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Your top five girls...

Started by Poowrite, December 03, 2007, 01:11:56 AM

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Quote from: Toasty on December 14, 2007, 07:26:42 PM
Hmmmm....this is rough.

I'm going to list them in very loose order, so just because one girl is at the top and another is at the bottom doesn't mean they won't be switched the next day.

#5 Fran - FFXII

The star of my first ever fic is still special to me, especially because she's still so criminally underused. "What?!" I hear you say, "You must be joking! You can't throw a rock on the internet without running into her, or other half-naked bunny girls!" First of all, stop being so cruel to half-naked bunny girls! They've never done anything to you and it's not like they have much protection from thrown missiles in the first place. Second, while Fran doujins are a dime a dozen, there are barely any scat pics of her (actually, I can't think of a single one off the top of my head) and even fewer fics: just one! Now how are we ever going to document the natural wonders of the Viera digestive system and its majestic productions if we don't step up the pace here. Please, write a fic. Sponsored by the Vieran Bowel Relief Association.

#4 Peach - Super Mario Brothers

Like I said on the Anonib board, an ancient Peach story on Wetset heavily influenced me as a toilet fic writer. Also, with the advent of the Paper Mario games, she's become an interesting character in her own right and her ladylike appearance and dainty sensibilities just beg for a little bit of soiling. That's why I decided to write a fic about her, currently in progress! </advert>

#3 Jill Valentine - Resident Evil

When it comes to RE girls, I'm a traditionalist, as not only to I prefer the original leading lady, but I also like her most in the STARS uniform from the original RE and its remake, rather than her hussied up RE3 appearance. The uniform really emphasizes her calm and competent personality in a way that I find very appealing, not to mention I have a weakness for uniforms in general, and in Jill's case, messy ones in particular. Plus, who doesn't like berets?

#2 (insert poop pun here) Hermione Granger - Harry Potter

I have to admit that Ms. Granger's inclusion on this list was influenced by Emma Watson's portrayal of the character (so sexy), but it also stems from the same love of all things geek that endears Ami to me. Hermione's a fairly recent addition, and her ranking will probably fall once I finally read/write a fic of her (as the novelty wears off and all that), but for now she's my number two, to make a number two.

#1 Selphie Tilmitt - FFVIII

Man oh man, I remember playing FFVIII when it first came out and being totally blown away. I probably had the same reaction that most people had on playing FFVII, which I never really got into. I always had a special place in my heart for her. I remember how I used to sift through the /s board on gurochan for good pics before yarr's Faye story on the fiction board directed me to the Nyou Fiction of old. Those were dark times, and every good image came at the cost of wading through twenty disgusting ones. But one of the pics I remember most was one of Selphie, on the pooper, done by Micro I believe.  She's looking bashful and is making crackling sounds. Ahh, the memories. It's still one of my favorite pics of all time and cemented Selphie as #1 on the list. I really enjoyed FallenStar's desp fic featuring her, and It's my ambition to one day write her the perfect scat story.

Honorable Mentions: Ami Mizuno (Sailor Moon), Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion), Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop), Lara Croft (Tomb Raider), Samus Aran (Metroid), Yuna & Lulu (FFX), Jago (Foreigner)

Here's to much feces making, shit taking and bathroom breaking for all of the above!

Funny you should mention Jill, I've been thinking about a story with the original gal of the RE series. Though I'm just trying to figure out how to place it during the Spencer Mansion incident....

*Sits on a stone block, pull back to reveal the thinker next to self*
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


1.Hinata- i dont think i need to explain here. :kawaii:

2.Jill Valentine- Even the toughest girls have bowels and bladder. ;)

3.Tifa- same as jill ;)

4.Konan- I would love to see a poop/piss fanfic of her. :kawaii:

5.Samus- You think she'd install a toilet in that suit by now. ;D


5. Nevan - Devil May Cry (3)
- Given that she's a demon, she probably has a weird metabolism so it'd be interesting to see what came out. A lot of DMC's demons seem to require sustenance.
4. Garnet MacLaine - Dragonaut: The Resonance
- All of the female characters in this anime could have been placed here, but she's definitely my favorite. All that expressiveness put into a situation like this...
3. Anna Williams - Tekken
- My original favorite VG female, and she seems to have a butt fixation anyway since she shakes it in combat.
2. Murrue Ramius - Gundam SEED
- She's probably a bit older (physically) than the rest of these ladies, even though technically speaking she's still pretty young. But her in her uniform, or the orange suit she first appears in... :o
1. Cassandra Alexandra - Soul Calibur
- Enough said.


1. Juri Katou(digimon tamers)
as Sanchopanza65 said you never forget your first crush.

2. Hinata(Naruto)
3. Nodoka Miyazaki(negima)
4. Shinobu Maehara(love hina)
5. Tsukasa Hiiragi(lucky star)

Orihime and Rukia from bleach.
Yutaka Kobayakawa & akira kogami from luky star, plus other girls in the anime
Hatoko "Petoko" Fujimura from petopeto-san
girls from Ichigo Mashimaro


Can't believe I haven't responded to this before.  ???

1 - Faye Valentine, Cowboy Bebop - no description needed.

2 - Sakaki, Azumanga - Her big body and physical activity are sure to concern the school janitors. I bet she spends just five effortless minutes in the bathroom, and when her large butt leaves the seat the water is buried beneath huge logs. This repeats itself 2-3 times daily  8)

3 - Chun Li, Street Fighter - Can you say thighs?  Can you say curves? 8)

4 - Mihoshi, tenchi Muyo - The alien ditz eats enough rice to sustain a small monastery of monks, plus her round tush would look great on a toilet. See "tenchi in tokyo" ep errmm.. 23 I think for the best ass shot ever outside animated porn.

5 - Tsunade, Naruto - With that strenght and curves, I'm sure her pooping sessions are something to behold.. if one could hold both the ears a and nose shut at the same time.


Quote from: yarr on May 22, 2009, 05:25:31 AM
5 - Tsunade, Naruto - With that strenght and curves, I'm sure her pooping sessions are something to behold.. if one could hold both the ears a and nose shut at the same time.

Funny you should mention her, I've been trying to come up with a story based on the picture of Sakura taking a huge shit and how it's a result of Tsunade's training. Just need to figure what the secret of the training ritual is that leads to them both being able to drop human pipe bombs.  :P
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about that picture's a good picture, and I wholly endorse any story based upon it. *thumbs up*

As for an idea...uh...gastro-intestinal chakra? Hey, they can walk on water and breathe fire, it's not too much of a stretch if you ask me.


"I'm sure her (Tsunade's)  pooping sessions are something to behold... if one could hold both their ears and nose shut at the same time." 

Ya, and avoid getting your head smashed in like a tomato.  ;D  She literally almost killed Jirayia just for peeking at her naked in a hot spring when they where kids, can you imagine what she would do to someone who caught her dropping a super-sized load on the pot?

Actually, the Japanese really do believe that chakra is centered in the lower stomach area (hence the belly rap bandages you see on shirtless swordsmen.)  If super strength is a side affect of medical ninja training, I can't see why there couldn't be others.  Something about it radically slows down the digestion but increases appetite and makes the colon muscles much stronger and more elastic.  There's nothing in the series that says that couldn't happen...  ;) 

What if Sakura comes to Tsunade one day very embarrassed and complaining that since the training started, she's been eating everything in sight but hasn't been able to poop for three weeks.  Her master then reveals that it's a natural past of the training for females and she just forgot to mention it.  She then says that she herself hasn't taken a dump in a month and proceeds to take Sakura to the ladies room to show her the secret technique for getting it out and how huge it can be.

I'm not a big fan of single hard monster log stories, this is just what came to my mind.


Quote from: DrBones on May 23, 2009, 09:32:42 PM
"I'm sure her (Tsunade's)  pooping sessions are something to behold... if one could hold both their ears and nose shut at the same time." 

Ya, and avoid getting your head smashed in like a tomato.  ;D  She literally almost killed Jirayia just for peeking at her naked in a hot spring when they where kids, can you imagine what she would do to someone who caught her dropping a super-sized load on the pot?

Actually, the Japanese really do believe that chakra is centered in the lower stomach area (hence the belly rap bandages you see on shirtless swordsmen.)  If super strength is a side affect of medical ninja training, I can't see why there couldn't be others.  Something about it radically slows down the digestion but increases appetite and makes the colon muscles much stronger and more elastic.  There's nothing in the series that says that couldn't happen...  ;) 

What if Sakura comes to Tsunade one day very embarrassed and complaining that since the training started, she's been eating everything in sight but hasn't been able to poop for three weeks.  Her master then reveals that it's a natural past of the training for females and she just forgot to mention it.  She then says that she herself hasn't taken a dump in a month and proceeds to take Sakura to the ladies room to show her the secret technique for getting it out and how huge it can be.

I'm not a big fan of single hard monster log stories, this is just what came to my mind.

Wouldn't exactly have to be a SINGLE log, just a bunch of large anaconda like turds! :P

That's actually not a half bad idea, I mean, all I could come up with was a sort of 'alternative' if you will to Tsunade's take on bodily functions seen in Omnipresent's "A Shinobi's Resolve"; instead of just 'giving in' to one's urges, Tsunade teaches Sakura to hold it in for abnormally long periods, and also some 'excercises' to help the young Konuichi handle passing massive pipe busters.

If anyone's got some more ideas, I just might be able to cook up a truly delightful 'recipe' with them. 8)
"Legends are much like tapestries; they erode and fade until truth and lies become indistinguishible." - Original quote.

What's to come:
~ One Piece adventure ("In planning")
~ Inuyasha story
~ Story with girl having to sit between boy's legs on toilet


Quote from: yarr on May 22, 2009, 05:25:31 AMSee "tenchi in tokyo" ep errmm.. 23 I think for the best ass shot ever outside animated porn.

This should get the point across  :P

*walks up to Mihosi and starts playing her ass like a big soft drum*


Mihosi: *moans*  Wow, that actually feels pretty...  FFFFFFPPPPHHHHHTTTTHHHHHHPPPPPPPP!!!  *blushes* Excuse me... :-[

Thanks for looking this up.  I saw the series when it was on CN, but I didn't recall this shot.  I do remember her holding herself standing in line for a bathroom and Ryoko saying she almost peed herself laughing in the same episode.  I can think of a few amazing butt shots in main stream (non hentie) anime, Orpheum used to collect them, but I understand when it's one of your very favorite girls. ;D

BTW, I just put my Tenchi story on the back burner when our trade was canceled to work on other stuff.  I know I didn't respond but I wasn't mad, I just had things going on at the time.   I still have it in mind and it'll probably be my entry for your next contest unless the rules prevent it, and you wouldn't do that to me would you?:kawaii:  (Guess what story I'll be requesting if I win... ;) ;D)  I can say that Mihosi's curvy, soft bottom will be having an extended meeting with a porcelain bowl. ;) 


Don't worry, I will in no way hamper a tale involving Mihoshi bombing the bathroom. I plan to post the next contest pretty close to after I've posted the prizes for the first. They're coming along nicely if slowly due to both me and the artist being busy with other things.

This time around I plan to let the first prize be an animation like the one with Asuka plus a story, second one a normal picture and third one a black and white one again.

As for the rules they won't be very strict, more like guidelines like last time.

Thing is tough, one story from the first competition is still going, an it would be cruel to launch a second one while some of the competition is bogged down with previous tasks. (No pressure Bluesniper  ;D)

Jimmy Olsen

Quote from: Duce on April 26, 2009, 05:11:00 PM
2. Hinata(Naruto)
3. Nodoka Miyazaki(negima)
4. Shinobu Maehara(love hina)
5. Tsukasa Hiiragi(lucky star)

Nodoka and Hinata both remind me of Shinobu (especially Nodoka).  Can you imagine all 3 of them using the same restroom?!?  :kawaii:

Maybe I should write peeing and pooping scenes for some of the girls mentioned on this thread (after I finally finish my stupid Sailor Moon fic, of course).  I don't know all of them, but that's what YouTube and Google image search are for.  Any suggestions/requests/etc.?
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Hmmm, not as big an anime/manga buff here as most members are, I would imagine, but let's see what I can come up with:

-Misa Amane (Death Note).  Wonder just what her bathroom arrangements WERE during that period L was holding her???

-Ingrid Hunnigan (Resident Evil 4, and RE: Degeneration).  How's about a "deleted scene" where Leon calls her for urgent advice, while she's trying to answer the call of nature?

-Jean Grey/Phoenix/Marvel Girl (X-Men).  I mentioned a scene in Ultimate X-Men where she COULD have had diarrhea...but while nothing was shown, there was a part in the regular books where she has to do a big press conference, and she confides to someone (albeit someone who's suffering a slow, violent brain-death) that she's been to the bathroom 15 times that morning already.

(Honorable mention - most any of the other X-Women or their hot female adversaries)

Wonder Woman - They came "dangerously" close to mentioning a bodily function on Justice League Unlimited when Hawkgirl snidely says "Of course...the Princess NEVER sweats.  I bet you never even have to..."  Well, I bet she DOES have to, and a gal as "healthy" as her probably does it in spectacular fashion.

(Honorable mention - Big Barda )

Janine Melnitz (sp?) - The Real Ghostbusters.  Like Hunnigan, when you're tied to a phone all day, it can make it hard for some "me" time!  :P

Other Honorable Mentions:

Raven, Starfire (Teen Titans)
...uh...need sleep, can't think.  I'll get back to you!

(BTW. when I just saw the name of the topic, I was assuming it was real-life girls too. Just to throw it in there, I came up with 3 right away:

-Quinne (from Suicide Girls)

-actress/singer Juliette Lewis (we do get to see her on the throne in From Dusk Till Dawn, but she's not really doing anything.  Of course JULIETTE isn't doing anything, but her character isn't either...she's covering for 2 criminals hiding in the shower at the time.)

-Shirley Manson...singer, and now actress I guess too. DON'T get on her bad side.  She won't piss in your Cheerios, she'll shit in your Corn Flakes!  SRSLY!  I'd LOVE to have seen that...

Jimmy Olsen

Quagmire: Your post reminded me of when I was 10 years old and played with "X-Men" figures with my friends.  I decided Rogue was secretly a bedwetter, and it became one of our running jokes.  ^-^
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