Nyou Fiction
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I have remade the Interactive Stories, but this time with a Flash UI! Its simple enough to use, just select an option or path from the list box on the bottom left then click the button next to it. you can also type in the small box under the button, type in a path number and click button and you go straight there with with out having to go to each path before it. you can find the path number in the very top box, on the left. To make a new path, just go to the path you want to add it on then just select "--Post New Path--" click button, then type in the title something to describe your new path as its what will appear in the list box, the type in your story for your new path, then select "--Post Story Path--" and click button. then check list box if "--Go To New Path--" shows up you have successfully added your path, if not it will tell you why, fix error and try again.
--Post New Path--
The Legend of Zelda
Digimon Tamers
Final Fantasy X-2
Sailor Moon
Dragon Ball series
Choose your own desperation girl!
Princess Kara
Taking a Shit! (Self Explanitory)
Kagome's Difficult Decisions
Honest Emergency
Sailor Mars In Diapers
Alien Toilet
Hinata's Curse
Reach The Bathroom In Time
Bonus Stage
Bathroom Dueling
Harry Potter
Bridal Bladder
Resident Evil: Desperation Edition
UndeadRiot's ultimate Crossover: Interactive Story version
A Potty Deal
Fire Emblem
Adventure Time Girls
Three Girls
The Wager
Sonic the Hedgehog
Street Fighter
Street Fighter
Street Fighter
Street Fighter
Street Fighter
Street Fighter
Street Fighter
Street Fighter
Original Characters