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My official thread of.... things I do.

Started by OrpheumZero, July 02, 2008, 10:31:07 AM

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Jimmy Olsen

I'll work on the problem in my head and post what I come up with tomorrow.

By the way, don't call the Asian girl "Kiki" in the final draft.  I've used that name in at least one fic on this site.
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Wasn't really planning to. Either way, don't really see a problem with two unrelatted characters having the same name. But I'm sure I can come up with a good name in time.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

Here's what I got.  I'll be gone from Nyou Fiction for a whiel.

Chisa (I'm calling the main character Chisa now) wakes up, quickly assesses the situation, and springs into action.  She throws off her jammies and undies, gets food from the fridge, boots up her laptop, and puts it all in the bathroom next to the toilet.  Then she jumps into the shower, squirts shampoo on her head, and jumps out.  Sarah is in the shower while this happens, and isn't pleased. 

Chisa then sets up on the toilet, within reach of the sink.  She tries to eat, drink her soda, urinate, defecate, type her paper, scrub the shampoo into her hair, and scrub under her arms and between her legs with the soap they keep next to the sink.  She then has to multitask further, since Sarah yells at her about the girl-on-girl surprise in the shower, leaves the bathroom to get dressed, then comes back in and yells at her about the unannounced return to the room last night, going into a spiel about how every one of her attempts at ending her current sex-drought has been thwarted and she's really frustrated.  Chisa tries to defend herself and to convince Sarah that it's not healthy to be so horny, and Sarah eventually leaves her alone in the bathroom (either because Chisa has a good point or because Chisa has bad gas). 

Everything Chisa's doing is going all right so far.  She's eaten part of her breakfast, emptied her bladder, and typed so much that all she has left is the concluding paragraph, which is fully formed in her head.  Next step is to empty her bowels and go back into the shower for a brief full-body rinse.  But things stop going perfectly when she gets shampoo on the neck of her soda bottle and takes a drink.  She spits it out involuntarily, then tries to wash the shampoo off her hands without getting off the toilet.  But the shampoo falls down into her eyes and she can't see.  She doesn't want to put the laptop on the floor, since it could get stepped on, so she quickly (and blindly) takes it out of the bathroom to her desk. 

Unbeknownst to her, Mark, Sarah's guy from last night, dropped by to tell her about an end-of-Finals party, and they've been talking in the non-bathroom part of the room.  A naked, wet, and soapy Chisa runs out of the bathroom with her folded-up laptop and runs right into the Mark, knocking him on the floor.  She assumes it's Sarah and apologizes, then puts down her laptop and runs back, hitting him again as he's trying to stand up.  He lands on his back and she lands on top of him.  When he says, "Hi, you must be Chisa," Chisa finally realizes what's going on.  She gets off him and runs back into the bathroom in embarrassment, and Sarah notices that Mark has an erection.  So she switches from yelling at Chisa to yelling at him.  "How come you never got stiff that quick for me?!  Aren't my boobs Asian enough!?!" 

Back in the bathroom, Chisa rinses off.  Sarah shouts to her that it's safe to come out, so she bursts out the door naked, towelling herself off as she walks, and gets to her laptop.  Only then does she realize that the computer has been frozen since she spit soda on it.  She throws a fit, then realizes that it might only be the keyboard and touchpad that are broken, so she digs through Sarah's things (still naked, of course) until she finds Sarah's mouse and hooks it up.  The mouse works. 

So she sets back up on the toilet, running the mouse along her thigh since there's no room for a mousepad, and tries to finish her breakfast, void her bowels, save the file, and e-mail the file to herself so she can access it from the computer of Amber, her friend down the hall who will definitely be nice enough to help her out.  This last part isn't completed before the next interruption.  She is stuffing her face and pushing her first fecal mass out when Sarah bursts in again.  "Me and Mark just made up over texts, and he wants to have a three-way tonight.  Are you in?"

This startles Chisa so badly that she chokes on her food.  She stands up and flails around, but still can't unblock her throat.  Sarah does the Heimlich Maneuver on her, which squeezes out the food blockage, but also squeezes something out of her anus and onto the front of Sarah's jeans.  Sarah is so startled that she loses her balance and falls on her butt.  Her arms are still around Chisa's middle, so she falls down too.  At that moment, Chisa's colon becomes empty, and Sarah ends up with a mud pie on her lap.  Chisa thanks Sarah earnestly for saving her life, even to the point of hugging and kissing the other girl, but for Sarah this lapful of feces is the last straw.  She picks up the naked Chisa like a child and forcibly throws her out the door into the hallway.  Then she starts throwing her stuff out after her. 

When the laptop comes out, Chisa grabs it and heads for Amber's room.  The clock is ticking, and she doesn't have time to wait for Sarah to throw her clothes out.  So she bursts into Amber's room naked with a dirty bottom, laptop in hand, and explains the situation at a machine gun pace.  This is awkward, especially because Amber's parents are visiting her at the time, along with her little brother.  Amber makes Chisa go into her bathroom for reasons of decency, and promises to solve her computer and clothes problems immediately.  Chisa takes this opportunity to finally wipe. 

In moments, Amber has transferred Chisa's file to her own computer, and it's ready for the other girl to write the final paragraph.  Unfortunately Amber is much taller than Chisa, and so the only things that even sorta fit her are bras, panties, and the like.  Chisa settles for Amber's bikini, and finishes her paper and prints it out. 

Then, wearing only a swimsuit and sandals, Chisa runs across campus to deliver it to the classroom before the hour of the deadline.  She turns a few heads in the process.  The paper almost blows away at one point, and she needs to keep it secured.  Without a backpack or folder, or even pockets, her only option is to roll it up and stick it down the front of her bikini top, between her breasts.  She gets to the room with just seconds to spare, whips the paper out (causing her top to fall off), unrolls it, and puts it in the basket.  Her professor tells her that this fanservice isn't the way to get extra credit.
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Jimmy Olsen

You like me!  You really like me!  ;D

Feel free to write this without my input, Orpheum.  I'm fine with you or anyone else using these ideas, just so long as the story doesn't describe masturbation OR overt lesbianism (although awkward girl-to-girl contact is okay).  I'll review the result when I have a reliable computer again.
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Girls' Night
Morning Commute


As many of you know, I've been working on a novel for quite some time. And while I'm probably a good while from being completely, absolutely, 100% finished. I have been comtemplating what I should do regarding publishing. My late mother had told me that doing it online is the way to go, as the internet is the new 'in' for being 'discovered'. Of course, it's a lot more dangerous to publish over the internet as anyone could steal someone's idea and get away with it far easier than stealing a physical manuscript.

The question is, where do I even start? Of course I would have to find a site where I know I'll get exposure and readers who can read samplings of the story, both to give needed critiques and general opinions of the work. But also for possible publishers that would take me in. One thing my mother had mentioned was a likely need to sign a contract with whoever agrees to publish my work online, as it would ensure a safe control of the literature. This can be disconcerning as I certainly don't want the work to hampered or made unavailible for distribution for a limited time, as I want it to be published shortly after it's been completed.

One possible thought I had was DeviantArt, as it is the type of place for Authors as well as artists to get exposure of their works, but I know the site isn't as popular as Facebook/Myspace/Twitter when it comes to the general public *that is, you don't hear about it on tv as much*. FictionPress, Fanfiction's spin-off site is another possible choice, but like the latter, is fairly obscure as well.

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


My advice is this: Only put a few chapters up as a taster while you look for an agent and work on the rest. Don't put it all up on dART. I'm in the process of writing a novel as well, and have the first 3 chapters up on dART and nowhere else, so I can get some CC and opinions while I work on the other chapters.


Well of course I wouldn't post the whole thing. Just chapters I want the most opinions of on. Although I would probably have to do some shortening and ripping so I could show off as many choice parts and not worry about when I delete a part that someone might have copied the thing. Granted, the law on Copyright is that once I've merely thought of something, it's mine, and when it's written, it's impossible for someone to just steal it away.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


A really nice song from one of my favorite PS2 games. There's four others by the same artist (Nadia Gifford), they're really good. But this is favorite among the five.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


A blaring desert, sand kicked up by harsh winds swirls all around. A lone figure appears in the distant, cloaked in a heavy cloth and wearing a large straw hat.

Cue dramatic music, like the start of an epic film

Suddenly trips over the the body of a heavily bandaged man in a long trenchcoat (Schwarzwald). Stumbles to feet and stares at the body.

Who the fuck is that?  ???

Anyway, it is I! Yes, I have returned after a week long absence! *Though I guess no one really noticed I was gone... :-[* But I was, my computer wouldn't open IE for a whole week, the windwows would always close and AOL wouldn't start at all. For a while it seemed like the end of my comp, but earlier this evening *when it was still Wednesday* I used a recently purchased 8GB Flash drive to save my favorites in preparation of a possible file loss, and lo and behold when I tried AIM *which would seem to work during the crisis* I found my interent working properly once more!

Of course I may have to disappear again in a while, but that all depends on whether or not I do have to go with a massive reboot of the computer to solve my issues, which seemed to have stemmed from a spam program called "Personal Guard 2009".

Oh... and there's a new Sakura story, enjoy!  ;D
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Well, *I* was wondering where you were. Good to have you back!

Sounds like your computer could use a reformat, but maybe it'd be more trouble than it's worth.


I just caught up on one piece. It has turned into a perfect source for our insane minds, and your upcoming story with the introduction of the character Jewelry bonney;

Apparently the author used Gal Sone as an inspiration for her, but increased her eating abilities 100 times.  8)

I'd immagine her personal quarters to just be a seat into the open ocean due to issues with a normal toilets capacity.


Wow, I had recalled hearing that her apettite was on par with Luffy's but didn't really think much of it. Jeesus, a story with her would have to be roughly like my CC story, just 90% focus on pooping action!  8) (not that it would be a bad thing, :P ;D) While I'm still pretty far behind on the series myself (as I'm watching the FUNI dvds) I might be able to conjur something up if I take some time to look into her character.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Yea its a good opportunity, but I still think the idea of Robin plugging the toilet with her big round butt due to being so into her reading she forgets to courtesy flush is more original at least.

I wonder if she uses her devil fruit ability to wipe her ass, or maybe operate the flush/plunger without needing to put down her book with her original hands. The mystery!  ???