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Obscure girls you'd like to see...

Started by Emperor, November 22, 2012, 12:57:06 AM

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Hey there guys! I know I never post here, so I'm sure a lot of you don't really know me. But, I was playing through some old games, and I thought of something I'm sure all of us can relate to. Somewhere, out there, is a character you love that is so obscure, that there is a better chance of winning the Lottery twice than of finding even a half decent fan fic/art of them. So, I wanted to compile a list of some obscure girls I'd like to see having some alone time with the porcelain throne!

Bad Girl: (No More Heroes)

What can I say? That outfit is pure sexy! The thing I like most is that Bad Girl is Rude, Crude, and absolutely off her rocker. Unlike other opponents who get out of a stun and then get the hell out of there, Bad Girl will get up, shout of "Asshole!," then get right back to beating you up, and when you do drop her, instead of falling to her knees and admitting defeat, she cries out "Fuckface!" before trying to bit Travis down in a last ditch effort to win the fight. To me, this is kinda hot... I know there are enough Bad Girl Cosplays and Rule 34's to fill a thousand lonely nights in a Hotel room, but I won't truly be happy until all the beer Bad Girl drinks gives her a case of the squirts and she needs to drop a nice, hot, messy save.

Ai Ebihara: (Persona 4)

The japanese have a thing for selfish woman, and Ai is surprisingly a spot on version of this trope, and then a fantastic aversion at the same time. Ai is selfish as she believes the way to be liked as a teenager is to be materialistic and fashionable, but her social link turns her around and makes her realize that being a good person is what really matters. Ai is an odd choice because she is difficult to like, but I think her ego boost could have been shattered a much different way than how it was in the game... and considering it's this site,  you probably know what I mean.

Zelda: (Skyward Sword version)

Any self respecting Zelda fan had at least a tiny crush on the fair Princess. Whether it was the busty young girl, the hot adult form, the sassy pirate, or the dutiful princess of twilight, we've all had some variant of Zelda we at least thought was "cute." Zelda from the Skyward Sword is a favorite of mine, because she is playful and friendly toward Link. While it's fun to write about a stuck up girl having to make a swiss cake roll, a Peppy girl can turn even the grossest of dumps into a fun experience if written well. This Zelda is that perfect combination of cute, playful, and a little bit serious that would make a perfect fic!

Catherine: (Catherine)

I chose the Marriage path. I've always been, and always will be a Family Man. But Catherine was just so cute and peppy that at times, I wanted to say "ah screw my out of wedlock child! I want to run off with her!" While Katherine is a beautiful woman that I'd happily marry, she's hardly the type I'd like to see taking a dump. But Catherine, on the other hand, would probably make it the single sexiest experience of your life.

Bayonetta: (Bayonetta)

Bayonetta is a no brainer here! Come on, she's got an accent, some sex librarian glasses, a body to die for, and enough "Back" to keep Sir-Mix-alot in business for the next 30 years. To me, even the most mundane picture/fan fiction would be enough, as Bayonetta would pick up the slack just by being Bayonetta!

If you have any obscure characters you'd like to see, then feel free to reply!

A Rat

I'm in the process of writing a story for Bully (the 2006 video game). Fantastic game, almost like GTA. And of course it helps that the females, despite being outnumbered, are beautiful.


I've heard a lot about Bully, it looks fun from what I can tell, but I never gave it a whirl... still, that picture gives a good idea of what I'm getting into... i like what I see...


Yeah...all five girls taking dumps in stalls next to each other. ;)



if I can find something more to write about, I'd be writing it as we speak... sadly, I just can't find a way to kick it off... believe me, I've tried :(

A Rat

Quote from: Emperor on November 27, 2012, 07:56:17 PM
if I can find something more to write about, I'd be writing it as we speak... sadly, I just can't find a way to kick it off... believe me, I've tried :(

Doing my best to come up with a storyline without shoehorning in the idea. I don't like the Greaser girl Lola or the man-sounding girl that Jimmy Hopkins kissed twice, but after counting them out I'll still have an excess of six females to choose from.  =D


A Rat

That's  8)

On a side note, I would second a No More Heroes story. It would be great to see Sylvia on the pot.



Personally, since Sylvia seduces Travis throughout the game, then proceeds to cockblock him at random, in one scene, she could be talking about herself being rubbed down by a bunch of masseuses, and the next, taking a dump to keep Travis from perving out on her... but, that's just a thought!


A Rat

Of course you are free to write a story about Lola. Right now, she's just nowhere near my favorite Bully characters. In a school like Bullworth where most of the female students are stunning, personality plays an important role and seducing multiple men is just not very likeable.

A Rat

And there you go, the first-ever Bully story. Let's hope we drum up enough interest to create a series. 8)
