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Poopy pic contest - spread the word!

Started by yarr, March 06, 2009, 06:29:09 AM

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Wow, this is exciting. Susanna and Viola actually drawn out like that :kawaii:

I can't stop grinning.

Jimmy Olsen

How much longer before these prizes are posted?
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Yeah, I don't want to sound impatient or ungrateful, but...

You're killin' me here!  :kawaii:


Posting as soon as the Fran comic is done, the others are ready.  8)


Alright, here is the 1st and 2nd place prizes, Fran filles the pot and two of Bluesniper's wizard girls enjoys a dump outdoors.. he wanted one of them to birth a real ring-strecher, so that's what he got  8)

I bet she was banned from using normal toilets at toddler age by the looks of it.

Story and 3rd place prize next up.


Outdoor wizards

Got some ideas for contest 3, but I wont do anythign about it until all the prizes for 1 & 2 are wrapped up.


Oh man, thanks a lot! This looks great!


Dude... Nice! ;D ;D ;D  I was just thinking today at work (in the bathroom ironically enough) about when these would be done and how I might come home and find them any day. :P 

I would have liked to see Fran using the outhouse like in the story, but I understand how hard it is to do a page of this.

I know the second one is two of the mage characters from Schizophrenia, but it actually reminds me of the scene with the two guards in chapter five; one having a runny load and the other pushing out a monster log. ;)

BTW, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth.  I've been reading everything and I hope I'll have more time to hang around here early next year. :-[   


Oh...hell yes.

At long last, this is just too awesome. Three cheers for our judge and benefactor, yarr!

By the way, when are you planning to post the story you wrote for the prize? Still waiting on the third picture?


Yea, I plan to post the Selphie story together with Jimmy's picture.


So yarr, now that it's been over a year since the contest started, and there's still no third place prize, do you think you could post that Selphie story that's been done for MORE THAN SIX MONTHS?  :'(  Seriously, with all due respect to S2X, this is getting kind of ridiculous. I think maybe you should just post the story and move on to the next contest.

Jimmy Olsen

Any chance of seeing that other picture ever?  ???
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I too am wondering where the latest picture is. It's been such a long time, don't leave us hanging!  :'(
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


If anyone has an account on DA, please can they find and upload these following images:
If anyone is willing to comply, please reply back to this reply.

Jimmy Olsen

Where should I upload them to?  Nyou 3 is down, and the image host I use is really strict about nudity (I've gotten in trouble in the past).
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