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Title: Slow ride Reviewer: JWPoop Signed
I think this would be better if you went into more detail on teaching Kurosaki just exactly HOW to pee and poop.  If she just became human I don't think pushing would come naturally without some coaching!!
Date: May 30, 2014 04:21 pm [Report This]
Title: Teaching a Soul Reaper a new trick Reviewer: HaloAnime Signed
Date: Jan 04, 2011 09:10 pm [Report This]
Title: Teaching a Soul Reaper a new trick Reviewer: dragonsnake Signed
This story is really good!  Please write more of them like this as it is really hot.
Date: Jun 05, 2010 01:15 pm [Report This]
Title: Turning the world upside down and brown Reviewer: dragonsnake Signed
These stories are great!  Please keep writing.
Date: Jun 05, 2010 01:13 pm [Report This]
Title: Teaching a Soul Reaper a new trick Reviewer: jukebox Signed
I have enjoyed this story since I've first read it.  I have a few exceptions with the basic premise of it, namely with the idea that Rukia would be ok with wetting/messing herself, but the author does a good, and yet simple, job of writing that bit off. Still, the idea and concept of Rukia, a fairly proud and upkept girl, having one or multiple accidents is quite a turn on, and is, in my opinion, something that should be done more often than has been common in fan fiction.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review, it's good when people give some critique, especially those who might never contribute stories as it does at least show participation on the site.


As for the story, I'm pretty sure I tweaked it so that Rukia was clear on not loving the accidents, just tolerating it because she can't  control her body and not making too much of a fuss over that.

Anyway, thanks again for the review.

Date: Sep 06, 2008 05:16 am [Report This]
Title: Teaching a Soul Reaper a new trick Reviewer: EFROdian Signed
FINALLY, this story has returned!  And it's even better now!  God, what I would give just to be at that school for one day.... ohh, the posibilities!!! *laughs maniacally*  At any rate, I can't wait to see the next installment, featuring Orihime, no less *drools* and I'm so glad this is going to be continued.  Now, if only we could get this into the anime somehow... maybe an OAV or something.  Keep up the good work!!!
Date: Dec 04, 2007 01:51 am [Report This]
Title: Teaching a Soul Reaper a new trick Reviewer: DrBones Signed
First, in general, let me say your doing a noble thing recreating lost stories that aren't even your own just for the good of the (fan) community.

This is a lot like the original as I remember it except for one thing. In the original, Rukia only altered everyone's minds because she physically couldn't hold it long enough to get to a bathroom every time and seemed to be planning to switch them back when she got the hang of it. Now she seems to have dismissed the idea of toilets entirely and wants to convert everyone to her way of thinking, (that all girls should dump and pee in their panties every time because it feels good). That's not to say I don't like this version, just that it has a somewhat different tone than I remember in the original.

Author's Response: Well I can fix that later on. Like maybe I'll alter the last part so the motive is clearer and then when Omnipresent gets around to part 3, it'll fit in well enough.
Date: Nov 30, 2007 09:46 pm [Report This]
Title: Turning the world upside down and brown Reviewer: Poowrite Signed
Good re-creations. Pretty close to my own recollection of the stories, glad they were re-written though.

Author's Response: Like I said, I tried to rebuild them as best to my memory. I do think it came out pretty close, not spot on mind you, but enough that you can feel the spirit of the original tales. And who knows, maybe someday we'll be able to find the classic versions, I still recall being able to find alot of our old stuff on scat site a while back.
Date: Nov 25, 2007 01:39 am [Report This]
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