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Anime Lover's fiction status report

Started by Anime Lover, March 22, 2008, 01:26:37 PM

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Jimmy Olsen

Since you wrote a review to the first chapter of my latest fic, I'm wondering what you thought of the rest of it.  If you have a spare moment, I'd really appreciate it if you wrote a review of the story overall.  :kawaii:

On a completely different subject, are you sure you won't continue "My Unusual Girlfriend?"  I'd love to see (read) a cat-fight between Terra and Alexandria.  ^-^

On another completely different subject, I think you want to edit your signature.  It looks like there's a little typo in there.
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Anime Lover

well I haven't gotten around to reading the rest of the chapters, sorry, this monitor of mine is dying and makes reading stuff a headache (literally >_<) I'll read it though, don't worry
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Jimmy Olsen

Good to know.  :)

What do you think about an extension to "My Unusual Girlfriend?"  Am I just annoying you by bringing it up so much?
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Anime Lover

I have no plans to continue 'My Unusual Girlfriend', which is why I made it a Round Robin Fic, others can add to it if they want
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13


Brandy and Mr. Whiskers?!  O_o;

Interesting choice, lol

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Anime Lover

Brandy's Hot, your just now realising that?  ;D  :P
I still haven't did that lucky star fic yet though >_<
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13


Quote from: Anime Lover on June 22, 2009, 06:43:16 PM
Brandy's Hot, your just now realising that?  ;D  :P
I still haven't did that lucky star fic yet though >_<

I tell ya... you and JAB should hook up; he draws the pics of American toons and you do the fanfiction.  xD

Nobody betta lay a finger on mah girl, Hotaru, or else!  xD

Jimmy Olsen

So would it be all right if I write the next chapter of "My Unusual Girlfriend?"  I just whipped up a quick plot outline while eating my dinner, so I can send it to you for your approval before I start the actual writing.
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Anime Lover

fine by me, even if I did decide to continue it in the future, I'd just continue from were I left off.
though it would be interesting to see what other people come up with ^_^
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Jimmy Olsen

Here's my plot for the next chapter.  If you're okay with it, I should probably be able to post it finished within the next couple days.


David realizes once he sees Alexandria naked that he was never all that interested in having sex with her.  He just wanted to have sex with someone.  Now that he has had sex, he can think more clearly about his relationship with Alexandria.  The two have never been a real couple.  She's never called him her boyfriend, and has always kept him at arm's length, even though she's clearly attracted to him.  Besides their occasional fooling around, they've never done anything except hang out as if they were just friends.  What's more, she's gone on dates with other guys, and David never made a fuss.  So why is it such a big deal to her that he had sex with Terra?  After thinking about this, David tells the naked Alexandria that he has no commitment to her, and that his penis is free to act on its own accord.  She is furious, but takes her anger out on Terra instead of him.  Terra fights back, and shows the scrawny girl a thing or two about fighting.  But Alexandria's hatred of Terra is intense, and so is her desire to prove herself to David, and so she doesn't go down gently.

The cat-fight comes to a pause when Alexandria bites a tentacle that's wrapped around her head and accidentally bites off and swallows the tip.  The human girl is worried about what swallowing a Scylle's tentacle will do to her.  Terra says it's no big deal, but Alexandria looks more and more sickly as the chapter goes on.  Terra also reveals that tentacle-biting is common in fights and horseplay among Scylle, and tells a story about a vicious fight she got into with her mother where she ended up biting off and spitefully gulping down a foot-long chunk of one of her mother's tentacles.  The tentacle was wearing a pretty ring her mother had "found," and so she made her daughter stay home for days until she pooped it out.  This raises the subject that Scylle can eat many things that humans can't.  David gets worried that she'll swallow his parents' valuables as a way of stealing them, and warns her that he'll poison her and make her throw up if she ever does that.  Terra thinks that's an idle threat, but when David opens the medicine cabinet for her she's horrified to see the many "poisons" that are in there, and gets the impression that David's parents are assassins who poison people for a living.  She promises not to eat anything she isn't supposed to.  Alexandria is laying in David's bed all this time, worrying about the swallowed tentacle.

David is disappointed that the neato naked cat-fight has stopped, so he makes the false claim that whichever girl wins in the fight will be his girlfriend, and so the cat-fight resumes, with even more intensity.  But Alexandria finally backs down when she opens up the wound on Terra's chest.  She's really mad at Terra, but there's still a flash of genuine concern in her eyes.  She says they'll rematch a few days later, once Terra gets her strength back.  David reveals that the cat-fight had no real meaning, but they still obviously want to fight each other.  He tells Alexandria about the misgivings he has about their whole relationship.  She vows to prove her love one way or another, and leaves.

Terra says Alexandria is right.  Her injuries aren't life-threatening, but they have weakened her greatly, and she will need to eat and drink more than usual these next couple days in order to replace all the blood she lost.  She also has to regenerate several tentacles, and that mass has to come from somewhere, too.  David gives her the baloney sandwich, and amazingly Terra thinks it's the best thing she's eaten for months.  David decides to impress her by making spaghetti, which Terra sucks up and enjoys with almost sexual intensity.  She's still hungry, and he decides to just let her eat stuff that doesn't need to be prepared.  So she pigs out.  David even offers her something that isn't really food as a joke, but she happily wolfs it down to his surprise.  She has him make her shakes with rock salt in them to get her body salt content back up.  He's not crazy about all this, but figures it's a small price to pay to keep a nymphomaniac happy and close to him.

Terra overstuffs herself and lays around for a while complaining that she's overstuffed.  Eventually she moans that she thinks she needs to visit "the waste-releasing chair" again, and gets up to travel there.  David isn't sure if she needs to poop, pee, or throw up, but whatever the case he won't let her in the bathroom unless she performs a sexual favor for him.  He's had some time to rest since the last time, and now he's ready for more.  She resists, to his surprise.  Despite her innate horniness, she's too full right now to be horny.  But David remains steadfast: no sex, no toilet.  To be continued.
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Anime Lover

Interesting, the Alexandra/Terra 'cat-fight' thing was a little much IMO, given that Alexandra never showed physical hostility to Terra.

Quote" if they were just friends."

David and Alexandra ARE friends, childhood friends actually, that like to fool around with each other. so you could say their friends with benifits.

regardless though, nice outline and I'm glad someones interested enough in my story to make there own chapter 5 ^_^
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Jimmy Olsen

Cool, I wasn't sure you'd be okay with so many of my elements there.  As for the cat-fight, I suppose I could make it more realistic by having Terra say a bunch of stuff to provoke Alexandra, which would lead to the fight.  Alexandra already called her a "thing," so there must be at least some antagonism there.  Regardless, I really want them to fight.  I find it exciting when girls fight (or play-fight) in real life.

Quote from: Anime Lover on June 22, 2009, 07:56:03 PMDavid and Alexandra ARE friends, childhood friends actually, that like to fool around with each other. so you could say their friends with benifits.

Yeah, that's what I got from your writing.  That's why I think David would think Alexandra had no business being jealous. 
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Anime Lover

QuoteYeah, that's what I got from your writing.  That's why I think David would think Alexandra had no business being jealous.

Lol, well one of her long-time friends who's virginity she's been trying to claim has suddenly gone to a stranger he just met. I dunno about where you live, but Girl's like to go after guys who are still virgins. plus there the idea of wanting something you're denied, so it's a double whammy deal for Alexandra, a male 17 friend who's a virgin and tells her she can't have it ^_^
Total Projects: 463
Latest Project: The Benefits of Sisters
Current Project:   Show and Tell
Planned Projects: The Geelien's 12, 13

Jimmy Olsen

Honestly, I've always tried to go after girls who plan to remain abstinent until marriage, so I don't really know how it goes with horny girls like Alexandra.  :-[
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Jimmy Olsen

It's been a week now since I said my chapter would be posted in a couple days, so I'm sorry about the lack of progress.  I've been pretty busy.  For the past few days I've been working frantically on my novel, because a girl told me she wants to read it.  And right now I'm "cramming" for a job interview tomorrow.  But it would be a lie to say I've had no time in which to write the chapter, since I spent much of yesterday watching clips from Duck Tales on Youtube.  I just haven't been managing my time excellently.  But my contribution to "My Unusual Girlfriend" should be up soon with no problem.  The same goes for my "deleted scene" from Sailor Moon episode 108.
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