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hwchem thread

Started by hwchem, September 18, 2010, 02:36:52 PM

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My old buddy livinginfinite convinced me to put up a thread of stuff I've done. Here's a picture I drew today and yesterday:

Samus, after battling mightily some unseen foes, is forced to relent to the urges of her all too fallible body

The colors aren't as good as I would have liked, but I kept messing up and mistakenly drawing things on the wrong layers, so I had to redo stuff and eventually just finished it ASAP.

Here's some old, embarrassingly bad stuff:

Samus just ups and wets herself

Celes, held captive in a dim, dirty dungeon, is disallowed from visiting the ladies' room

Cammy, imprisoned by Shadaloo (or whatever), is bound and has no choice but to wet herself where she sits

Samus (yet again) wets herself after being startled by a loud noise, blushing in full view of the young girl she was protecting

This drawing, along with the last one and the one before that, have something really weird going on with the colors. I was attempting to use some crazy technique that Livinginfinite was telling me about and could not, for the life of me, figure it out.

Samus Wonder Woman manages to save some pedestrians from a mysterious giant rock, but underestimates the object's heft...

A beautiful spy is captured and endures a peculiar brand of interrogation

I quit on this one early after realizing that drawing heads from below is really hard.

Lara Croft is captured by natives who do, oddly enough, do not take kindly to their tombs being raided

Here are some images that are not entirely related to watersports/desperation, so feel free to skip if you like.

An unnamed heroine is groped unpleasantly by some beast

these pics were partly inspired by this guy who has a penchant for drawing heroines whose naughty bits inadvertently get stroked or poked at in the midst of battling their enemies

A girl is kept in a diaper against her will

Fran at the mercy of a perverted monster

This was originally going to be a wetting pic too, but after all that tedious linework I got tired of it and stopped

If you have any requests, there is a slight chance I might feel like illustrating it! No scat though. I realize that this is probably a pretty scat-heavy forum, but it just doesn't do a lot for me (visually, anyway).


Awesome man, I'm glad you're posting! As always, your taste in subjects is impeccable. ;D

I didn't even know you drew Cammy, that's a really nice one. I actually think it's one of your better color jobs. Look up 'grisaile' if you're still interested in coloring that way. :P Don't sweat the colors too much though, line is the most important thing.

Anyway, ever consider drawing Lightning from FFXIII or Faris from FFV? Oh, and don't you have a Samus diaper pic too?


I did the Cammy one a while back and meant to work on it more, but (as usual) I forgot about it and moved onto other things. I found the colors odd because whenever I try to work from grayscale and use the color brush I find it really difficult to get the colors to look like how I want and my eyes start to go weird. I think it might just be because I'm pretty bad at seeing values.

You know, I haven't actually played or read much about either of those FF games; I don't have a PS3/Xbox360, and FFV confused and annoyed me for some reason. I've been looking for new characters to draw, though (you can only take so much Celes and Samus), so I'll probably look more into those two.

I had to go dig through that old animegirldesp thread to find the Samus one:

I also did one for r3 of some random gundam person wetting herself, but I misplaced it somewhere..


I actually just watched FFXIII on youtube while I painted. I wouldn't recommend actually playing it or anything, but Lightning is definitely super hot.

Jimmy Olsen

Metroid: Zero Continence  ;D

These take a while to load, so I didn't fullview them all.  But they're good stuff.  You're good at shading and anatomy.  If anything needs work, it's the faces.  Not bad, but a couple look kinda unnatural.

The Celes one is probably my favorite, and definitely has the best lighting.  I like her hand, and love the look on her face.  The Wonder Woman one might be my favorite, because it's just so close to the source material.  Is that the purple monster from Lost in Space attacking Fran?

I'll let you know if I can think of any requests for wetting pictures.  I gather you're not a big fan of "free peeing."
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Thanks for the compliments! Yes, faces might be my number one weakness. To be fair, most of those were from a while ago, so I think I'm ever so slightly better now.

Unfortunately, I'm not a big fan of free peeing. It's the presence of clothing that ratchets up the embarrassment, and that's one of the main draws of the fetish for me.


yo, have you decided on a subject for your next picture?


I have two WIPs right now, one involving Samus and one involving Chun-Li, each in different styles. They're not exactly wetting-related (not yet, anyway), but I could post them if you like.

to make up for the lack of anything new, here's that same cammy pic with the color balance messed with. I think the colors look a bit less weird here:

Cammy's captors have moved her to a room with better lighting, but still one with no functioning toilet


Had a dream about Cammy last may be partially responsible.

The color balance helped. I noticed that Cammy's value is similar to the background value; you might try lightening her and/or darkening the background. You could also blur the floor/wall edge a bit, the edges in the background should generally be softer.

My other recommendation is to...add a wet patch and post the Samus pic :P

Jimmy Olsen

Want to tell us about the Cammy dream in the Nyou Dreams thread?
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here is the samus pic:

it doesn't have anything fetishy in it right now because I planned on it being a series of pics (nightmare -> bedwet), but this pic took a while so I don't know how that will turn out.

Jimmy Olsen

Her eyes seem to be placed too low on her head, and her lips are an odd shape.  Besides that, this is a great painting!
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Jimmy Olsen

Psylocke!  ;D

I love the realistic trickle and streams there.  I also like how you gave her lifelike proportions.  As much as I like Psylocke, the comics that I have depict her in a slimmed and elongated way that makes Barbie look anatomically correct in comparison.  If I were to make any criticism, I'd say her eyes don't look quite Asian enough.
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whoops, I've been busy for a while.

Thanks Jimmy! I had sort of forgotten that Psylocke was Asian until I had already finished sketching her, and I was too lazy to go back and rework the facial features.

I agree that she's usually slimmed and elongated, but I think that's partly because almost every female character in American superhero comics was/is drawn that way, particularly in the 90s (which I assume is when she was at her most popular).