Jill Valentine
Other Results: 1 Challenges
Summary: Jill Valentine is back in action years after being mind controlled by long time enemy Albert Wesker in West Africa. Her first mission takes her to the swampland of Louisiana, where a new Bio-Weapon named Eveline resides. But as usual with all characters in the Resident Evil universe... things get worse before they get better.
Categories: Resident Evil Characters: Claire Redfield, Jill Valentine, Sherry Birkin
Warnings: Defecation, Farting
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 17916 Read Count: 1949
Published: Mar 20, 2018 Updated: Jan 15, 2019 [Report This]
Summary: Past Featured Story

Jill Valentine is a girl who doesn't wait for things to happen. While able to keep her sanity in the choas inside the Spencer mansion, that doesn't mean her 'deeper needs' will remain inside her forvever. Watch as Jill takes a risk and answers the call of nature inside a lonely bathroom.

Categories: Resident Evil, Story Contest X Characters: Jill Valentine
Warnings: Defecation, Urination
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 5518 Read Count: 3616
Published: Aug 02, 2008 Updated: Sep 18, 2010 [Report This]

All of CAPCOM's characters have a festival to promote all of their new games. However, in the middle of it all, how are Jill (Resident Evil 5) and Trish (Devil May Cry 4) going to settle an argument over who's going to be Leon's new girlfriend? Our favorite hero, (Well, not everyone's favorite, anyway) Leon, has a solution. NOTE: I may add another chapter. But, the original idea had only one. However, it DOES sound interesting. I'll let people read and review first, and let them tell me what they want. However, I will be deciding what the alternate chapter should be.  Disclaimer*: All characters, weapons and locations are the property of their respective owners. The original plot, however, is the Author's idea. The Author is in now way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement intended. 2ND NOTE: Like I said in my other Fic, if it says it's from a series, I DID NOT PUT THAT THERE AND I'M NOT TRYING TO STEAL ANYONE'S IDEAS!!! Plus, due to my Temperal Autism, as mentioned in my first Fic, it might have a couple of spelling errors. If so, leave a review telling me where it's at and I'll fix it.

Categories: Devil May Cry, Resident Evil Characters: Barry Burton, Billy Coen, Claire Redfield, Dante, Jill Valentine, Leon S. Kennedy, Nero, Sherry Birkin, Trish, Vergil
Warnings: Urination
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1421 Read Count: 265
Published: Oct 27, 2012 Updated: Oct 27, 2012 [Report This]