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Hey guys, could I ask a favor?

Started by Westman15, May 13, 2012, 05:59:17 PM

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How's about you guys troll this page right here?

She's been trolling me, I'm kinda trolling back, got annoying, blocked her, and then she sent an attack dog on me after said block. If you guys could just do me a solid that'd be fantastic. :)

Just read the messages she's posted to my DA page/journals here: clearly she just doesn't get AT ALL how someone can be into this kind of shit. She thinks were all suffering some sort of mental illness, and you know what? Maybe she's right. But does anyone honestly believe we live our daily lives purely for this minuscule little fetish? I mean, come on, REALLY?

If we could just play this for laughs that'd be fine in my book. :)
Kick that kinky shit out the door and just be you!


In the words of 4chan: We're not your fucking army.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Kick that kinky shit out the door and just be you!


Minus any trolling attempts, I still beg the question though: are we REALLY mentally disturbed?
Kick that kinky shit out the door and just be you!


Well what did you say? Because there are times some people in this fetish can be a little too "excitable" and thus come off as creepy.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


I didn't say anything. She started attacking me after seeing my favorites. Wouldn't be the first time.
Kick that kinky shit out the door and just be you!


I dunno, that sounds a little too much like work. Why don't you just drop some links to the main page and let her find out you're not the only one? That way she might try trolling the whole community, which is pretty much guaranteed to turn out hilarious.


If you really want to troll. Then go to 4chan and... I don't know, convince them to somehow get involved. Granted they might not care. Or just attack everyone.
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


I don't know about 4chan. Although, it would indeed be hilarious to see how that turns out.
Kick that kinky shit out the door and just be you!


Personally, I think we should all just let it be.  Why keep this thing going?  Is it really all that funny?  Plus, what happens if it gets out of hand?  Nah, how about just this once, we DON'T poke the bear.  Besides, I figured trolling and other such nonsense was beneath us.  Leave that kind of immature behavior to 4chan and the like.


Oh. It's already gotten out of hand. lol.
Kick that kinky shit out the door and just be you!


Ignorant and closeminded people will always be around. Just ignore it, watch the clouds pass in the sky rather.


That's my plan. I'm just having a little fun before I call it quits.
Kick that kinky shit out the door and just be you!


what if I actually agree with her? I think you're creepy


It doesn't matter now, the back and forth has ended. I told her exactly what I was doing and we came down to an understanding. I'd say now we're actually on good terms. Everything I did was a ploy in order to invoke my own warped sense of fun, it was strange, I know, but nevertheless the most fun time I've had in a while. The fact that you found me creepy was exactly how I intended myself to be perceived.

You can call it idiocy, you can call it lunacy, or you can call it an "illusionary" form of trolling. The kind of trolling that allows you to troll... well... everyone, including (traditional) trolls themselves. Whether it's found amusing or not by any other party doesn't matter as it is solely the benefactor for the one perpetrating said illusion. The idea of this form of trolling is to annoy. The goal, in the long run, is to make the troll bored to the point they just don't want anything to do with you anymore, or as it turned out in this case, a way to become "friends" with said troll.

Basically, you just have to say whatever stupid, idiotic, irreverent thing you can think of to totally lampshade the entire situation, and you also have to be able to take the heat (because they WILL say awful things to you).  And in this case it seemed to prove rather effective. You make them THINK you're an idiot and then surprise them by doing something completely unexpected.

Now why would I do something like this? Because it's the Internet. The Internet doesn't always have to be serious business. We all deserve to have a little fun every so often, even at the expense of your own reputation. But hey, this is only one alias.
Kick that kinky shit out the door and just be you!