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Poopy pic contest - spread the word!

Started by yarr, March 06, 2009, 06:29:09 AM

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Nice, two entries. I'll get to reading asap, on the road atm  8)

I might as already mentioned been a little hard regarding how much time was available, so the contest will be extended again so that everyone can finish their entries. More later on the final date.


Huzzah! I've just added my entry. This is easily the biggest story I've ever written. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's over twice as long as anything I've ever written in the past. Enjoy!

Jimmy Olsen

I read your story, Toasty.  It's entertaining, but I have to wonder how Fran could have possibly held all that inside her body.  You give the impression that the load is so large that it could only be spatially possible if some kind of portal is involved, or else her body is capable of densely compacting matter like a black hole.  Otherwise she'd look like she was pregnant with some kind of ogre child.
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Hmm, yeah, I was trying to give the impression that her ultra-efficient digestive system was capable of compacting all the food into a single, extremely dense mass and use it for energy over the course of multiple months. But, I guess when I said she felt "heavy" I didn't specify "over twice as heavy as normal". Maybe I'll go back and change some of the wording so it's more clear, while still avoiding one of the characters giving some kind of extended biology lecture about viera.


See, the funny thing is that I did intend for expositioncakes abounding about Ms. Pac-Man's digestive system. Obviously there are characters who are going to look at this monster and say "WTF?!" so there needs to be some sort of reason or explanation. Of course, I'm kind of set in my dimensions, but I do give room for imagination in terms of just how much is going in...and coming out.


New date set to 00:00 the 12th of April.. time to polish the current, write a 2nd entry or.. *fishes for new contestants*  8)

Jimmy Olsen

Toasty: That makes sense now.  Maybe you can include something about how her extra energy was needed just to move around now that she had the equivalent of a 250 lb. rock riding on her pelvis.

I may enter a second story.  I've got 2 simple unfinished stories I could finish for it.  One's a bladder desperation story that also includes a non-urgent dump on the part of the heroine.  The other is a "boy who cried wolf" story where a girl cuts class twice by faking sickness and getting excused to the restroom, with the result that her teacher doesn't believe her when she really needs to be excused to the restroom.
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Jimmy, getting back to you on the interactive story thing, again.  After rereading it again and thinking about it for a wile, I think Kagome from Inu Yasha would be the best character form the limited number of anime school girls I know.  Dose that sound ok to you?  I already have a few ideas of how to integrate the series into the story as it is.  I'll be sure to let you see it first, but even with something this quick, don't expect to see it right away.  :-[

As nerds do, I enjoy trying to come up with complex explanations for silly things and after reading A Viera and her Bowels, (that I really liked and will review soon) I started thinking about how it could be possible.  From what I gather, a Viera's digestive system is normally kind of like a moose, super efficient at reducing plant fiber to acorn sized wood-like pellets.  When Fran ate ten or so times what see needed to, she ended up with a dehydrated mass the density of lead in her intestines (or whatever Viera have).  No matter how flexible she is, trying to pass a solid lead beach ball all at once would be lethal.  So, as a defense mechanism, her body rehydrated and rexpanded the waste as it was expelled, that would explane why it was so soft and sloppy after she held it for months.  Still, her belly would have to show somewhat unless, like Jimmy said, she had a colon full of depleted-uranium.  ;D 


Definitely 15 or 16 minutes late. If you want, if we do this by points or something, I'll take a 10% dock or something if that's the only way I wouldn't be disqualified. In any case, mine's up too.

Uh...yeah, btw, it's called "Schizophrenia" for a reason. If you get mood whiplash, I apologize.


Nice, I'll read and review the entries when I'm back home, I am on a extended Easter trip for about another week  8)

If I read you right you submitted the cliffhanger cause you were out of time? There was also someone mentioning they were considering a 2nd entry, so if people want, I have no problem throwing you all another week to finish/polish off the entries, heck maybe someone new wants to chip in?

Lemme know what you think.

Oh yea, all participants can start send in their prize wishes, the more detailed the better, from my experience reference pictures are good to get across specific poses/perspectives etc. Post the ideas here or in pm. the more specific the better, unless you're up for the "chef's surprise" approach.

*pulls down gogles and skiis down the slope again*

Jimmy Olsen

Dr. Bones: Sounds fine!

Yarr: I probably won't finish my second entry ("Honest Emergency") too soon.  I'm going on a trip, plus I'm busy in the usual ways, plus I'm not really feeling that story.  How do you want us to send prize wishes?  P.M.s?  Also, do you only do poop drawings, or can prize drawings be something else (pee, desperation, diapers, and so forth)?
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Prize drawings can be anything like it says in first post, post wishes here or in pm. Be specific, use reference pictures etc if you want.
Also I'm gonna reveal the winners with the drawings, so you can all submit choices for 1-3rd place like you would get one of each  8)

Submissions so far were awesome, maybe we can do something like this again but then with a signup function or so. (And better timelimit)


Yarr, I would just like to thank you for coming up with/sponsoring this whole contest (and thanks to the writers who made it work).  ;)  You sure seceded it getting more activity around here the last few weeks, plus three new pics. and a custom Yarr story are still coming.  :004: Hope it'll end up being worth the truck load of cash you'll have to fork over to S2X!  ;D

As for doing another one, if I had my wish there would be one of these going on every few months for the rest of time, but I totally understand the time and money thing.  A new contest next year or so would be great and could benefit from the experience of this one, like the time limit.  I already have an idea if you do another one and I swear I will enter next time if I have literally take days off work to write it!

Jimmy, S2X, the artist Yarr commissions from, advertises that he will draw absolutely anything someone wants without judgment.  The proof is on his site,

Watch out though because like the name says, that place has stuff I still find disturbing after years of Internet desensitization... *shudder* :015:       


Well, may as well put my prize down, see if I've won...Basically if I'm one of the winners, I want a picture of Aerith from FFVII on the toilet. Never seen one of her on the can before.
It doesn't bother me as to whether you can see the crap or not.

Anyways, if we do this again one day, I might put some money towards the prize.


Wait, so there's a first, second and third place prize? And we should post our requests for each so that they'll be selected depending on which (if any) place we receive?

I guess for 3rd place, I'd want a picture of Hitomi from the DOA series in this outfit, hiding behind a sand dune on the beach as she has a bad case of the hershey squirts, with the volleyball next to her. 2nd place would be this girl right here, Julia Chang from the Tekken series, from behind, in that outfit, squatting outside and looking over her shoulder nervously as she pushes out a tough load. And 1st, I'm thinking a colored comic of Susanna and Viola (two of my OCs in Schizophrenia) going from eating some food Susanna cooked to Viola sitting over a largish, overflowing toilet bowl with Viola scowling at Susanna, who is staring off into space with a plunger in her hands. I'll PM you a description.