reason why mine is so late is because I'm still getting to the part of the story that involves the actual challenge, the competitive element. On the bright side, if I actually get the third chapter done we'll have another Tekken fanfic on here  =D =D =D
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXXI Themes
June 26, 2015, 09:58:20 PM
Theme: Laxative Mislabeling

Description: Exactly what it says; either someone drinks something they shouldn't have by accident or someone makes something look innocuous on purpose, leading someone else (perhaps even the original someone, funnily enough) to unwittingly quaff a concoction most foul...
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXX Rules
May 09, 2015, 10:54:12 PM
Same deal as Jimmy, although I don't reeeeally have any urgent stuff going on IRL. Working now~
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXIX Poll
January 11, 2015, 03:04:39 AM
So I'm guessing authors aren't allowed to vote?

Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXX Themes
January 10, 2015, 12:03:32 PM
Figured I'd go with something broad here, so that you could fit a lot of different ideas in.

Theme: In It to Win It

Description: This theme centers around some form of competition. Could be a situation where two people are trying to hold it for longer than the other, could be a situation where one is trying to outdo the other in size, smelliness, etc. Or, it could even be competition not directly related, such as athletes trying to get first prize while battling desperation/constipation/the stench of their opponent's noxious farts. Either way, someone has to be trying to best someone or something, even their own previous personal best.

Theme: Scandalous!

Description: As a nod to the Roman numerals for this contest (XXX), the scenario involves someone in a position to see/hear another character relieving herself and disapprove or become scandalized due to some aspect of the situation.
General Discussion / Re: Hyper-scat stories.
January 04, 2015, 11:19:29 AM
Haha, that's probably my favorite kind of story, though it's hard to a) make it make sense and b) make it as engaging as it could be. I tend to do more magical/fantastical settings for something like that, simply because it's a bit easier to accept that way and it feels easier to write that way.
Sort of a late present this holiday season, but I finally posted something new for the Story Contest.

Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXIX Rules
January 01, 2015, 03:08:22 PM
Having some trouble submitting this under the contest header...and it's super late as well. Ruling?

Edit - uh, never mind the first part, but it's still really late...did I make it?
Suggestions / Re: Toilet powered robots
November 24, 2014, 11:01:43 PM
I know this is super old, but I have been thinking about this recently, especially from the standpoint of fantasy mecha. Some thoughts...

  • One idea I had was a fantasy mech that wasn't actually "piloted" per se, but used some sort of enchantment to allow a sorceress to see through its eyes and move its limbs. The sorceress would go into a trance fueled by inhaling herbs either digested into waste or farted out by her familiars (human/elvish/nymphs/whatever) and in that trance state she would control the mech.
  • Another idea could be some sort of special crystal that can only be formed by special people eating a certain fruit, then pooping it out, and their "specialness" infuses the crystal with the power to move around a golem creature.
  • There's also the route I took with Axon Mobile Corps, where the pilots are special in some way (spoilers!) and use a certain substance to pilot their mecha, but that substance itself causes them to need to poop more often.

I'm liking the toilet golem in fantasy universe idea, though. I suddenly have an idea in my mind for a small village periodically raided by ogres where perhaps one young woman has to hide in an outhouse (or she was already in there when they arrived) and her pooping turns it into a golem thing that she uses to drive out the raiders. Unfortunately, she also gets expelled from her village because they're afraid, plus the monarch of that land is a greedy witch who collects magical items, and so wants the toilet golem for herself when she hears of it. There would have to be a reason why it only activated right then, like maybe the combination of her fear and her poop is what causes it. Or maybe there's some sort of magical necklace that she found shortly beforehand that is the key. Now I'm just rambling while my mind runs away with me, so I guess that's the right time to be actually writing.
General Discussion / Re: Original Fiction?
July 29, 2014, 01:09:29 AM
 Wow, okay! I'm glad that people like the idea. I'll certainly keep going forward with it; thanks for the encouragement.
General Discussion / Original Fiction?
July 27, 2014, 05:19:40 PM
So I was just wondering: how do people feel about original stories? I know that most people are into fanfics here, specifically anime ones it seems. However, I'm currently working on some fantasy genre stuff, because I'm trying to get better at writing fantasy in general. If I were to post something like that, would people enjoy it?

Just sort of throwing this out there. In a manner of speaking, it is a fanfic, in a similar way to Schizophrenia in that it's not exactly what one would think of as a "fanfic." It involves two neighboring kingdoms, Declan and Chezzin, one of which contains 4 territories, and the other is split into 2 territories. So while it could be thought of as a playing-card "fanfic" or a Chess "fanfic," it doesn't operate according to how these things normally work.

So really, this is two questions:

  • how do people feel about original fiction?
  • how do people feel about fantasy?

Hopefully someone might find it to tickle their fancy? If not, I'll see what else I can wrangle up. I'd like to start contributing here more often.
General Discussion / Re: More rare finds!
April 01, 2014, 07:09:16 PM
Remember what day it is today.  :P
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story Contest XXVII Rules
December 27, 2013, 01:16:28 AM
Guess I missed this...  :(
General Discussion / Re: Nyou Dreams
December 10, 2013, 01:38:55 AM
Going back to that Ghostbusters dream from this past summer, that actually reminds me of a fic I was working on called "Grossbusters" where the (3-woman) team dealt with supernatural threats that had to do with the toilet (such as a woman's rectum being possessed by a gassy genie, or a poltergeist that resided in a person's septic system). As is the case with many of my fics, I abandoned it after not being satisfied with the way things were going.

I really need to stop doing that.
General Discussion / Re: Looking for Suggestions
June 27, 2013, 01:01:35 AM
Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on June 26, 2013, 11:41:49 PM
My stories tend to get overly complicated, which means it takes many sessions to complete them, and sometimes even requires research.  I'm trying to write a brief, simple story instead.

I have the ending.  A woman is in public when she suddenly loses her clothes and her bladder and bowel control.  But why does this happen?  I'd like your suggestions.  I started working on a story for this, but it became insanely complicated multi-chapter affair with world-building.

My newer idea is better, but it's still pretty complicated and not that entertaining.  A woman finds some kind of robotic alien suit that boosts her strength and does other cool things.  It's easily portable and concealable, but can surround her body when she needs it (it's either liquid metal or made of a bunch of tiny parts).  One day she's about to take a much needed restroom break when the P.A. system in the building warns that there's a hostile individual with a gun.  After solving a hostage crisis, the aliens who built the suit show up.  They've been watching the city, waiting for their lost gadget to resurface.  They steal the suit off her body, leaving her naked in full view of the crowd who had assembled to witness her heroics.  To make matters worse, she'd forgotten all about using the bathroom, and the sudden loss of her super-strength forces her to immediately urinate and defecate.

Like I said, I'm not crazy about the idea, and if you have a better suggestion for a story with the same outcome I'd love to hear it.
One word: Nanobots. If the suit is made of a cloud of nanobots, it would be able to assemble itself and dissolve into a small container or really do whatever you wanted, since nanobots.

If you don't want that background story you described, you could simply have the loss of her bladder/bowel control be the result of the shock of losing her clothes rather than having a specific external cause => effect. Or, she's testing a new diet pill and there's a runaway giant vacuum cleaner that just happens to suck off her clothes in a strangely specific and gradual manner. Or she's a witch trying and failing to turn herself invisible. Or, she's doing some sort of spy-vs.-spy thing, and she realizes she just drank a mild laxative left by the other spy to slow her down, but while she's parkouring across rooftops to get to her hotel and drink a counter-agent, her skirt gets caught on a stray hook or something, and RRRRRIP

Also, I totally understand how you feel regarding work that goes into your stories, especially ones that are original or involve original characters. It is actually difficult for me to just throw something together where a girl dashes into a bathroom, drops a load, washes her hands, and gets out (possibly bumping into someone or realizing she hasn't quite finished). It's why I tend to fall back on the sorceress/shapeshifter/alien/"other" explanation, not to mention that it makes it easier to justify the sheer size of the...output, so to speak.

I definitely understand the frustration at having to do research for a fetish-fic on a small corner of the net. I distinctly remember looking up some of the secrets/trivia of Pac-Man for Schizo, which I still haven't finished and may never finish. One suggestion I have is to try not to force it. Write when you feel like writing, or just let your fingers go without thinking. Another option is what I like to call "dictionary soup"; flip around through random words in a dictionary until you have a weird assortment of words, and then find some way to string them together. So something like

purple - bottle - window - excessive - linguistic - tuba

becomes a story about a person who finds a purple genie in a bottle by her windowsill and wishes for something excessively extravagant, not realizing that the genie speaks a different language and the word for "money" in English sounds like the word for "flatulence" in the genie's native language, causing her to have uncontrollable farts that sound like a tuba.


(but don't use that specifically)