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Started by yarr, July 23, 2009, 03:21:44 AM

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I posted this on nyou3.

I'd like to get more animations like this done and im interested in what/who people would like to see.
Feel free to give script suggestions, but no multi angle shots or 360degrees turnaround view of a girl pooping, keep it preferably like Asuka here, same picture but with alterations to create the animation effect.

Including sounds thoughts/speech is possible, once you got 2-3 frames you can easily make a lot out of it with just looping and photoshop. I think I can do a lot out of this with some good scripts, and the hivemind here is better then just my single deranged one in producing those, right?  8)

I can already unveil that one of the prizes for my next story contest will be a animation like this  ;D


:005: :005: :005:

:004: :004: :004:

...and you said you where out of ideas. ;D

This is really amazing. The jean-shorts (that I love:kawaii:) and yellow shirt plus her orange hair kind of looks like Misty from Pokemon.  You don't usually see Asuka looking so happy (at least in the first frame).

One tiny problem... I actually can't see the animation, or as I just noticed, any "GIF" animations on Nyou3! :'(  I can see and save the first frame, but no way to play it.  Anyone have any ideas?  Thanks in advance, I really want to see all the new Yarr/S2X animations coming soon! ;D

As for ideas, I'd like to see this one in action first.

Another contest hu?  I swore to Yarr I would enter the next one if I had to quit my job and super-glue myself to my computer chair. ;D


Try use newest firefox/get a picture broswing program like ACDSee.

S.T. the Kitsune

Quote from: yarr on July 24, 2009, 12:45:54 AM
Try use newest firefox/get a picture broswing program like ACDSee.

I like the animation part, maybe you can do the same thing for Orhimine
Me: You fools there's a triangle of creation that's all around us! That's Energy, Matter, and Thought. Yes your thoughts can make the world go just take longer.

Jimmy Olsen

The facial expressions are great!
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Well I searched for and downloaded ACDSee, jacked around with it for four hours last night, and this morning found out all I had to do was brows the page with the Yahoo I already use for my email. >:(  *sigh*

Well the important thing is I can watch it now and it's even better than I imagined.  I totally agree with Jimmy, the expressions are the best.  I love the subtle way her face flushes when she gets embarrassed or is pushing hard.  I guess that's the only thing getting "flushed" today! ;) ;D  (Sorry, worst joke ever. :009:

Frame 1: "Ahh, I finally got the toilet to myself.  Misato always has her big butt parked on it every day when I get home, and than no one can get near the bathroom for a hour!"

Frame 2: "Wow, that's almost as loud as what she dose.  Ohh, I've been holding that in since I woke up this morning!"

Frame 3: "Uhh, here it comes.  It's always hard getting started when I haven't gone for four days, stupid NERV cafeteria food..."

Frame 4: "Ok, there it goes.  It's so big but it just feels so good to finally let it all out."

Frame 5: "Wow, this thing is huge!  Looks like Misato and Wonder Girl aren't the only ones who can poop around here!"

Frame 6: "Ha, take that Misato!  Let's see how you like having to pee and brush your teeth in my stink for a change."

Frame 7: "This has to be the longest turd of my life!  No way in hell this monster is going to flush, it doesn't even fit in the bowl."

Frame 8: "And it's Shinji's turn to clean the bathroom today.  Hope you brought your shovel, baka!

I would LOVE to see this kind of thing with Orihime, and honestly any popular anime girl would be great (Videl anyone?)  Maybe you could have an effect with a closed stall door surrounded by farting sound FX in the first frame and have the door open to show the pooping girl.  She could scream for us to get out or invite us to watch.  Personally, I could go for some animated butt-wiping as well, two frames would get the idea across.   

It would be cool to have sound with these and changing dialog bubbles, but if we wanted actual speech we would need to find a girl willing to do the "voice acting". 


How about I make a poll of 3-4 suggestions when theres some posted here, and the winner gets realized.

No fancy matrix camerawork, basic frame alterations like with Asuka here. With a handful of frames you can make a lot of copy-paste alterations with photoshop, thus if wanted pretty long scenes. Speech/sounds is also possible as you can easily make a speech bubble with some text display for some time even if other parts of the picture changes.

Jimmy Olsen

I have a couple suggestions.  I don't know how feasible they are, or if they'd entertain anyone else.

1. Have a girl squatting in front of a ladies' room door that has an "out of order" sign on it.  It doesn't matter what girl you use, just so long as she's wearing a skirt.  Anyway, she squats there looking at the "camera" and relieves herself.  The skirt is long enough to obscure what's happening, but her facial expressions just scream "I'm having a bowel movement!"  Then comes the payoff.  When she's done she stands up, and her poop-weighted panties slide down to her ankles.

2. Have a pair of friends from an anime outdoors with their bare bottoms hanging over a log.  They both start pooping at the same time.  one has a dainty little poo and is finished, then she watches as the other girl poops and poops and poops, her eyes getting wider and wider as the pile gets bigger and bigger.
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I'm in kind of a DragonBall mood right now and I did come up with a new animation idea.   This may be more specific than what you where asking for, but what about taking a scene from Orpheum's classic story "Roshi's Adventure with the Micro Band"?  Blond Lunch(/Launch) is on the toilet in the middle of a big dump when she suddenly sneezes.  Her hair and face change and then the blue-haired one is surprised to find a monster turd wedged in her butt before pushing it out.  It doesn't have to strictly follow the story,  seeing the blond finish the other's pooping session would be a sure way to get some funny captions... "Hu, what the hell? ???  Am I on the can again?  Uugghhh!  Jeez, havn't I taken a dump in a week?" ;D  Just one thing I thought of doing with the frame animation concept over and above the action in the bowl. ;D     

Jimmy's second idea sounds good to me, kind of reminds me of Micro's classic pic. with the three Final Fantasy X girls in the woods.  I think it would be fun to see this with an outgoing girl being amazed seeing a normally shy girl drop a huge pile like Usagi with Ami for example (though I can't imagine why those particular two would be dumping over a log but you get the idea :P).


alright, I've decided the next animation. I'm quite happy with the outhouse scene in chapter 2 of my "Melina" story, and that is the next subject.

This time I'd like it to be quite a bit longer then the Asuka one (8 frames) maybe around 20+ or so.

The setting will be pretty similar, Melina sits on the outhouse in a similar position as Asuka, so the things that will be animated is her face, sounds, etc.

I guess some other easy things like her hands/arms can also be animated, for example clenching fists, gripping her knees/thigh, arms around her stomach and so forth.

Instead of making a redo of how I wrote it in the story, I'm open for suggestions from the gallery.   ;)

I reckon an easy way of doing it would be something like:

1. - She Smiles. Thinking: "This is gonna feel so good.." Rumbling from her midsection, arms wrapped around her stomach.
2. - Her face contorts and she lets out a grunt. Thinking "Oh jeez.. here we go.." A huge fart erupts from her butt, fist clenched on top of her knee.
3. - Grunts harder with a flushed face. Farting and crackling. Grips her knee.
4. - Looks relieved, says "good thing I dropped using the flush toilet" as thuds and splats mix with the ongoing farting and crackles, fumes start to rise up from below her butt.
5. - etc etc etc

Hoping for suggestions, a hive mind beats a single one  8)


*reads Yarr's post*

A twenty plus frame animation of Melina in the outhouse..? ???

*starts foaming at the mouth, nose bleeding, twitching*


*head explodes all over room* ;D :kawaii: :004: :005:

Seeing one of my top five favorite Nyou story scenes ever come to life.  Ya, I might like this. ;)

Suggestions, Hmmm...  I do like the animated arms thing to make the whole animation feel more... animated. :-[  If she's going to be using her hands, might we see a frame or two of the clean up at the end?

Ideally, I'd like to see two positions, one totally covering the seat and the other farther forward so we can see what's coming out.  This may not be too hard as her whole body could be moved in relation to the seat/bench without changing her pose.  That way, you could show the part of the story where her massive butt seals the entire hole until she moves and lets out the toxic cloud of stink.  Or there could be an x-ray/cut out effect on the bench she's sitting on. 

Wile there's defiantly room for expansion as Melina doesn't do much actual moving, thinking or talking in that scene, I don't know if you have to go too far from the story.  It would be fun to end with her thinking/saying something like "That felt amazing, but I know it didn't even make a dent in what's really inside me.  I wonder if that volcano..."

I'm a fan of good backgrounds, so it would be nice to see the wooden walls and floor of the outhouse.

I always imagined Melina looking kind of like a cross between Aisha and one other anime girl, even though I can't remember her name or what anime she's from.:-[  I do have a pic. if I knew how to post it here. ???

Jimmy Olsen

Can't you host the picture of the mystery girl on Photobucket or some other host and then post a link here?
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Here's a rough sketch. I guess both of your wishes already got cared for DrBones; her big butt swallowing the seat, and a cut-through showing her product exiting will be easy to make in the wooden panel beneath her seat..

Notice the nice underboob  8)

It would be interesting to see who you thought she looked similar too, I did not actually think of Aisha when I wrote the story; she has brown suntanned skin not brown fur, but I can see where you're coming from.

How to post a pic is fairly easy; go to upload the picture and post the direct link here on the forum.


*looks at sketch*

Get out of my head!

*picks up an electric drill laughing insanely*

Ya, that's pretty much EXACTLY what I was hoping for based on your description. ;D

I love the eye from the boy peeking at her.  I had wanted to mention including something with that but couldn't think of how, seems so simple now... :-[  As long as we know he's there, he should get some thought bubbles through the wall like in the Orihime comic.  "A whole barn full of cows couldn't make that much manure!"  It could be fun to see the eye close at one point in response to the smell. 

When I imagined Aisha, I was thinking mostly of her teeth, eyes, and wild white hair (and if we are to believe Orpheum, toilet demolishing capacity ;D) .  I didn't remember if Aisha's whole body was actually supposed to be covered with short, velvet fur, or of that just was her skin color.     

The other girl in this pic. also reminded me of her.  Melina is described as having elfish features.  Wile I know "elfish" doesn't necessarily imply the full-blow "Zelda ears", I personally imagined Melina's being slightly more pointed than most humans.  This girl is actually an elf, if I remember, so her face has that ageless quality you mentioned.  I saved this pic. when the story was first posted for that reason.

Thanks for the lesson.  Because of the great people on these sites I am slowly becoming slightly less computer illiterate. :-[  Now I know what to do if I decide to... :-X never mind.  Maybe after the contest... 


That's Deedlit from record of lodoss war, She's an elf indeed.
I actually started a fic with her way way back, something about human food not agreeing with her and she ended up farting up a storm at some ball before she clogged the castle's new experimental flush toilet, blaming silly human technology. I have no idea what happened to it but Its been gone for years.

The final version will most likely have her upper body and head somewhat increased in size to match her butt; granted she is big assed, but not disproportionally pear shaped  :o
I guess in the short description of what the sketch should look like "big enough to swallow the seat" was what stuck  8)

Hopefully the sketch waters some inspirational seeds and a couple of script suggestions crawl out the woodwork.