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Ap Dat and Dragon Knight Chronicles...

Started by FallenStar, January 06, 2008, 09:30:19 PM

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Okay, I think I've let this go on long enough.  This was supposed to be a topic about the RP-to-fic thing I was doing for Eternal and my RP and it's gotten WAAAAAAAY off-topic.  :P

You guys mind taking this conversation to another topic so I can clean up this one and get back on track with discussion about this RP? (I plan on uploading more chapters really soon   :) )

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD


For what it's worth, I've posted the next three chapters of this RP-turned-fanfic, so if anyone wants to read, it's there for you guys.  =)

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Eternal Dragon

well Poowrite since you really didn't take to chapter 4 well... you should know I will be putting Drake through some torture later on in the series... as for they sounding evil or like villains, they aren't that's probably going to be the one time that happens, if my memory serves me right. Drake though, you'll see him develop a little more as the series goes on, so just keep watching  ;D You might like the results, as for all the sweatdrops and such... me and Fallen did these or the beginning of these chapters roughly months and months ago, my skill as an RPer has greatly improved since then so worry not... I try not to fit to many of those "sweatdrop" things in there to often


Like I told FS, my intent was not to offend anyone and I hope I haven't.

The problem with chapter 4 was that it felt less like I was reading erotic torture and more like I was reading plain old torture. I can't explain why, there's no reason for it that I know of, but that has always ruffled my feathers something fierce.

FallenStar already explained to me why I shouldn't waste my, uh, breath mentioning the whole sweatdrop thing. I'm sure I mentioned it somewhere before anyhow (though I may be mistaken) but I felt like I needed something other than a rallying cry for the death of your heroes in my review  ;)

If you own a PS3, download the demo. Give this game a shot. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.


Quote from: Poowrite on March 25, 2008, 11:53:21 AM
Like I told FS, my intent was not to offend anyone and I hope I haven't.

The problem with chapter 4 was that it felt less like I was reading erotic torture and more like I was reading plain old torture. I can't explain why, there's no reason for it that I know of, but that has always ruffled my feathers something fierce.

FallenStar already explained to me why I shouldn't waste my, uh, breath mentioning the whole sweatdrop thing. I'm sure I mentioned it somewhere before anyhow (though I may be mistaken) but I felt like I needed something other than a rallying cry for the death of your heroes in my review  ;)

Oh, you'll get it... trust me...  That first series of chapters, Eternal and I were "getting used" to each other. As we go along, both our skills improve *greatly*.. and the erotic torture starts actually being... well... erotic... lol

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Eternal Dragon

uhh... no kidding... man... I remember that all to well... the beginning of RPing was crazy... but yeah... it was bumpy to begin with, but that's how skills are built... you had those skills already... me... I had some skills but not enough to be considered a good RPer. I can say though I am happy in how this whole RP turned out, it's helped me develop my writing skills, considering I do want to become a novelist. (I'll post more details if anyone wishes to know more.) but anyways... the upcoming chapters I do hope everyone likes , though there are some parts others might not like... I urge others though to keep on reading to see the story develop more and more, don't shy away from reading the chapters even if they get negative ratings or reviews...