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Really not what I was expecting...... (minor rant)

Started by Guzo, May 13, 2009, 02:14:56 AM

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While I support this site I must admit to not coming so very often because,well,I thought this was going to be about anime and such,however the majority of what I see is "original" characters and the anime shows/manga ether get no attenion or the "flavor of the month" anime/games i.e. Naruto or Bleach or Final Fantasy get it all >:(

But the upside is I may just have to do it myself  ;D although this is kind of depressing  :(

Really,come on people this site is starting to suck for me! :'(



Wait, let me re-read it.



It's a free site. as in, you don't give anything to receive. You can ask for requests, but I would advise do so in a nicer tone.

Your suggestion of doing it yourself is a good idea.

To your possible annoyance my next story is a Naruto one.  8)


Wow, and who are you to talk like that? Seriously, show some respects to the authors! I'm not usually interested on commenting such a ranting, but after read it, I can't help myself. Why don't you write some fics of your own?


I've wrote a couple,been busy,it just seems odd that this is an anime site yet it seems to be drifting a bit.


Anyway since you all seem to be happy then I'll just try my hand at it in the coming weeks and months,see if I can keep it more anime.

And sorry if I upset anybody I just have a peeve at sites that say anime and then aren't or fall into a rut.


I'm not trying to upset anyone here. Just don't agree with what you've said. Well sorry if I offended you, but that's what I felt. I've never wrote a fic, but I try to respect someone's effort and try my best to give it a review.

Jimmy Olsen

Two thirds of the stories here are fanfics and one third are originals.  The fanfics cover over 40 different shows, movies, and video games series.  That seems pretty reasonable to me.

And if you weren't trying to upset anyone here, you should have included your complaint with other, more positive comments about this site.  When your first post on a forum is a rant about the failings of that website, you shouldn't expect anything except a backlash.
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This is another reason why I'm tempted to make this place more exclusive, to keep out snouth-nosed brats who think they can complain when they don't do squat for the site itself. I know I sometimes frequent boards and occasionally ask for something, but I always find a way to repay the gesture or contribute. But to just mouth out even if it wasn't a direct criticism is just poor behaviour.

Is the site not overflowing? Depends, it could be a lot worse. Could it be better if the hundreds of 'leeches' who sign up made some kind of contributions? Most definately.

Maybe we're far from being a literary version of 4chan *sans the sass and stupidity*, but at least we got a tight knit community that I'm sure will grow in time. We've already got a considerable number of non-scat/pee stories thanks to Anime Lover and others. And while the site will stay within fetish-centric themes, there's no doubt in my mind that we'll expand to soon have a rich virtual library of creatively written tales of egg-laying, pants wetting and guys getting clobbered for watching a cute girl take a dump :P..... *Turn* Wait... please, look I'm sorry Nami! *WHACK*  :009:
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Orpheum, there is no such thing as 4chan without the universal hate and massive stupidity, that's all4chan is.  This is coming from a recovering /B/ addict.  ;D That's exactly what I love about this place the (usually :-[) friendly tone.  Just keep in mind I hung around these sites for years before I felt comfortable contributing (not that I do a whole hell of a lot now but write stupid rants like this).

Ok, here are some things this discussion has made me think of.

I've said before (many times) that I personally prefer the anime/manga based stories myself.  Reading something set in an existing universe makes it easier to picture things and lets you imagine how a famous character would feel about a situation even above what's actually written.  That being said, some of my favorite fics. here are originals just because of the writing and/or content.  I would probably like them even better if they where about anime characters I knew, but no existing universe (that the author knew about) fit with the action they had in mind.

It's not as if the authors here sit down and say "Should I write and anime story, or a non-anime story today?"  I think a lot of us would prefer to use established characters if we're able.  If there is ever a question, it's more likely to be "Should I write a non-anime story, or should I write no story at all?"  It's not like there would be one more word of anime content if all the original, cartoon and video game stories weren't here.  If you want Guzo, you can think of them as extra bonuses, appreciate them or ignore them as you wish. 

Like Orpheum mentioned, this is pretty much the only English language site in the world where people can share any kind of imaginary "EFRO" story, so of course we end up with a variety of stuff here and that's ok because then we can see and share different ideas to maybe help our own work.  A lot of the best anime story ideas here originally came from other mostly unrelated sites.

Just this week, Jimmy and I went so far as to adapt one of his originals in the interactive section to the Inuyasha universe.  If that's not a commitment to anime, I don't know what is!

As for currently popular character/series getting more attention, that's just because they're... well...  more currently popular.  ;D  They're what people are thinking about and have fresh in their minds.  If you wanted to write a story with a red-headed anime girl with huge breasts and you just finished watching Bleach on Adult Swim, would you think of Orihime, or Tomoko from GTO?  Also, there's more of a chance that people who read the stories are familiar with currently popular characters.  If you've never seen the anime a fic. is set in, you don't get the benefit of it being based on anything at all.  If it makes you feel better, I plan to do a Ranma1/2 and a Gunsmith Cats story here sometime in the future.

Looking forward to seeing what you can do.  In my mind, almost anything that gets us a good new anime fic. or two is a good thing.  What series do you plan to base your stories on?   


Quote from: OrpheumZero on May 15, 2009, 10:44:00 PM
This is another reason why I'm tempted to make this place more exclusive, to keep out snouth-nosed brats who think they can complain when they don't do squat for the site itself. I know I sometimes frequent boards and occasionally ask for something, but I always find a way to repay the gesture or contribute. But to just mouth out even if it wasn't a direct criticism is just poor behaviour.

This is actually one reason why I make AnimeGirlDesp - the sister site to Nyou Fiction (I suppose since we're both hosted by the same guy  xD ) - so restrictive in order for people to get access to the real "Treasure" of the site.

People should work to prove themselves as trustworthy and willing to help before they start complaining about things which they either know very little, or frankly just don't understand.

I'm willing to allow people to share their thoughts and complaints, but to come onto a site and as your first post to whine and complain and bitch about something... Uh-uh... Not a very good start - on my forum, that would probably be grounds for some sort of penalty...  xD

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD


Well... not all of us are skilled authors like you guys. It wouldn't be very nice if everyone had to be an author to read stories. I don't think closed communities are very good things, unless there's something at risk (like for private torrent sites).

Personally, I love the site how it is!  :) I eagerly await new stores, and try to leave praise when I truly enjoy something. Rather than having to put up with annoying people and "feed the trolls," you could simply ignore them, delete the threads, band the user, and be done with it... I doubt being 100% exclusive will completely stop the group of people who come just to criticize.

Also, due to the rarity of stories of this kind, it would just be a shame to block out all the users. From what I've heard, one of the joys of writing is to share it with others, and what's the purpose if nobody will read it?


Quote from: N on May 16, 2009, 10:15:17 AM
Well... not all of us are skilled authors like you guys. It wouldn't be very nice if everyone had to be an author to read stories. I don't think closed communities are very good things, unless there's something at risk (like for private torrent sites).

Nobody said that one had to be an author to be allowed access, just do something to contribute. When I can't come up with a story, I make suggestions, supply challenges, or discuss some neat ideas. It's just annoying that we have hundreds of members, and yet only a small percentage actually do stuff. All I ask is that if someone can't write, then at least make suggestions for site improvement, post challenges, review, etc. I mean, I'd probably be more than right to say that nearly half of the silent members here have got some fantasy stories they wish to see be created. Heck, if they don't know how to make it a challenge, then they can post it in the forum in a 'Story wish thread' or something.

While it's true that a site doesn't thrive greatly when it's closeknit and small, it at least remains more stable than one where the majority demand constant satisfaction and never do anything to help out.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Actually, that's an interesting take on the request feature. I had always thought that it would be rude of me to put up a request, as I knew that I would probably never fulfill any of the requests others had put up... :-[

Since you're taking it as a contribution, then maybe I'll start to think of some ideas... :kawaii:

Anyway... You're right. Contribution from most everyone is necessary in some way/shape/form in order for the community as a whole to continue.