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Story Contest XXIV Themes

Started by Duce, October 11, 2012, 04:01:51 AM

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Litter Box Potty Time!
6 (28.6%)
Perverted Mind Control!
5 (23.8%)
Attacked While Vulnerable
2 (9.5%)
4 (19%)
Futanari Desperation
0 (0%)
Midair Relief
4 (19%)

Total Members Voted: 20


To suggest a theme, do it in this format.

Theme: <theme title>

Description: <theme description>

You can suggest 2 main themes that will be put in the poll,  you can also suggest as many other themes you want that might be put in the poll, though only the first 2 will be considered the 2 main suggestions. feel free to talk and discuss about the themes like always though.


Litter Box Potty Time!

A girl (infused with cat-like neko DNA) has to use the bathroom, but instead of the toilet, she resorts to using a litterbox as a toilet instead. She has no idea of what she is doing, but she realises what has happened to her nd her boyfriend is both sympathetic and understanding, hoping to find a cure for her. For the time being, he cleans up the litterbox for her.


This one's kinda kinky, but oh well...

Perverted Mind Control!

Being ol 'schoo' hypnotism (watch and calm voice), using a Hypno, a "screen saver" with flashing lights and calm thrumming noises, some non-deadly neurotoxin, or something else... I'm sure SOMEONE has wanted to control a girl to do any crazy assortment of things: And to theme with the site, this can ALSO include.

  • Making a girl pull off her pants and panties, squat on the floor, and relieve herself as if she were outdoors, even if she's not
  • Makin a girl crap her panties and pants like it was nothing
  • Revert her to a primal state (or a dog, or something else), and thematically make her let loose

The ideas have no end so long as they enduce urination of some kind, defecation of some kind, or both... even oral, anal, and sex I can include on this (when they're under your control, only YOU can make them say "no", rofl)
I'm not bothering with fics, since one person clearly CAN'T make a difference, here.

Jimmy Olsen

Theme: Attacked While Vulnerable

Description: A girl is attacked my someone or something while she's busy relieving herself.  What the attack is and how she responds is up to you.

Theme: Vandalism

Description: A girl uses her waste to purposely wreck something.  Maybe she utterly destroys a toilet, desecrates a shrine, wipes with important papers, pees in somebody's cake batter, or has an "accident" in a borrowed dress.  Just so long as she's deliberately ruining something that doesn't belong to her.
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Theme: Futanari Desperation

Description: A futanari girl may have only one bladder, but she has two places it can come out of. A girl, for whatever reason, is able to hold it from coming out of either her female or male parts, but not the other. This either ends with her squirting it fully out of one of them, or leaking out of both of her parts.

Theme: Midair Relief

Description: A character who can fly for whatever reason, or, should it be more mundane, is on top of a really tall place, can't find a bathroom, and so decide that the only way to let themselves be relieved is to urinate or defecate from the top story and hope it reaches the bottom without hitting anyone.

Jimmy Olsen

Quote from: Eroppai on October 12, 2012, 02:41:41 PM
Theme: Midair Relief

Description: A character who can fly for whatever reason, or, should it be more mundane, is on top of a really tall place, can't find a bathroom, and so decide that the only way to let themselves be relieved is to urinate or defecate from the top story and hope it reaches the bottom without hitting anyone.

I've always wanted to see Storm of the X-Men pee from a great height while creating rain that she thinks will hide it.
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I'm not bothering with fics, since one person clearly CAN'T make a difference, here.

Jimmy Olsen

There have never been so many good options!  I don't know which to choose!

Does anybody have a fic in mind if a certain one wins?
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I honestly don't know... I mean, I HOPE my MC vote wins, 'cause if so... there are just no decent non-generic MC stories that aren't of either OC's or that doesn't take it too far.

Wouldn't MIND experimenting with it because with MC possibilities are ENDLESS, but you gotta have the right "touch" to make it seem workable, and "arousing".
I'm not bothering with fics, since one person clearly CAN'T make a difference, here.

Jimmy Olsen

There are a lot of possibilities for a fun mind control story. 

Someone could force a woman (who won't remember the time she was controlled) to drink gallons of water or chow down on spicy foods shortly before she has to go somewhere where it's impossible or socially inacceptable for her to keep running to the bathroom. 

Or a warrior could intimidate their opponents by making it seem like their greatest warrior (who happens to be female) is so scared of them she wet herself. 

Or a woman with a naughty desire to mess herself in public could force all the women around her to empty their bowels as well, then pretend she and everyone else was the victim of some evil force.
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Vandalism in the lead? Really?

Don't we have PLENTY of fics where a women clogs a toilet to irredeemable extents? And... well... I hope others can "figure out a way" to such a difficult theme like that work, in ways beyond that...
I'm not bothering with fics, since one person clearly CAN'T make a difference, here.


Well, probably not as good as my idea - Litter Box Potty Time. It was doing really well at one point, anyway.


Same with my MC... in fact we were tied.
I'm not bothering with fics, since one person clearly CAN'T make a difference, here.

Jimmy Olsen

I love all the ideas except futanari.  But after much thought I decided I loved vandalism the best.  There's more possibilities than just toilet-clogging.  See my examples, which I'm sure are just the tip of the iceberg.
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