Reviews For The first strike!
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Title: Sakura's first day of training and straining Reviewer: T3hL33tSnake Signed
You mean Cammy White?
Date: Aug 14, 2010 01:08 pm [Report This]
Title: Sakura's first day of training and straining Reviewer: Poowrite Signed
Woah, quite an impressive load there. Great story, despite a few grammer errors and sentences that just didn't seem to flow well.

As always, your dumping scene was something not of this world; I get the feeling that this will be a series that ends with Sakura having to kung-fu battle every janitor in her home city ^~

Author's Response: Who knows, right now I'm still plotting the third chapter, then it'll be Yarr's turn again to make things even more crazy. I'm eventually figuring that Sakura will somehow figure out a way to pull her ass out of the fire.
Date: Sep 07, 2008 03:32 pm [Report This]
Title: Sakura's first day of training and straining Reviewer: Jimmy Olsen Signed
Wow! This is a dump like no other dump I've read about. I'm not sure it could happen in real life, but I enjoyed reading about it. I also enjoyed how it lends seriousness, and believability to the silly martial arts of "Street Fighter," although I got the impression it was meant to be somewhat tongue-in-cheek. The only complaint I can think of are the long and awkward adjectival clauses that turn up frequently.

As I often do, I have collected a few sentences I thought were particularly good. "An unusual collection of facts enabled her to ignore the pounds of clay like manure inside her tush, now innocently hugging her classroom chair." "... Sakura let go a nasal grunt as her waste continued to press out of her like a grotesque imitation of a giant toothpaste tube."

Great work, and I look forward to the next chapter (especially if it has Chun Li letting loose a torrent of piss)!
Date: Sep 01, 2008 02:25 am [Report This]
Title: Sakura's first day of training and straining Reviewer: Zee_phyro Signed
One word: Great as ever Yarr!
Such an anaconda is what always making me excited! Great job in making Sakura clogging toilet over toilet
Date: Aug 28, 2008 06:28 am [Report This]
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