A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other
Summary: A group of girls decide to sabotage a toilet to get revenge on either the person who would normally use it or the janitor who's going to have to clean it. I have no idea why, but I'm sure the writers here can think of some reasonable motive. Anyway, each of these girls goes without pooping for the day (or several days), then sneak into this restroom and use the same toilet one after the other, without flushing, leaving it filled with an unflushable mountain of poop. This story would be extra fun if, through framing or misunderstanding, it is believed that all the poop came from one girl.
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: is anybody willing to write a story where sam shits and pisses her panties when she first encounters some of the monsters in the game
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: Samus sick of having to take off her entire suit evertime she needed to go the bathroom and design's a new upgrade that allows the back of her metroid suit to open up. To celibrate she has food she loves to eat but that always gives her diarrhea knowing that she could just use the new ugrade but she instales the new upgrade improperly so when she starts to get diarrhea she cant open the suit becuase the suit detecting a problem and  locks down the suit so Samus must go through the suit reboot sequence witch takes 10 or so minutes while she constantly farts and clenches and when she finally gets the suit off she runs to the bathroom and has diarrhea but she sharts her panties badly in the procces
Categories: Metroid Characters: Samus Aran
Summary: An 11th grader girl eats the school lunch special which is tuna casserole. What she doesn't know is that tuna and noodles are 2 years spoiled along with the milk she is drinking. During her math class the effects kick in and she desperately runs home where she experiences severe diarrhea, gas, and pooping for the rest of the day. The next morning which is Saturday she experiences the effects doubled. 
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: Shuffle! Rin once accidentally walked into Asa in the toilet, but sadly nothing came out of that. Now, picture what would happen if she had already filled the bathroom with her “aromas” and he noticed!
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: Serena is desperate to poop while traveling with Ash, Clemont and Bonnie. She is too embarassed to tell them (she has a crush on Ash). She tries to hold it but ends up pooping her pants in front of the group. She is forced to undress in front of them to clean herself up. The group helps her clean up. If you want to describe her appearance, i prefer the short haired version
Categories: Pokemon Characters: None
Summary: Can someone write a story where a female character of harry potter gets caught going in a diaper by harry potter and he babys them?
Categories: Harry Potter Characters: None

After having a nasty prank pulled on him by Ino, Shikamaru decides to get revenge on her by spiking her drink with laxatives.

Shikamaru then stalks Ino and waits for her to head for a bathroom. When Ino is moments from planting herself on the trone Shikamaru uses his shadow possession jutsu to snare Ino when she is about to relieve herself.

You can decide what happens. Maybey Shikamaru has a change of heart and lets Ino go. Or maybey he'll hold her there till she craps herself. Or maybey somthing completely out of the ordinary

(remember shikamaru has complete control over his prisoners body)

good luck

Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: Samus' ship is damaged and crashes, ruining her suit and weapons. her only hope of taking off again is to salvage a piece from an old wrecked spaceship to replace the burned-out piece in her own. The shipwreck is full of phantoms, alien vermin, and old work robots that have gone haywire, and an unspeakable eldritch force resides deep within the wreckage. This would be a piece of cake for Samus Aran any other day, but today she's protected only by her zero suit and whatever weapons she can salvage, and her usual confidence and courage are undermined by her feelings of vulnerability. Fear-induced accidents and stress-induced diarrhea await her.
Categories: Metroid Characters: Samus Aran
Summary: A young woman (fanfiction or original) has ticked off a witch/wizard/magic being that has cursed her to only be able to relieve her self in her panties she has avoided it for at least a week by different means but she is now extremely desperate, one of her friends has realized her discomfort an confronts her. Her friend comes up with an idea using a diaper for relief and with a little help she releases her pent up waste. (Sometime during or after this she also does something that breaks to curse, your choice)
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: Bellona insults Amaterasu after a match, Amaterasu gets revenge by forcing Bellona to sniff her farts and eat her shit, turns out in the end that Bellona is into that shit. Bellona and Amaterasu are both from the game Smite, battleground of the gods.
Categories: None Characters: None
  • A city is plunged into crisis until a desperate maintenance worker unknowingly relieves/wets herself on a major piece of machinery, short-circuiting it back to life. 
  • Several females trapped in a glass elevator are slowly subjected to messier and messier accidents as the crowd below continues to watch and grow. 
  • Their access to the toilet restricted, numerous maids/guests/what have you find different ways to relieve themselves during a large dinner party. Most strategies involve using their dresses to hide their doings, like wetting themselves in the gardens and beneath tables. 
  • Disaster strikes when someone in a long restroom queue has a very visible accident, triggering a chain reaction of sympahetic wettings and messings down the line. 

Categories: Original Characters: None
  • A sports fan doesn’t dare get up from her seat to relieve her bowels mid-game. (Almost) alone in the section, she shuffles off her panties beneath her skirt to discreetly do the deed in her chair. Her load naturally takes the shape of her butt against her seat.
  • In a world where hi-tech diapers are the norm, one girl’s undergarments get hacked, putting her at the mercy of whoever is controlling the leak guards of her pants. (Option: it’s not really under anyone’s control; rather, her diaper’s effectiveness depends on random environmental factors like a particular sound or touch.)
  • A woman gets stuck in a baby walker as part of a stupid joke at a baby shower. Unfortunately, it puts a lot of unwanted pressure on her stomach and bladder, and she eventually “bursts” into the infantile contraption stuck around her waist.
  • Stuck in the laundromat with a bad case of diarrhea, a particularly desperate girl shuffles behind the machines to empty herself onto her dirty laundry, hoping to escort the mess into a washer as quickly as possible.

Categories: Original Characters: None
Summary: Fact: There are billions of benign bacteria living in each person's colon. Fact: Certain other bacteria can organize together into creatures that have somewhat specialized structures. Challenge: Some kind of bacteria that have been living harmlessly inside a girl's colon suddenly band together to form slime creatures that she has to poop out. How they came to be, and what they do once they're outside of her, is up to you.
Categories: Original Characters: None
Summary: there are no sonic pantypoop stories. so, i want anyone who want to try this. it all yours to all writer who do this
Categories: Sonic Characters: None
Summary: The victim in this story is a stuck-up aristocrat, probably in a world where magic exists. She's as prudish as they come, and might even claim that the ladies in her family don't poop or fart at all. She either loses a bet or endures torture at the hand of a captor. Your choice. But the upshot is that she's forced to eat an enormous spicy meal (picture an all-you-can-eat Mexican buffet) and denied access to a toilet. Exactly how it plays out is up to you, but obviously this lofty lady is brought down to earth.
Categories: Original Characters: None
Summary: Sakura, Chun-Li, and some other cuties decide to have a non-violent challenge for a change (although, with all the taunting, insults, and accusations of cheating, it may escalate to violence anyway). They each drink an equal amount of laxative. The one who goes the longest without pooping will be the champion. The one who gives in first must wear "the Diaper of Shame."
Categories: Street Fighter Characters: Cammy, Chun-Li, Ingrid, Sakura Kasugano

A girl finds her feet stuck after stepping onto industrial strength glue/any gooey sticky substance, the only person around leaving to find help, leaving her alone in the process.

However, after a lengthy period of time, her bladder and/or bowels begins a demand of release and its taking all of her strength to hold it in although its a losing battle.

She finds herself with either the choice to soil herself or remove her shoes/boots in a futile attempt to dash for the porta-potty several feet away from the sticky spill.

Can be original or fanfic, anything depends on the writer. ^^ 

Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: Asuna Yuuki poops and pees her panties infront of the whole gang (Kirito, Sugu, Agil, Klein, Sinon, Silica, Liz, and Yui). You can decide if it is whithin the game or in real life. Kirito helps her clean up. Ill let you decide the rest of the details
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: I was reading a book about conjoined (Siamese) twins a while back, and there was one detail that really made me think. It was talking about a pair of girls who shared part of their pelvic region. Each could feel her sister's body parts that were close to the point where they were joined, and they reported that sometimes one of them would wake up in the night because *the other one* had to go pee. This caused me to eventually concoct a weird little story. I might write it myself, but I'm putting it up her in case someone else wants to tackle it. Picture a pair of cute conjoined girls. They have three legs, three legs, three heels, 20 toes, three buttocks, one anus, two colons, two bladders, two vaginas, and one uterus (this is an actual type of usually inseparable twin). One suffers from bladder shyness, the other one can pee anywhere. They're at a party, eating and drinking and having a good time. They naturally go to the bathroom every so often as the night wears on, but the one can't bring herself to pee knowing that there's a line outside the door and that the thin walls might not hide the sound of her peeing. And so her bladder just gets fuller and fuller, hour after hour, drink after drink. She's doing a good job of keeping her mind off it, but her sister is in excruciating pain. She becomes determined to get her sister to pee, by any means necessary. From there you can take it wherever you want.
Categories: Original Characters: None