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Started by yarr, July 23, 2009, 03:21:44 AM

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Quote from: yarr on August 11, 2009, 10:13:45 PM
That's Deedlit from record of lodoss war, She's an elf indeed.
I actually started a fic with her way way back, something about human food not agreeing with her and she ended up farting up a storm at some ball before she clogged the castle's new experimental flush toilet, blaming silly human technology. I have no idea what happened to it but Its been gone for years.

The final version will most likely have her upper body and head somewhat increased in size to match her butt; granted she is big assed, but not disproportionally pear shaped  :o
I guess in the short description of what the sketch should look like "big enough to swallow the seat" was what stuck  8)

Hopefully the sketch waters some inspirational seeds and a couple of script suggestions crawl out the woodwork.

I was gonna say I would hope she's more 'balanced'. As much as I love a nice big booty, it kinda ruins things when the ass looks too out of proportion with the actual body.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Speaking of ass, what happened to your butt-thread? There is a _lot_ of material out there on say danburoo nowadays.


No script suggestions yet people?  :kawaii:


"That's Deedlit from record of lodoss war, She's an elf indeed."

Thanks.  Now that I think about it, I remember seeing bits of that show back when the Sci-Fi Channel did there early Saturday morning anime thing back in the mid 90s.  Some of the stuff I saw on there really helped get me into anime in the first place.

"The final version will most likely have her upper body and head somewhat increased in size to match her butt; granted she is big assed, but not disproportionally pear shaped."

I'm glad you mentioned this.  I've noticed the girls S2x has been drawing for you lately have had plenty of junk in the trunk.  I even saw a debate on an image board where some of them were posted with someone saying it was the perspective making their butts look bigger! ;D  Wile I like that, the sketch was taking it to a ridiculous extreme.  I would say Asuka in the animation has humanly believable but pleasing proportions.

"No script suggestions yet people?"

Man, it's only been two (week) days! ;D

"Speaking of ass..."

I just found that funny for some reason. :P ;D


Here is the line work of the animation to give an idea.

Gogo script suggestions!  8)


Amazing line art.  I finally get to see what Melina looks like. ;D  To me, her face still looks a little like Aisha in this shot, but it could be mostly her mouth and expression in this one frame.  The boy's eye watching looks so real it's almost creepy.

This is more in proportion than the first sketch, but personally, I think her head and arms could still be just a bit bigger.  Melina is a big girl all around (even in human form) even if her boobs and butt are large even for her size.  I do love the idea of her bottom totally smothering the normal, human sized hole and making it look like a tiny training potty where most girls would barely be wider than the seat.  That was one thing I guess I didn't notice enough in the story.  I bet those old bench boards creaked when she sat down!  Any yes, I forgot that it was our image board that had the perspective discussion.   

Looking at this, I realized there would be a lot of brown in the final version.  (...Yes, that too ;), but I was talking about something else.)  With the wood of the outhouse, her very tan skin and leather cloths (along with a lot of other stuff) there would be four different shades.  Maybe S2X could make the wood a weathered gray color and her cape and shirt green or something.

As for captions, twenty panels is a lot to work on, even if half of them would be mostly "FFFFRRTT!  BBBBLLLUUPPPPPHHH!  SSHHHOOOLLPPP!  AHHHHH!" etc.  It would be a whole lot easier for me if I could see her expressions in each panel like with Asuka as they inspired what I wrote for that one but I understand wanting the finished product to be a surprise.  Maybe you could just send me all the sketches and I could do it myself! ;D  (Only half-kidding... :P)  One thing I would like to see is the peeing sound effect used in the Orihime comic and maybe a nice little stream under the seat.


Yeh, its a great a.. er, picture.  :)

There is no other frames atm as this time its done the other way around from the Asuka one. 20 frames means more alterations possible, not nessecarily 20 different frames altogether as you can create new frames by mixing and recycling existant ones to get a certain facial expression paired with a certain arm position/fart sound etc.

I know one thing I'm putting in regardless of suggestions; she lets off a fart so big there will be fumes rising from the other seat next to her as well  ;D

The colors are already sorted, I guess I can whip up a small version to show it.

If you want her to do a foaming piss, put it in the script along with "FFFFRRTT!  BBBBLLLUUPPPPPHHH!  SSHHHOOOLLPPP!  AHHHHH!"  8)


Guess if I want to play art critic, I should be talking to S2X himself.  I don't know if he ever comes around here to see what we think of his stuff (but when I think about it, he probably wouldn't bother making an account if he's not personally into our kind of thing.)  When I post, I usually end up just writing what ever comes to mind at the moment and hope someone might have a use for one of my ideas. :P

One thing I will say is I hadn't imagined her skin was quite that dark.  I may have had a few things done a bit differently, but it's your character and you're paying for this, not me and I still know it's going to be great. ;D

A fart so huge it blasts stink vapors from the other hole? ???  Brilliant! :kawaii:  That's one thing I honestly never would have thought of myself.

Ok, I understand.  The final twenty frames will be made by "mixing and matching" a bunch of different expressions, postures, and sounds.  So, I should just write an bunch of stuff I would like to hear and not worry about matching specific shots (like you said in the first place. :-[)  I'll get right on it. ;D     


Here's my entry for a caption though I hope I'm not the only one this time... Orpheum... ;)

You and S2X can decide how you want to match the postures and expressions to this if you decide to use it.

*boards creeks as she wiggles her butt on the seat*

Melina thinking:  Ahhh...  Feels  like I've been walking for a week and I couldn't go for days before I left.  It's going to be so good to finally sit down and let it out.

*gush of pee pouring into the sewage pool and continuing for the next few panels*

*loud fart*

Melina thinking:  I think I got those pants down just in time.  Too bad this seat is so tiny, human girls must have really small butts.


*crackle and splash of poop falling*

*grunting grown*

Melina thinking:  Uhhhhh, that's better already.  I only hope this thing is deep enough to hold a little of what I'm carrying.

*louder farts and wet plops*

Meina out loud:  Ohhh  Yesss!

Boy thinking:  Wow!  She's the cutest girl I've ever seen, and I'm actually seeing her naked butt.  And she's... I was  never even sure that girls did that!   

Melina thinking:  Ugh, here comes more...

*another batch of gas and poo*

Boy thinking:  No... she can't be going again.

*huge fart that blows fumes form the empty hole*

Melina thinking:  Ewww!  What do these humans put in there food?  It tastes great, but the gas it gives me is just horrible!

*holds her belly*

Boy thinking:  Ugh!  I can't look away, but I wish she would stop.  It smells worse than cleaning out the pig barn.

Melina thinking:  This isn't helping a much as I hoped.  I just can't get enough out in human form to stop all this gas.  I hope I don't wake up Tom tonight...

Boy thinking:  All of our cows couldn't make that much manure in a week!  Do all girls poop like that?

Melina thinking:  If only there was a place I could undo the spell for thirty minuets or so and go for real.  But where can I go in these human lands without burying a town?  What I wouldn't give for my chamber pot back home about now.

*wet sloppy farts and squishing of huge soft logs*

Boy thinking:  No!  It's not possible...

Melina thinking:  Here we go again.  Ugh, no more raw dragon before a trip!

*holding her stomach in pain*

*explosive gas and wet plops*

Melina thinking:  Well I'd better stop before I fill this thing.  I only hope it was enough for a little wile.  Pu!  I'd better hurry and get out of here.