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Too taboo for a story?

Started by OrpheumZero, October 20, 2007, 12:12:16 AM

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I've always thought it'd be a fun thing to ask: Whose the one (you can put a few if you wish) anime/manga/game girl that you just can't ever imagine in a pooping/peeing situation or sexual encounter?

Granted we know that the character does have those urges and desires ( ::) unless of course they're an organic lifeform), but I'm sure we've had a charcter that, either from great fondness or how much it'd compromise their image; we could never possibly think of them doing such a thing.

Personally, I just can't ever imagine seeing Yorda from ICO in neithr a bathroom scene or a love scene. [Hauntingly] Beautiful as she may be, she just strikes me in a way I could never in my wildest dreams see doing such an act. The same would be said of seeing any of the characters from ICO or Shadow of the Colossus doing something adult. The only idea I can assume is that it may be of how I hold the game in the same light as a piece of art, and I doubt there's alot of people who want to see the Mono Lisa 'smoking a cigar'. Yet the game Indigo Prophecy (Fahrenheit outside of the U.S) another title that is very artsy, doesn't seem to stop me from imagining the lead female character sitting on the crapper (Trivia: You can make her go 'pee' in the game!  ;))

But I wonder, does anyone out there have a female character they could never in a million years imagine engaging in the acts we commonly place so many other characters in?
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

I can't think of any girls in anim?, manga, or video games that I'd be averse to a fic that has them peeing or pooping.  The character I feel most "protective" of is Shinobu, and I wrote a story where she pees her panties.

Sexual activity is another thing.  I don't like to write or read about characters who are blatantly depicted as being sexually inactive in the source material having sex.  Sometimes it seems really wrong to me, like with sweet and innocent girls and characters who are way too young for that.  But mostly I just don't like changing characterization for a fanfic.
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Although I have no problems writing about lolicon-aged girls exploring sex with each other, I have a severe objection to writing fics about men sticking a huge arse penis into those little girls...  >.<

Other than that, no... no I have no objections to writing about any girl peeing herself... not even my favorites of Hotaru Tomoe (who I've done some fics on), Shinobu Maehara (again, I've done some fics with her), Nodoka Miyazaki (who I NEED to do a fic on LOL) and Suki Nihon (who I do RPs on, and probably should finish a fic on  :/  )


Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD


Toph, I guess. I did "Bend This!" with her, but that was just peeing. I don't think I could put her in another peeing fic and I just can't see myself writing her in a pooping fic.

That doesn't necessarily mean I don't like fics that put her in these situations. I just wouldn't do it myself ^^.

If you own a PS3, download the demo. Give this game a shot. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.


I guess either I just have too much love for Yorda to ever put her in a such unthinkable position, or maybe there's just someting about her that goes beyond any normal anime/manga/game girl. The latter could be the most possible, given that anyone whose played ICO knows it's an unparalled game and one of a kind, with Shadow of the Colossus being the only other that can compare to it.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


I've never played ICO, but it's good to see Shadow of Colossus gettin' some love. I didn't get a chance to beat it (was borrowing my brother's copy and had to give it back when I moved) but what I played ranked right up there with God of War II and Grandia II as the greatest PS2 games ever.

Anyway, I can't think of any other girls I can't see going to the bathroom. Just my odd insistance about Toph.

If you own a PS3, download the demo. Give this game a shot. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.


Haven't beaten Shadow of the Colossus?.......... *Strange, eerie look in eyes*.......

Just kidding, but hopefully you'll have a chance to play and beat it. And Ico is most certainly worth it, since it was the game that preceded SotC. And let's just say both games have a 'connection', though I'll leave that to those of you who still should take the oppertunity to play these two gems.  I can't stress enough how great they are. You'll know what I mean once you have  ;)

Personally I do think I could see Toph taking a crap, the best way I think would be that since she has no equal in Earthbending (except perhaps Aang, being Avatar and all  :P) that maybe even doing something like taking a huge shit would be like a test of her will and strength. Besides, if toe-picking is something of a past-time to her, then somehow I wouldn't put being somewhat into her toilet habits past her.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet

Jimmy Olsen

I've heard good things about Shadow of the Colossus from 2 sources.  Now it looks like the opinion is universal.  I really need to play it.

Since Toph apparently takes forever on the toilet, I'd be interested to know what she does to stave off boredom.  :)
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When I saw the topic premise, I couldn't think of anyone right off the bat. But after reading your first post, Orpheum, I'd have to agree that there's something about Yorda that makes me feel the same way. It's probably because, in the game, she's so pure and chaste, I can hardly stand the thought of visiting any kind of indignity on her, either sexual or bathroom related. I mean, she's entirely dependent on Ico for protection, and when you play through the game it creates a kind of bond between her and the player. Weird...I guess that just shows what an amazing game ICO is, that years after playing it I still feel so strongly about it.

I'd probably enjoy a fic on that topic but...I don't think I could bring myself to do it. In fact, the world of ICO and SotC is so perfectly presented, I can't see myself writing any kind of fanfiction for it at all. The way it's depicted in the games is very simple, but that simplicity makes themes like love, chivalry, courage, perseverance and loyalty come across that much stronger. Kudos to the dev team!

Man, now I want to go play those games again.


Exactly, Yorda just has that unique aura that no other girl, anime/manga/etc. has ever been able to match equally. While I can see somewhere describing her in a poetic way or just a very romance style that might point out her beauty, anything beyond that (sexual or simply erotic) is beyond my imagination.

As for fanfictions, if you meant the ones I said I could never wish to see her in, then I agree. But if you mean just your normal fanfic, then I could see that. I'm currently writing my own adaption of SotC on Though I've kinda slacked off after writing the battle with Gaius (The third colossus). By the way, there's an exquisitely done annotation about ICO on the net, it's really neat.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


A female character I can't imagine ever using the toilet, eh? Other than elderly characters (and I mean really old), it's difficult to imagine such nonsense! :P Chiyo (Naruto) is one example.

After giving it much thought and doing my best to recall every cartoon, anime, game, etc. I've ever seen/played, I really can't think of any. I'll post again though if I do happen to think of one later.


Well believe me Aluru, I doubt you could ever imagine a beauty like Yorda in any kind of situation that we normally see on this site. It is truly rare to find a character that you just can't imagine, though it is easy if you're just going from the angle of seeing an iconic figure in parody (some people just can't seem to laugh at Optimus Prime caling Kup 'shit piece' and thinking the dinobots are retards).

"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


I think early in the story I'll use the pronoun "he" to establish that the swap has taken place and use "she" for the remainder of the story.

If you own a PS3, download the demo. Give this game a shot. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

S.T. the Kitsune

I never played those games so I don't know what you're talking about! Besides I have a few girls that wouldn't even dare go beyond the measure of urinating or defecating. Like Hinata, Ino. I do believe if Sakara loves Sasuke so much she would not hesitate doing something for him no matter how gross it is. Also Kagome and Shungo from Inuyasha nah I don't think happening, with their extra security about privacy they would never do that in public. So yeah but it isn't too taboo for a story. I just won't type it! 
Me: You fools there's a triangle of creation that's all around us! That's Energy, Matter, and Thought. Yes your thoughts can make the world go just take longer.


Actually I'd have to disagree, Hinata is always so crazy about Naruto I would bet she'd drop a nice loaf if she thought he'd enjoy seeing that. I'm actually thinking of some sort of story with her, not exactly slave-girl per se, but kinda willing to do whatever because she wishes to.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet