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Messages - Sanchopanza65

The name is Neptune729. He hasn't done much, but most of what he has done is pretty good.
s?  I'm wondering, because we seem to be limited by those who come to this site. I found another great guy on who's only done a few stories, and I'd like to see who else is out there.
General Discussion / Looking for input.
June 28, 2010, 01:52:17 PM
I'm relatively new at writing fanfiction, my only story before this being "Mitsuru's Misery", but I had a good idea for a ToraDora! fic. The way I was thinking of having it start is that Ami lets slip that she wet herself recently. Taiga and Minori, of course want to know more about it, and Ami agrees, but only if they tell her an embarrassing pee story first. Minorin talks about the time she was stuck in traffic with the softball team, and Taiga mentions an unfortunate trip to the park.
General Discussion / Re: April Fools
April 03, 2008, 02:28:11 PM
I fell for the WoW jokes, at least until I clicked on them, and saw atari-level graphics, and/or Guitar Hero.
General Discussion / Re: Your top five girls...
January 08, 2008, 12:58:46 PM
1. Shinobu Maehara (Love Hina)-You never forget your first anime crush :-[

2. Mitsuru Kirijou (Persona 3)-I just love seeing these girls who seemingly have it all together lose it.

3.Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket)-See above. Also, one could maybe do some fun stuff with her living in a tent.

4. Nodoka Miyazaki (Negima!)-Why is there nothing about her here yet? ???

5. Yukari Takeba (Persona 3)-She seems like your basic ordinary girl. Might be fun.

General Discussion / Re: Too taboo for a story?
January 08, 2008, 12:50:26 PM
I am surprised that no one has mentioned Belldandy here yet. She's really just too perfect to even begin to make desperate. Aoi Sakuraba is like that too. I suppoose they are both goddesses of sorts. (Aoi is one figuratively, of course.) I can't really see anything with younger characters either, like Mai from Totoro, or even Yotsuba. Also, Ichigo Marshumaro is just too damn cute to touch.
Suggestions / Persona 3
December 15, 2007, 06:11:42 PM
PLease add a Persona 3 catagory. I'm in the middle of a story now, and would like to upload it here when it's done.

Characters:Mitsuru Kirijo, Yukari Takeba, Fuuka Yamagishi, Koromaru, Akihiko Sanada, Junpei Iori, Aegis, Ken Amada.
General Discussion / Tips for first time writers?
December 13, 2007, 12:52:48 PM
I have a story idea that I'd like to do. It's going to be called "Mitsuru's Misery" and take place in the persona 3 universe. For further details, see the fanfic request thread on fallenstar's site. I just want some advice from those with experience in this kind of thing, for a newbie.