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Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: OrpheumZero Signed
Huh, thought I had reviewed this one. Oh well. You should maybe consider doing a follow up to this sometime, maybe have the girl fulfilling a list of request which invovle pooping in several and exciting ways. Of course, it's also fun to see more of that 'solution' you made up for Scat Fight and this.
Date: Aug 11, 2010 08:57 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: solomance Signed

Oh wow. I'd never would have expected fast food chains to have anything to do with these kinds of stories, let alone thinking that the heads of McDonalds would be that nefarious enough to think of an idea like that. Nevertheless, it's pure genius!

 I also liked what you did with Wendy's reluctants to wear modern panties. It seems to be that panties are a subject that also isn't talked about much in these stories, like someone mentioned to me about wiping, yet they can be made to things like this as well.

And I sure hope that this is just the beginning of fast food-related stories, which seem to fit the subjects of this site extremely well.

Author's Response:

heh, I'm always trying to think of new and interesting ways to do fics and having two fast food chains in direct compitition was interesting IMO ^_^

About the panties thing, I say a few hentai pics of Wendy and I remimbered that in the pics, the character wore Pantaloons, not panties, then i thought, wouldn't it be interesing if instead of pantypooping, it's pantaloon-pooping... ^_^ 

Date: Mar 07, 2009 08:15 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: Toasty Signed
Heh, that was a pretty cool idea for a story, and I like what you did with it. Also, I'm glad that Wendy got the last laugh at the end. The girl so seldom wins in these kinds of scenarios.

Author's Response:

Glad you liked it ^_^

I was trying to think of a story for the fic and it came to me a few days ago as I was laying in bed to sleep.

And i was going for that japanesee 'idol' feel, With Wendy having a fanbase lol ^_^

Date: Mar 07, 2009 08:04 pm [Report This]
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