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Messages - afangorn

Quote from: yarr on March 10, 2011, 01:09:13 PM
Quote from: afangorn on March 10, 2011, 01:21:11 AM
I actually had an idea to do a mostly fart-based fic about a female professional eater and her whiny roommate.

What's stoping you? Fame and glory awaits!
I've got other stories that I need to finish. Plus this one just doesn't feel as fleshed out as my other ideas. I'm just sharing the idea here because I want to see how other people would write it or use the idea.
I actually had an idea to do a mostly fart-based fic about a female professional eater and her whiny roommate. I did a little research into professional eating and prize money is a fairly common first prize. The bigger eating competitions sometimes give prize money to the top 3 eaters.
The reason I even bothered mentioning it here is the next fact. Professional eaters often eat raw cabbage (cause of the low calories) and water to practice stretching their stomach out. And I know cabbage is gassy food as it is, but raw in the quantities that pro eaters eat? They probably are capable of farting the national anthem before a trip to the bathroom

So take that info fellow writers and enjoy :D
General Discussion / Re: My swansong
March 03, 2011, 01:42:23 AM
"adding in an invisble co-character that observes and speaks with her,"
That would be neat so long as the dialogue wasn't creepy. I've seen that kind of thing done before in pictures on DA and it tends to come off creepy somehow. Maybe it would help if the invisible character was a lover or something to the other character instead of just a perv in the room with her
General Discussion / Re: The Queen's Throne
March 02, 2011, 09:29:46 PM
I like how its not just scat and toilet-going. There's a bit of plot here and I love it!

Normally I'm not into scat, being a fart-lover only, but with the personality backing it up it makes it a lot more interesting.
General Discussion / Re: My swansong
March 01, 2011, 05:10:23 AM
This looks delightful! As for suggestions... I thinks she should rub and massage her stomach a lot trying to force the huge movement out faster while commenting at the sensations under her fingers "Its like I ate a live snake... it wants out but its too big... jeeze and this gas is just insane, I feel like I'm shitting air bubbles the size of my fist"
Or include someone else to do the massaging for her since massaging yourself is usually a rather awkward and ineffective massage.