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Started by Micro, July 11, 2010, 11:32:04 PM

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So, recently I've been kicking around the idea of writing an autobiography about my experiences with nyou-friendly fetishes. As I think I've hinted at before, I've had pretty good luck with seeing girls involved in the kind of activities that I draw and write about, and I'd like to share some of those stories with the community.

There are two problems, though. One, this site is for fiction, not non-fiction. While I'd be changing names and the occasional minor detail in order to protect the innocent (and the not so innocent, i.e. me), what I would write would still be 99% true.

The other problem is that a few of my experiences, which I think are pretty important to the overall story, involve guys, as well as girls, going to the bathroom. I don't have to describe those in any detail, but I'd rather not get a bunch of "OMG ur teh gayz" comments.

So, give me your input. How much effort I put into writing this will be largely determined by the comments here.


Go for it, write as you feel like and don't worry about what others might think, especially as its retelling real experiences.

Have you actually seen a girl gracing the porcelain with her rotund bottom dropping bombs, or just heard it? I look forward to your stories  either way 8)


Agreed. One thing you could always do, if you're really unsure about using people you know, is maybe adapt them to familiar characters from games and anime (not exactly turn them into those characters) that they may resemble. You could always do what I did the Rave Master story, just kinda gloss over the guy is doing without necessarily going into too much detail about it.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


yarr: I've seen a few girls in that situation over the years. What I eventually discovered is that there are girls out there who are willing to let you watch if you just ask.  ;)

Orpheum: I'm not too worried about anyone recognizing anybody in the story, as long as I make the small changes I have in mind. But your suggestion about how to handle scenes with guys is pretty much what I planned--not going into any more detail than is absolutely necessary to get the point across. Hopefully that will be good enough for most people.


Go for it. If the past is any indication, we're more about following the spirit rather than the letter of the law around here. Remember that story that was posted a while ago, Pit's Showering descent? That was male watersports, and, even though it's not my cup of tea, nobody posted any reviews that amounted to "lol, homo", nobody stormed in outrage on the forums, and the story is still here for anybody who might enjoy it. So I don't think there would be a problem, and personally, I'm very interested in hearing about how someone with our...predilection, had some real life success. I'll be taking copious notes!


Yes, make it so! 

If, for some reason you decided not to post least post it somewhere like (and let us know what handle you'd be using if not the obvious "Micro!" )

It seems that I've always been around girls that are pretty open about bathroom stuff, but I've never had the balls to ask one of them to let me watch before.  So while I'd have some sorta-interesting tales, they'd pale in comparison to yours...

Jimmy Olsen

I wholeheartedly endorse this!  ;D

I've never asked any women to let me watch them, partly because I'm scared and partly because I want the first woman I see peeing to be someone who's special to me.  In the meantime, I enjoy reading firsthand experiences!  Especially ones where I trust the storyteller to not just make stuff up (unlike on ToiletStool).

And I don't have a problem with depictions of male urination.  Men and women peeing together is something I find cool (as you might have picked up on if you've been reading my stories).
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