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Nyou3 Down Again

Started by BabySamantha, November 17, 2010, 07:00:55 PM

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I did bring it up soon before it went down. I remember that. I don't plan on going away again any time soon, so I will be here to contribute as much as I can. Like with what I am about to post below. 8)

Another great doujin was just uploaded. A lot of natural pooping, with some sexual activities:

I wanted to try uploading it to E-Hentai, so you can view it there too. It is my first upload on there:

There are a lot more doujins for those who haven't seen them yet on that website:

Password for everything: buruburi


Quote from: Anonymous_1 on December 17, 2010, 07:55:33 AM
I did bring it up soon before it went down. I remember that. I don't plan on going away again any time soon, so I will be here to contribute as much as I can. Like with what I am about to post below. 8)


I thought it was you who posted the doujin on g-e-hentai. It's fucking awesome, the first two parts especially. So is that how the entire thing was packed? Or did you add some of the other parts? Also, you must find the first one!!  ;D
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


That is how it was packed. I didn't modify it at all. I will keep my eye out for the first one if it ever gets onto the internet. 8)


Thanks for uploading the pic, Yarr.
And thanks for the feedback Jimmy, Bones: I'm glad at least someone likes it. I hope the recolor makes it back to the OA somehow.

That's a nice compilation doujin, btw. For all my moonspeak illiteracy, I seem to recognize a couple of the artists that also post on Pixiv...

Jimmy Olsen

Having the eyes partly or totally closed, and making her mouth wider and less circular, would help convey that she's sighing with relief.
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Quote from: Jimmy Olsen on December 19, 2010, 04:02:15 AM
Having the eyes partly or totally closed, and making her mouth wider and less circular, would help convey that she's sighing with relief.

I'll be honest with you about that: even I wasn't sure what expression Double King was going for. I added a number of my own details so as to match the same level as the shading, but left the original linework as is. I wasn't aware that some would find the lack of facial cues that jarring, though.

Keep in mind that I'm just a guy who likes tinkering with applications, so I might not have the same critical eye a real artist would have about these things. I only started coloring because I enjoy seeing original art, which is fairly rare and far in-between in this little community.


I found it at a store today. Spencers to be exact. I didn't buy it, but I looked through it. It has at least the same amount of girl silhouette pictures in it as guys.


I saw that a long time ago but nobody has scanned it. At least not last time I googled.