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Image Boards???

Started by Paytonzane3, May 03, 2011, 07:35:55 PM

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Ever sense Nyou3 went down, I've been using Gurochan's Scat section for most of my image seeking needs, and What boards have you guys been using???

Jimmy Olsen

You see at the top of the page where there's "Home" in orange followed by words in black?  Click on "Media."
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Not sure if this would be a right thread to ask this, but is there a file size/dimension limit to the pictures we can put in the media folder? I assume this is the equivalent of what this site has to an image board nowadays, so I'm all for it. I'm thinking of making another picture, but I'd like to know if it's okay for me to just throw it into one of the folders.


I just love how every time I raise a topic or ask a question, it's like talking to a wall...and that's putting it politely.

Seriously though, technical aspects aside (server limitations, caps, auto-resizings on boards like these not originally designed for hosting images), I'm asking because there are those that get pissy when they feel that outsiders have come out of nowhere and messed with their shit. But if there's no complaint, then I'll just proceed and do whatever it is I do. Not like there's much else productive going on around here anyway (no offense to those who always contribute).

Double King

Yeah, I'd like to know if there's a limit too actually. I've drawn a thing or two, but would want to make sure they fit in the criteria.

That and if it's alright to even post your own artwork in the media section.
"I'm not a malefactor, I'm a lagomorph."


well currently the limit on dimension is 10240 x 10240 but I can change that if anything bigger needs uploaded.

the the file size limit on members is 1024 MB.

and if you want a folder to put your own art in, I can set one up.


Is there any way to raise the file size limit? Or is that the absolute standard set by the program site that allows for images?
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Double King

Ah, I see.
Just didn't know where I should post anything I might draw myself. I unfortunately seldom draw this, I'd feel odd asking for a folder.
Heh, although I guess it would offer incentive to fill it.
I appreciate the offer sir, I may get back to you on that eventually.
"I'm not a malefactor, I'm a lagomorph."


Seeing as bursts of productivity could be very sporadic, maybe a generic "nyou originals" folder or something like that? For anyone interested in making something?
I like the fact that since the media folders are only accessible to members, it gives the contents a sort of exclusivity to the people of this site. Sure, generally speaking we lose some ownership of our own work the moment we place it on the internet, but this would at least restrict/stall dissemination somewhat. It's reassuring to know, in a way.

I appreciate you telling us about the specs, Duce. That answers my questions, and that's actually plentiful for a web imageboard (easily handling highres like 300 dpi).

Guess it's time for me to put my money where my mouth is and fire up photoshop. I'll start working on something, and looking forward to seeing if anyone else will do the same.


I would say just post the pictures in the respective folders. It'd be pointless to keep making subfolders for single little difference. The only reason I wanted the sub-ecchi folders was becaus most of what I posted had over 20-30 pics and I figured since most of them were big series, it'd be easier that way if someone wanted ecchi of just Final Fantasy or Bleach or whatever.

As for the accessibility, it does help keep the riff-raff, and I mean the spammers out of everybody's hair. The only issue is trying to figure out how much restriction there should be. On one hand, everybody is certainly allowed to browse the folders, but there is a need to limit who can post, so we don't get kiddie porn dipshits running around.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Yes, but that's if you consider that there would only be a few pictures in those new folders...which is more than likely, I admit. Still, there should be some acknowledgeable differences between the stockpile of anime smut that's been amassed from all over the internet, and the (arguably) few images that would originate from over here. What if it's nyou "fan art"? Little inside jokes only people from the story site would actually get? What if it's something that adds directly upon the story site content, instead of just being part of the rest of the image repository?

Perhaps it's not reason enough still, but I'm just trying to put it in another perspective. I actually have no problem using a generic folder.

It's funny that you mention this. Probably going a bit off-topic here, but accessibility is always an issue when running a public board, and true, generally it's got a lot to do with keeping spammers at bay. It's also the most reliable way to control user-content, so you don't get offensive material that would needlessly raise red flags for the rest of the community. But all the same, there is a balance to be found: the more restrictions there are, the less opportunities the community has to grow further. Playing it low-key seems to have always worked so far, but as the regular contributors move on with their ever-busier lives, there's not much keeping the rest of the lurkers together.

I don't think I need to say it, but without a new consistent flow of input, the story site is on its last legs. Notice how nowadays the only thing that sees notable activity is the forum's talkbox, and even then it's a few voices being louder than others. I'm not saying this as criticism: it just saddens me this place isn't active as it used to be, and it also makes me regret not contributing earlier to keep the place alive.


I get wanting to add pics by people from here, but there's really no point in making a folder for just them. All of Micro's stuff is here, and he's one of the "Elders" of Nyou. As long as you specifty that you made the work, it shouldn't be all that hard to find it.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Quote from: nkay7 on June 22, 2011, 12:29:26 AM
Yes, but that's if you consider that there would only be a few pictures in those new folders...which is more than likely, I admit. Still, there should be some acknowledgeable differences between the stockpile of anime smut that's been amassed from all over the internet, and the (arguably) few images that would originate from over here. What if it's nyou "fan art"? Little inside jokes only people from the story site would actually get? What if it's something that adds directly upon the story site content, instead of just being part of the rest of the image repository?

Perhaps it's not reason enough still, but I'm just trying to put it in another perspective. I actually have no problem using a generic folder.

It's funny that you mention this. Probably going a bit off-topic here, but accessibility is always an issue when running a public board, and true, generally it's got a lot to do with keeping spammers at bay. It's also the most reliable way to control user-content, so you don't get offensive material that would needlessly raise red flags for the rest of the community. But all the same, there is a balance to be found: the more restrictions there are, the less opportunities the community has to grow further. Playing it low-key seems to have always worked so far, but as the regular contributors move on with their ever-busier lives, there's not much keeping the rest of the lurkers together.

I don't think I need to say it, but without a new consistent flow of input, the story site is on its last legs. Notice how nowadays the only thing that sees notable activity is the forum's talkbox, and even then it's a few voices being louder than others. I'm not saying this as criticism: it just saddens me this place isn't active as it used to be, and it also makes me regret not contributing earlier to keep the place alive.
... I think ya need to chill out a little, the talkbox is just there for people to have fun, so I don't see why you had to take a jab at it (let alone even mention it). I've been around for a while, or at least long enough to notice that every form of nyou has seen its dry-spell, and if your (for lack of better term) 'rant's'  goal is to seek the source of this low activity here's my take on it:

1. This isn't deviantart, only a couple people can draw, and only a couple more people can write, meaning your not gonna get activity every 24 hours, most likely we'll get something once a month if we're lucky (maybe longer since yarr is taking a well deserved vacation).
2. Everything produced from this board comes from an abundance of free time that the author/artists has, which is hard to find with school, work, friends, family, or any other obligations... orrr maybe even just something good on T.V. :P
3. Although one of this board's focuses are pics and fics, the main focus is just gathering like-minded individuals... and in that aspect I don't think we're low on activity at all, in fact I seem to see a new person on these forums every other day :)
4. Beggars can't be choosers enjoy what ya got... because I'm sure it's not a small amount

And personally, I don't think the art that originates from here should be separated in any way, art's not meant to be kept in a safe, but hung up on a wall for all to see... that's my opinion, but the opinion that truly matters is the artist himself. My advice to you is to just sit back, relax, and ask yourself instead of writing paragraph after paragraph on the forums about nyou's dry-spell couldn't you have taken that time and have written a story to try and fix the very activity problem you've been writing about?


I still live but meh.. I'm all dry  8)