A young girl who first appeared in the 3rd game to avenge her mother. Later becomes a devil hunter like Dante. In the anime Dante has a debt to her that he has yet to pay.
Summary: Past Featured Story

The life of a devil hunter is a hard one. Long hours, bad pay, and little time for personal matters. Well, Lady is a hard worker, and sometimes a girl just has to take a moment to unwind.

UPDATE: Fixed some spelling errors and touched up a few parts.

Categories: Devil May Cry, Story Contest XI Characters: Dante, Lady
Warnings: Defecation, Farting, Urination
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2914 Read Count: 1658
Published: Sep 23, 2008 Updated: Sep 23, 2008 [Report This]