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Poopy pic story contest 2!

Started by yarr, July 31, 2009, 07:38:44 AM

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"I didn't quite catch that Bones was doing a Mihoshi story, though maybe I didn't read his posts right."

It's not really a Mihoshi story.  Ryoko is the main character, but all the girls will have toilet scenes (spoiler :P), like in Poowrite and Orpheum's Tenchi stories.  But given the interest I've gotten, I may have to expand Mihoshi's session... ;D


Well I would have to say so! I mean, Mihoshi is healthy girl *with a healthy booty  8)* and thus should be on par with anything Ryoko can produce. Though I think it'd be funny if Ryoko could somehow blast a log out so quicky it brakes the bowl *sorta like Sakura Haruno in Yarr's "Leaves in the Wind" story.*
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

Count me in!  ;D

I was leaning toward not doing this, since I have other things to do and had no compelling ideas.  But then last night while laying in bed it came to me.  I've had a certain story in my head for about a year now, and I realized that if I changed the main character's gender to female it gives me an opportunity to fulfill the criteria of this contest.

I don't know how soon I'll get it done, though.  It's pretty straightforward and linear, but there are so many events that the bare bones plot summary I wrote it 700 words long.  In other words, it could take a while to write.
Latest Stories
Girls' Night
Morning Commute


Great!  8)

You still got well over a month, so no rush.


Oh yeah, one more thing.

When you decide what/who to write about, give a shout like in the first contest. Not that say 4 Mihoshi stories would be that bad  8)


Yarr, since you requested (or demanded) an entry from me, I geared the P4 story I just uploaded toward your interests. It may be a little tame for you, but it's fairly exaggerated by my standards. The title is "Relief For an Idol." Hope you enjoy it.


First entry is up, read it and loved it  :)

You set the bar high for this contest with that one. You can go ahead and post/pm whatever wishes you would have for the prizes, they're in the first post.

Dare we hope for a drawing or two from you to accompany your story?  ???


Well, I'd feel a little presumptuous asking for a prize before the other entries are even in, but if I turn out to be one of the winners when the deadline rolls around, I'm probably going to want a drawing of another P4 character, Naoto Shirogane. But I'll save the details until the contest is over (and I may have changed my mind by then anyway).

I won't be able to draw anything until I get set up in a new apartment. I'm currently staying with someone, and only have access to my laptop (all my art programs are on my desktop).


So its not a plain definite "no" then at least.  8)

Anyways, with one month left, am I right that the participants so far is:

Micro - His Persona 4 story
DrBones - Tenchi story
Destinys failure - Some story with a lot of action
Jimmy Olsen - original idea
Orpheumzero - Aisha story
Toasty - something
Bluesniper currently on the fence with his epic story still going from contest 1.

Gotta say the participation this month is looking out to be good.  :)


Alright, just wanted to let everybody know that now that my Amelia story is done, I have an idea for this contest ready to go and will begin writing it shortly. I doubt it will be anywhere near as long as the Fran story from last time, but it should be somewhat novel, so there's that. I don't want to give anything away, but this one will revolve around theater, something I've always enjoyed. In particular, a production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof by Tennessee Williams, which is a personal favorite of mine.

Okay...back to work.


I was thinking, we may as well make the Poopy Pic contest a category like the Story contest. It'll help make it easier to identify entrees so people don't have to always refer to the thread here to be sure.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Do as you wish  8)

One and a half week to go, tic tack, tick tack   :constipation:

Jimmy Olsen

Didn't realize it was coming up that soon. :o I'd better get on task...
Latest Stories
Girls' Night
Morning Commute


I'm getting close. Been a little slow lately for some reason, but at least it seems to be coming together. Aisha shall once again destroy another commode with her bottom. ;D
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Sorry to disappoint, but I'm gonna have to pull out of the contest. For one thing, I can't even access the site. And also, I've had big-time writer's block, again...I'll try and get involved with the next contest. Sorry, guys.