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Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: UndeadRiot Signed
Pretty good. I haven't watched Dragon Ball in forever, mainly since I was a kid, but this is a good story. Here's a Ten Star Rating for your work.

Author's Response: Thanks
Date: Aug 19, 2013 09:20 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: yarr Signed
I see some sentences are pretty much copy paste from some other stories, one of mine included.. Other then that, decent effort.

Author's Response: Honestly I got some stuff and ideas from deviantart and a different site. I cant remember the other source but i do not remember copying from this site at all really or your great work (which is fabulous by the way). I am going to apologize if I did I just don remember doing so. I haven't checked on this site for a while since nothing has been uploaded and i tend to get impatient for this site to load up. I don't know if it happens to anybody else but it takes me mostly 7 refreshes just to get on this site every time i visit, even just to read a story it takes too long. so i don't come to this site that much and I spend most of my time on writing again. I'm sorry if I did its just that I don't recall doing this I haven't been on this site for a while that's all. And thank you for the compliment.
Date: Aug 17, 2013 12:26 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: OrpheumZero Signed

Good effort. The writing feels solid enough, and the pacing is nice.


I would say the characterization feels a bit off, if only because Chi Chi either would be very aggressive, or sort of confused about how to act, given how in Dragon Ball, she was somewhat clueless like Goku, and largely forgiving for his lack of manners. While In DBZ... well, she was kind of a bitch half the time. Goku seemed alright, but could have had more funny bits, like mention how Grandpa Gohan and he would maybe poop together, thus making him not really care that his wife, A GIRL, is taking a huge shit.


A few spelling errors, but otherwise an overall good story.

Author's Response: Thanks you and now i think about it i did kind of made the characters off but again thank you very much for reviewing i consider you a legend on this site with a few others as well so t makes me feel good that someone like you compliment my story.

Author's Response: Thanks you and now i think about it i did kind of made the characters off but again thank you very much for reviewing i consider you a legend on this site with a few others as well. So it makes me feel good that someone like you compliment my story.
Date: Aug 15, 2013 10:52 pm [Report This]
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