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BlueSniper's Updates/Feedback Thread

Started by BlueSniper, May 05, 2009, 10:55:16 PM

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And then, hilariously, I didn't have any time to work on it between then and now. At this point, all that's left is the proofreading part. Unless someone wants to proofread it for me...

...didn't think so. I'll try to have it up sometime this week.


I'd be happy to help dig out typos if needed, I feel a little obligated to help ship this thing, since it was my (rather extensive) challenge to begin with  ^-^


E.P.I.C!!!! The story is gonna be AWESOME!!!!!


Hmm, I wonder...if someone were to glance at the front page of this site right now, what would they see? Perhaps a new posting, maybe a...response, to some sort of...contest, or, what's the word--ah yes, challenge. Maybe they'd see that. I guess we'll never know, though.


So, I got a request for more Gretchen...I have to admit, when I was writing the character, I was considering working with these two again, focusing on Gretchen a bit more. I've also got half a mind to throw a girl like this into the mix:

I suppose if I was going to write another story, I'd premise it by saying that the third girl heard/saw them in the locker room. Which means she got a good look at Tabitha's bouncy buns =D G&T would have secured the area a bit more, but it was urgent, and they didn't expect anyone to be there--indeed, Girl #3 (Vicki, perhaps) was the only person there, up for an early swim thanks to the purported laxative effect it has on some people. Of course, she'd be yarrified to perfection--her waist would be the same size as the lovely Ms. Veronica in that video, but her hips on the other I said, yarrified to perfection.

Ah, stories about hot chicks taking huge dumps. May they never end.


So, there's a new Soul Calibur game out, and there was a character who caught my eye. She's apparently got magical powers, she wears a dark-purple cape with lavender trim and her name? Her name is Viola.

Is this some sort of sign that I'm supposed to finish Schizophrenia?

A Rat

Yep, that story certainly deserves an ending, even though the nomenclature may be nothing more than a coincidence. 8)


Quote from: BlueSniper on February 06, 2012, 10:20:09 PM
So, there's a new Soul Calibur game out, and there was a character who caught my eye. She's apparently got magical powers, she wears a dark-purple cape with lavender trim and her name? Her name is Viola.

Is this some sort of sign that I'm supposed to finish Schizophrenia?

Dear BlueSniper,



- Everyone


@A Rat: I assume it's a coincidence, but how awesome would it be if it wasn't? I figure it's not though, I don't see a staff member in the Bamco development team putting in a reference to a (BEAUTIFULLY AND EXCELLENTLY WRITTEN) fanfic about pooping.

*going to have to make that game myself*

There may be updates for Schizophrenia this summer. I'm not going to make promises, though.

On the Bamco front, however, as a break from my long-term projects, I am doing a short story called The Enemy Within, centered on a pair of sisters from another (related?) game. It's a shame that I didn't have a way to work in an enema in a Nyou-story with "enemy" in the title, but hey.

A Rat

Quote from: BlueSniper on May 04, 2012, 11:18:04 AM
@A Rat: I assume it's a coincidence, but how awesome would it be if it wasn't? I figure it's not though, I don't see a staff member in the Bamco development team putting in a reference to a (BEAUTIFULLY AND EXCELLENTLY WRITTEN) fanfic about pooping.

*going to have to make that game myself*

There may be updates for Schizophrenia this summer. I'm not going to make promises, though.

On the Bamco front, however, as a break from my long-term projects, I am doing a short story called The Enemy Within, centered on a pair of sisters from another (related?) game. It's a shame that I didn't have a way to work in an enema in a Nyou-story with "enemy" in the title, but hey.

I'm still interested in Soul Calibur, bummed that Sophitia is gone but it would be great to have one more pooping scene from someone like Cassandra.


Sort of a late present this holiday season, but I finally posted something new for the Story Contest.



So after getting some great advice on how to solve my problem by yarr, I figure this is my list:

1) The Queen of Iron Stomach Tournament - currently in progress
2) Duel Monster World - that title is a placeholder, but it's the Yu-Gi-Oh stuff I was talking about. I'm thinking a collection of one-shots involving my favorite monsters; I've got some stuff in mind for Rose, Warrior of Revenge, Mystical/Dark/Gemini Elf and the Amazonness group.
3) My Roommate is a Shapeshifting Dragon - in the interest of consolidation, this will be kinda-sorta mostly original, but will also incorporate elements that might Kamen Rider, Psycho-Pass, and Cross Ange. It's basically a Kamen Rider concept using dragon eggs as transformation devices in a world that's dystopian in ways similar to Psycho-Pass.

Because of the nature of (2), I think I can get away with finishing QoIST, then doing some of (2) while I'm plotting and fleshing out (3), and posting random chapters of (2) while (3) is ongoing but blocking me. Incidentally, I do have Chapter 4 of QoIST and most of Chapter 5 done, but I usually wait to post a chapter until the following one is finished, just so that I can solidify and tweak things on the fly if need be. And let me just say, if Chapter 3 seemed a little light/clean...Chapter 4 gets a teensy bit messy.


Hmm, I need to tag onto this thread. The Queen of the Iron Stomach was good, particularly with the fear accident thing thrown in. And definitely looking forward to the yugioh stuff. There are some good Yuighioh human females(namely Akiza), and I dunno if humans are going to be involved in your stuff or if its the duel monsters world.


Quote from: blooper on August 06, 2015, 06:16:29 PM
Hmm, I need to tag onto this thread. The Queen of the Iron Stomach was good, particularly with the fear accident thing thrown in. And definitely looking forward to the yugioh stuff. There are some good Yuighioh human females(namely Akiza), and I dunno if humans are going to be involved in your stuff or if its the duel monsters world.
I probably won't write much about the human characters in Yu-Gi-Oh; the situations and characters tend to be somewhat limited. Also, I don't do too well with the HS characters, as most of my female characters are older. I could do a post-timeskip Akiza though. Thanks a lot for the feedback and suggestions!