Reviews For Hypno Kagamin
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Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: Serika Signed

Oops, silly Konata forgot to get dressed first. :p


Great fic! Really liked the denial. 

Author's Response: lol thanks, I think you mean Konata forgot to dress Kagami
Date: Oct 12, 2007 01:35 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: S.T. the Kitsune Signed
Awwww you ended it too soon, anyways this story is great. I just want to know if I can continue it? I love this story a lot.
Date: Oct 09, 2007 02:12 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: FallenStar Signed

Ha! Excellent fic as always, AL!  I couldn't find any there/they're/their mistakes, although there was one your/you're error.


I look forward to more fics like this from you! Orgasm Denial/Squirting denial is one of my favorite fetishes!  =D




Date: Oct 07, 2007 06:01 pm [Report This]
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