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Started by smittyjenson, January 02, 2011, 02:21:06 PM

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Jimmy Olsen

I read them.  They're pretty good, just kind of bare-bones.  Much like the animation, actually.

I'm not saying a toilet monster story needs to be deep or brilliantly plotted.  But I'd like to see something up that alley that has a little more detail and distinctiveness.  You know what I mean?
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"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Black Osprey

Quote from: OrpheumZero on November 07, 2012, 08:36:03 PM

A strange one... But hey, NAY-KED Butt!

I saw this one yesterday, actually. It was a little odd, but I really enjoyed it.
Fighting game fanatic.


Something from Xbooru:

This picture has a toilet, yet the word "toilet" isn't one of its tags.
This means that you can't find it by typing the word "toilet" into the search engine.

I wonder why.


AniDisFan - maybe oversight by the poster?  Still nice find!


Thanks. I also found the Beth one, too.


i saw that in a /co/ drawthread. some newbie artist decided to fulfill a fetish request.

usually such requests go unanswered because there are many fetishists of trying to get their material drawn who throw shitfits when they do not get drawn and throwing other fits in other threads when they are not discussing their fetishes. sigh.

makes it hard to find when something nice has actually been posted, so if you found it somewhere else i'd to know where.


And where is that /co/drawthread you said?


Quote from: Harry-Topper on December 01, 2012, 03:19:58 PM
And where is that /co/drawthread you said?

like butterflies 4chan threads only live a day and then die

you don't save an image, it's gone unless someone else did and posted it elsewhere

if you want to find the drawthreads, go to and search for draw.
or "general". general threads sometimes take requests.


Check this out:

This is brilliant; catgirls that expand, when drunk!
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


"bloody good time" is a game on steam. it's a muliplayer fps type game set where you find weapons and hunt down your alotted player each round. you can play against AIs by yourself though.

to keep people from camping, your character has needs. the bars can stay full forever but cause problems if they're too full and always take 10 seconds to fill up

they're food (hunger lowers attack), sleep (tiredness makes you slower).... and "bathroom" (full need lowers defense)

your character does not talk, just make noises. there are 3-4 "female" characters.

the female characters make very cute noises when sleeping, at least one whimpers when hungry. when a character has to poo they fart uncontrollably and giggle about it, and your model will be viewable as having their legs crossed. when you find a toilet, your character will not disrobe  (no plops or grunts either), just sit down, hum, and fart continuously, but it's still rather detailed. if you get killed while on the toilet your murderer will flush you down it.

Ai's will sometimes form observable lines in front of a toilet going on at a time in full view of each other in between rounds which are very funny to watch. (there are some toilets that are pretty exposed anyway as two of the three maps have parts that resemble half-constructed stages).

the predecessor, The Ship, had your character grunt, fart, and sigh with relief with a plop but later they changed it to humming while farting while above. there were more needs and your character would just shit themselves if the need got too high.  game was not as well designed anyway.

Kevin Spencer

oh damn slusho that does sound really interesting. do you know if there's any videos?