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Tips for first time writers?

Started by Sanchopanza65, December 13, 2007, 12:52:48 PM

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I have a story idea that I'd like to do. It's going to be called "Mitsuru's Misery" and take place in the persona 3 universe. For further details, see the fanfic request thread on fallenstar's site. I just want some advice from those with experience in this kind of thing, for a newbie.


Well you seem to have your fic well planned out, this is an important first step.  Beyond that the best advice I can offer you is to not rush when writing your story, I've made this mistake before and it really shows.  Also be sure to use proper grammar and spelling, use software with spell checking capabilities.  If you don't have the Microsoft office suite download open office.  Finally be descriptive when you finally "get to it" in your story but don't over use the same words especially if there are multiple characters participating.  Don't be afraid to use an online thesaurus, I use them all the time and I find it adds a bit more depth and gives the reader a better experience.  Thats pretty much all I have to offer, just make sure you try and stay true to source material but don't be afraid to have fun.


Yeah, um, I'd agree completely with Omnipresent. Especially about the thesaurus.

Only thing I might add is always try to offer some description of the character. It's porbably safe to assume we all know what, say, Yuna looks like, but I think it improves the story if you offer a description anyway. But, maybe that's just me :).

Looking forward to any contributions.

If you own a PS3, download the demo. Give this game a shot. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.


Basically, just try to narrate someone going to the bathroom, then from there you apply character names from whatever series it is based on. Sometimes it might help to start relatively close to the toilet action, then kinda work back to add some additional plot before the girl's evacuation.

Descriptions can vary, you don't need to be Eager Allen Poe when you describe what's happening, but a metaphor or some kind of alliteration can make a for some nice creativity.

Don't worry too much about consistency, and I mean with the original work. Your story doesn't have to follow 100% with the anime/game/manga's storyline as long as it is believeable ( :P within the realms of the series of course) Some of us may try to find an occasional loophole in a show's episodic format and thus create a story that ties in well enough but that's not necessary at all.

All in all, just write what comes to mind and see what happens. Writing is like drawing, dancing, sword fighting, pretty much everything else; you'll get better at it over time with experiance and practice. And it's ok if things don't turn out too well, everyone here is very generous rarely gives harsh criticism.

If you plan on posting the story here, go to the suggestion thread and post a list of the game (category) and any/all characters (more or less the premiary ones).
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


In addition to all the great advice offered above, I would say that the best way to improve your writing, especially in the stuff that's difficult to do right like description and dialog, is by reading as much as possible. You don't need to analyze the reading or anything, just expose yourself to as much as you can and you'll start to get a better feel for language.

Also, reading as many toilet fics as possible will give you new ideas for describing the "action", which is important because it's hard to describe what is basically the same thing in a new way over and over.

Finally, one of the most effective ways to learn is through feedback, so post your stuff and pay attention to reviews. Honest, constructive criticism can add a lot to your writing.

Good luck!


Strongly agree with Toasty. Read, and pay a bit more attention than usual to the author's writing style. Learn by example: how writers string ideas together, how they utilize description, action and dialogue and how they bring them together into a coherent narrative, etc.

Keep to proper spelling, grammar and established rules for writing narratives (e.g. start a new line whenever a new character speaks in dialogue, punctuating dialogues, use of correct and consistent verb tenses (depending on if the narrative is written in the present or past), etc.). Don't rely on an automatic spell-check to correct your language, either; although glancing errors will be caught by it, they're not reliable otherwise.

Also, don't force it. Don't push metaphors or similes in just for the sake of it, don't use two hundred different words for the same idea, don't use big words when a diminutive one will suffice. Yes, reusing a word over and over again makes for burdened, uninteresting writing and detracts from the story, but the opposite is no better.

Quoth Ernest Hemingway,
Does [Faulkner] really think big emotions come from big words? He thinks I don't know the ten-dollar words. I know them all right. But there are older and simpler and better words, and those are the ones I use.

Also, yay, first post on the forums.


I really think it depends on experience not necessarily with the whole desperation aspect of the fetish, but also with writing experience.  I mean, you could write a waiting and waiting story, but if it's not written well, it does no good.  I'm not saying litter the thing with metaphors to make the work like art, but sometimes a little push can do wonders if done correctly.

I myself haven't written in the category at all, but I DO have experience with writing in general and think that where I am right now, I'm all right with the craft.  I'd say I'm better with writing in general than I would be with writing an actual Nyou fiction story, but I'm still going to give it the college try, anyway.  Plus, I don't see that many works by females around, so I'll try and break the mold.


Quote from: WetYellow on January 02, 2008, 10:39:46 PM
I really think it depends on experience not necessarily with the whole desperation aspect of the fetish, but also with writing experience.  I mean, you could write a waiting and waiting story, but if it's not written well, it does no good.  I'm not saying litter the thing with metaphors to make the work like art, but sometimes a little push can do wonders if done correctly.

I myself haven't written in the category at all, but I DO have experience with writing in general and think that where I am right now, I'm all right with the craft.  I'd say I'm better with writing in general than I would be with writing an actual Nyou fiction story, but I'm still going to give it the college try, anyway.  Plus, I don't see that many works by females around, so I'll try and break the mold.
I didn't even think about the fact that no girls have written a story yet (that I know of) until you pointed it out, even though it's kinda expected :(. I think it would be interesting to read a story of this nature written by a girl. It would be a first for me at least.


Yeah, most niche sites like this are just assumed to be an all boys club, so whenever a female reveals herself there's always a brief "OMGWTFBBQ" moment. That takes a lot of guts, WetYellow, and I salute you. Try not to let your singular nature get you down.

On the other hand, it is sort of embarrassing to think that over 95% of the stories on this site were written from a female perspective and, up until now, all written by males. Having them read by an actual girl is kind of a scary thought... but I guess if it allows more accurate feedback, then it's all for the best.


The key thing I would like to think is whether or not a real girl would actually approve of the accuracy of any of the fics written BY guys FROM a guy's perspective of a girl's perspective...  xD

(and if that last part confuses you too, then congratulations... it did the same to me... LOL )

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Eternal Dragon

it kinda made sense to me what you just said... fallen... then again... it's confusing and makes my head hurt a little  ;D


I...I think that's what I was saying...but you know, I'm not really sure anymore...


Quote from: Toasty on January 07, 2008, 12:16:28 AM
I...I think that's what I was saying...but you know, I'm not really sure anymore...


Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD