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My swansong

Started by yarr, February 19, 2011, 10:19:40 AM

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Part 4. Just immagine a symphony of massive farts and splashes as she spreads her behind for the onslaught on the poor toilet.

Is this the end? Most definitely not, this is not a simple "sit push flush n leave"dump  :o

Jimmy Olsen

When you posted "feel free to suggest dialogue/story elements" I thought you were asking for plot suggestions.  That's why I posted those.
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Heh, I meant suggestions for dialogue etc for this little comic we got going here. Maybe I wasnt clear enough  :-X


This looks delightful! As for suggestions... I thinks she should rub and massage her stomach a lot trying to force the huge movement out faster while commenting at the sensations under her fingers "Its like I ate a live snake... it wants out but its too big... jeeze and this gas is just insane, I feel like I'm shitting air bubbles the size of my fist"
Or include someone else to do the massaging for her since massaging yourself is usually a rather awkward and ineffective massage. 


I like the idea of her feeling the mass & gas moving about inside her as she pushes it out. There's a panel with stomach holding later on, I think I'll use your idea  for the final version 8)


Page 1 is now done, before Sakura continue with the bathroom bombing lets get some suggestions in.

There's 3 ways I can think of approaching the story part of the comic; one is just doing whatever she think/says like a normal comic, the other is adding in an invisble co-character that observes and speaks with her, this would be pretty easy as it would just mean extra speech bubbles. The third way could be instead of speech/thoughts there would just be text as if told from a third person perspective.

The reason I'm nagging about participation is that I think a multiple headed troll is better coming up with the story to accompany the pictures then a single headed one,
and in addition I want to wring some activity out of this community, its pretty stagnant at the moment and with luck we can even deflower some of the many lurkers here as well.

Plus, I enjoy keeping you all in suspense  :008:


Er, I can't seem to view the full-sized version.


That's cause I did not post the fullscreen one, its not finished.


"adding in an invisble co-character that observes and speaks with her,"
That would be neat so long as the dialogue wasn't creepy. I've seen that kind of thing done before in pictures on DA and it tends to come off creepy somehow. Maybe it would help if the invisible character was a lover or something to the other character instead of just a perv in the room with her


I had in mind a friend or something like that, but knock yourself if you wanna have a go, only limit is fantasy


 :-X XD gee yarr, thats funny. funny picture
girl of my life, June from Kablam 


Imageshack says they deleted the image due to terms of service violation.

Can you upload it somewhere else? I really want to see it.


Yarr, I know you are out there!
Please find somewhere to re-upload that image. I really want to see it!


The missing pic was just of Sakuras face, nothing interesting.


Quote from: yarr on February 26, 2011, 10:00:58 PM
For those considering to chip in on the story/dialogue it can be a solo run with just Sakura, or play out as a shared experience with a second person observing\assisting her through extra speech bubbles. Though she will be the single person appearing in the drawings.

*Deep presenter voice*

The action starts in the next panel as her behind will finally meet mr. Toilet. What will these following three contributors make her do to him?

Find out tomorrow...  :-X
Sorry to bring back an old thread, but this comic strip seemed promising and I was just wondering if its still on the drawing board. I'm guessing it is since I haven't seen any finished work on S2X's gallery, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.


I'ts dead. I was trying to get some community interest stirred up and do something based on that input, but there was not much interest generated so it kinda died.. don't think the sketches etc. are still around so doubt it will be finished, it got around 1/5th done or so.

I kinda lost interest myself too so  :009: