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When you read a fic, do you print it or read it directly from your monitor?

Started by Anime Lover, May 07, 2008, 05:50:46 PM

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When you read a fic, do you print it or read it directly from your monitor?

Yes- if it's a long one
Yes- if it's a short one
No- if it's a long one
No- if it's a short one

Anime Lover

I'm just curious, I don't like to sit at my comp and read a long fic, I even print short fics too
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I either read on my monitor, or I copy it to a .txt and read from my ipod.


I don't read fics as much as some, but there are a few AL fics that I print out and read over and over again.

Fics such as: the first ever Kim and Becky fic, We Won't Get Caught, Trust Me, Locker Room Desperation, The Plan, etc... that I like to peruse (even with the grammatical errors) over and over again.  =)

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD


well I have never printed any fic, never even thought of doing it.

though I used to use a text to speech program for long fics to help me along.