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Messages - BlueSniper

Probably in about 15 minutes, actually. I decided that the whole "no revisions" thing might be a mistake.  :P

Also, I'm aware that there's usually an element of yuri in all of my stories, from slightly subtle to the epic will-they-or-won't-they of Maya and Cassandra. I'm going to try and cut down on that a bit, but...not yet. I understand that it doesn't appeal to everyone. This isn't at all in response to anything in particular, other than some back-reading that I've been doing of my stories.

EDIT: Actually, I'm having a bit of trouble since it's not accepting my summary edits. So...we'll see.
Wow. I It's been a while since I posted here (more than 120 days, according to the site!), and I'm mildly to moderately perturbed to say this, but Schizophrenia might just be on permanent hiatus.

*shrinks back from the chorus of assorted "we know"s and "well, yeah"s in the audience*

If I hadn't lost the base computer it was on, then the email address in which it was stored via Google Docs, I'd be up for redoing it/continuing it. But considering that I hadn't even gotten to the timeskip, or even the big battle part 1, I don't find it a huge loss. (Also Soul Calibur's story is confusing as [expletive deleted].)

I tend to like working with the same characters in an established framework and building toward something; I can't help it. However, my track record for long-term projects is...not great. So I guess a compromise would be a bunch of one-shots in the same fictional universe (a relatively original one since that's how I roll) but without a larger story necessarily tying them all together. In this spirit, I'm totally throwing something up that I just started and finished tonight, no rewrites, no edits, just my mind plopping it on the page. Let's see...possibly vaguely magical girls with, ahem, callipygian figures, piloting giant robotic things against alien squads who will later be revealed to be the minions of some super powerful race of space Amazons with telepathic powers and lots of fiber in their diet?

Okay, so there might be a couple of two or three parters...
Well, I'm pretty floored; I'd say great job to both of you. TBH, I wasn't really reading with as discerning an eye as I sometimes do, but that is because I got taken in by the actual story. There was maybe 1 situation where I wasn't entirely certain of something, but I can't remember what it was now so it doesn't count.

I might do a more thorough review later, after I read it again.

And again.
Past Contest Topics / Re: Story contest XVII Rules
April 07, 2010, 06:43:03 PM
I was going to write an entry for this contest as well (and finish Schizophrenia) but my laptop of 5 years decided it was going to finally leave this sinful earth in a blaze of spectacular glory. As if that wasn't enough, the location of my backups has erupted in a similar fashion. I am now reduced to writing on the laptop that is now a shadow of its former self.

Actually, that's more a reason why Schizo is gone gone gone than the reason for my not participating this time. I'll probably elaborate later this week in my own updates thread.
Oh man, thanks a lot! This looks great!
General Discussion / Re: Indecent Proposals
December 09, 2009, 11:24:04 PM
Figured I'd do something a little strange. Since someone already took Soul Calibur, I'll take...


Jane dashed down the hallway as quickly as her legs would take her. Luckily, the deserted laboratory was the perfect place for what she meant to do; she should have known better than to order Chinese take-out, but she hadn't been home since yesterday and there weren't many alternatives.

The bathroom was a small, single room with a toilet and sink, lit by a bar of fluorescent light that flickered to life as Jane flipped the switch. She hopped from foot to foot as she fumbled with the zipper of her jeans. A tell-tale grumble from her stomach caused her to bend slightly, her butt jutting backward and releasing a high-pitched squeaking fart. Her jeans had grown tighter since she'd gotten them, no doubt because of the time she spent here instead of at the gym, and now her larger rear end was placing more pressure on the zipper connection.

"Ugh," Jane muttered in frustration, "come on, come on..."

Finally the zipper popped free, allowing the engineer to yank her pants and undergarments over her hips and thighs and plop herself onto the cold porcelain seat. Almost immediately, she sighed with relief as soft waste began bubbling out of her loudly, short bursts splattering into the bowl like mud globs. She folded inward involuntarily, wringing out gassy expulsions from her intestines that oozed out her anus with ease. Behind this was runny liquid; she made a face at the nasty sound and smell that accompanied the thorough cleansing.

Her stomach still felt cramped and bloated, however. Jane sighed and slouched, rubbing beneath her navel and biting her lip. She just had to get the extra pork fried rice again. This same thing had happened last time, and she'd ended up rushing through the development of the fourth model as a result. But the restaurant she ordered from always had such great food, even considering the consequences.

Jane sat up straight as another drippy fart exploded downward. Oh well. In with the new, out with the--


Jane shrieked as the door splintered off its hinges. She yanked her jeans up to the tops of her thighs, attempting to cover herself while she sat. The surprise had loosened her already churning bowels; as the dust settled, the only sound was that of chunky liquid dribbling into the water beneath her. She could only watch in amazement as a large shape shuffled into the room through the gaping hole.

"Jack?" she asked, baffled. "Is something wrong?"

The robot stood motionless.

Jane raised an eyebrow. "Computer, identify error--"

The robot knelt down and brought forward its hands. In its left hand was a small copper coil, which had been connected to the leads of an LED. The circuit didn't seem to have any power source, and thus didn't seem to be doing much of anything.

"What is this, Jack?" Jane tilted her head.

The robot held the oddity out toward Jane in one hand and took her hand in the other. Jane glanced from the contraption to Jack and back again. Arranged as it was, it almost looked like a bizarre...

Jane's expression melted into warmth. "Oh, Jack..."
Still alive. I'm not feeling confident about finishing Schizophrenia though. I have ideas, but I can't seem to come up with a way for them to flow together. It's like there are too many directions I want things to go in.
That's absolutely fine. I don't remember much about the Dead or Alive one, I just remember it was slightly based around a picture I had requested from back in the day.

I apologize for the huge delays. I promise I'm not throwing in the towel or anything. And this time, it's not because of writer's block; I took your advice, yarr, but now I'm just super busy. I will have some time to write, though.
General Discussion / Re: Poopy pic story contest 2!
August 10, 2009, 05:13:48 PM
I've PMed you about whether or not I'll do this, but if you see this first: if I get the other one done by September (or if I hit such a huge wall that I decide that I need something to pull me away for a bit) then I'll be in, otherwise I probably won't do this. If I do, it won't be colossal either, so sorry to anyone who was expecting several chapters' worth.
Wow, this is exciting. Susanna and Viola actually drawn out like that :kawaii:

I can't stop grinning.
Congratulations to our winner Toasty! Glad to be 2nd too, and I'm glad to have participated. Thanks, yarr, for getting me out of retirement.
I'm also looking forward to this. Destinys-Failure is right; we all win. This is going to be great.
Sorry I've been away for some time, RL issues have been...issues. (Gotta love my way with words, that's why I have so many fans)

Thanks to the people who commented. Yarr, don't worry, it's in store, but you won't necessarily...well, finishing that sentence would reveal stuff, so I'll stick with the "it's in store."

And ON!
For my personal story request, I'd say something involving two characters, one of whom is trying to avoid detection by the other (this could be anything from a girl sneaking out of detention to a jewel thief in a museum at night) and both of them need to be desperate at some point for bowel relief (and now the jewel thief thing is giving me an idea, so if you don't do that one, once I finish Schizo I'll probably do something involving that). My thing's always been poop, but I'm not against peeing descriptions as well, provided that the main theme is poop desperation at some point for both the pursuer and the pursued. As if it needs to be said (it doesn't), both characters would be female. My preference would be mid twenties for age but you can go younger or older (though I'd prefer if you didn't go younger than college age since that's what I like, no offense to those who are loli/HS fans).
First post updated. And yes, I understand that you guys don't just read my stuff to look at my stylin' prose, but also for the fetish elements, which happen to be lacking in this chapter (biggest one yet, which makes it more apparent). I do apologize, but there are more to make up for it in the next chapter.

As you'll see, I really like the companion pooping moments, because it's lots of fun to have the pooping person play off of another person, whether that person is squeamish, receptive, enraptured, or even pooping in sync. So I hope you enjoy reading it, since I enjoy writing it.