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Messages - SolidSonicTH

Hm...that is true, I did change my screen name over there to "SolidSonicTH".

Didn't think anyone would actually try to look it up, though.

I think my fanfiction style might be too tame for this site. I don't really indulge in this sort of thing in my writing, but I just had to try it with Ace Attorney characters because I felt motivated to due to Phoenix and Maya's close relationship.

Wait, you found it?
I have it posted on, actually.

It needs to be rewritten, though.
Well thanks for being so understanding.

If you're curious, my areas of interest are toilet snooping and pee. I even wrote a fanfic about catching a girl on the toilet once. To the reader it was meant to be humorous but I personally wrote it to tap into my own fantasy.
I'm not sure if this board is associated with the Nyou image boards but I can see you're aware of it so I'll assume you've been patrons at one time or another.

A bit about me and why I'm here: I was a frequent visitor to the old Nyou image boards. I got to see the boards go through a few iterations due to the parent sites becoming bogged down with unsavory content. I myself administered one Nyou2 board following one downtime (it was the final run of Nyou2 on AnonIB before Duce opened up shop on ib4f with Nyou3).

Anyway, as I can see on this board, Nyou3 was knocked offline by ib4f throwing in the towel. I tried to get by without it itchy fetishes got the better of me. I feel like I've been out of touch with my "interests" for too long.

So here's how it is: I don't know what you guys do around here but since the old Nyou image boards are in your past, I feel like you'll at least know where I'm coming from. Am I in the right place? Even if you guys don't post images anywhere, if you're from the same background I am at least I can be fetish-starved in good company rather than by myself.