Reviews For Ibuki's day out.
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Title: Ibuki's near accident Reviewer: Jimmy Olsen Signed
I think this is the first story I've read where a girl is climbing a tree as she tries to manage her logs. It's a good setting/activity for desperation, and you describe it well. It would help to know how high up she is. Actually, a bit more scenery description could improve the story.

In addition to the tree-climbing, this is a unique dump. I've seen pictures before with the girl's undies becoming a hammock, but I haven't read about it before. It's an interesting semi-accident scenario.

One error. I think you mean "regarded with considerable disdain." Otherwise it's a contradiction of terms.

Overall a very enjoyable story, even though I didn't know the characters as usual.

Author's Response: Same here, I've only seen Ibuki here and there. Though I instantly fell in love with the picture it's based on as there aren't many pics like it, at least ones with such gorgeous detail. Certainlyl, I'll try to adjust the scenery detail, though it's hard to really describes that don't change much, heheheh. And it was fun coming up with yet another unique dumping scenario, and I may have another fun one in the works soon, though entirely original on my part. Thanks for the review.
Date: Jul 01, 2012 11:25 pm [Report This]
Title: Ibuki's near accident Reviewer: packrat Signed

That was a pretty good story.  I don't know much about the Street Fighter characters myself (I only know Sakura, Chun Li, and Cammy because I thought they were hot), but I have to say I like the the way you wrote her.

BTW, what picture were you talking about exactly?

Author's Response: Look it up in the media, or just go to my thread in the forum. I linked it there since you can't use direct links here, far as I know.
Date: Jun 20, 2012 03:01 pm [Report This]
Title: Ibuki's near accident Reviewer: Poowrite Anonymous
Not bad. Short, but very sweet. I didn't see the pic it was based on until after reading the story, and the actual image was pretty much exactly how I'd pictured it from your descriptions. Well done.

Author's Response:

Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. Bet you never imagined a girl shitting FROM a tree before, eh? ;)

Date: Jun 19, 2012 01:05 pm [Report This]
Title: Ibuki's near accident Reviewer: HaloAnime Signed
Hry Orpheum, nice jb, i have never played a disc game (Ive playd a demo and an emulator) of Street fighter, but it i well done, short but sweet. Do you thnk you could review my story My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Luna's Scret please? Thank you

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review.

Sorry, but I just don't care for MLP. That, and I just don't like the idea of animal characters doing that sort of stuff.

Date: Jun 17, 2012 02:58 pm [Report This]
Title: Ibuki's near accident Reviewer: thedriffer91 Signed
Story if very good. It is short but your excellent writing made it great. It also fits the picture very well and look forward to future installments.
And for ideas? Maybe a toilet battle between Ibuki and the notorious Sakura ;)

Author's Response: Maybe. Didn't really think much about anything beyond this little story.
Date: Jun 15, 2012 05:15 am [Report This]
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